Plantilla de descripción larga de AWS Data Exchange productos para medios de comunicación y entretenimiento - AWS Data Exchange Guía del usuario

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Plantilla de descripción larga de AWS Data Exchange productos para medios de comunicación y entretenimiento

Cuando publiques un producto AWS Data Exchange, debes incluir una descripción larga que contenga toda la información necesaria para que los suscriptores entiendan lo que ofrece tu producto. La siguiente es una plantilla para una descripción larga de los productos multimedia y de entretenimiento.

--- ## PRODUCT TITLE Data Product Overview Instructions: Provide a description of the data product and what it contains in this section. --- ## Use Cases Instructions: Provide a handful of use-cases or guidance of best ways to utilize the data product. --- ## Metadata Instructions: Provide metadata of your data using a table. Examples include but are not limited to: Description | Value ----|----- Update Frequency | ADD INFO HERE Data Source(s) | ADD INFO HERE Original Publisher of data | ADD INFO HERE Data Creation Date | ADD INFO HERE Data Modification Date | ADD INFO HERE Geographic coverage | ADD INFO HERE Time period coverage | ADD INFO HERE Is historical data “point-in-time” | YES OR NO Data Set(s) Format(s) | ADD INFO HERE Raw or scraped data | ADD INFO HERE Key Fields | ADD INFO HERE Key Words | ADD INFO HERE Number of companies/brands covered | ADD INFO HERE --- Table format examples ## Data Set(s) Inventory File Description | Format | Initial Size | Revision Frequency | Revision Type ----|----- New Text Archives | .CSV | 100 GB | Hourly | Incremental Image Library | .JSON | 1.5 TB | Weekly | Incremental Ratings | .JSON | 50 MB | Every 5 Min | Republish --- ## Key Data Points Examples of key data points include: * Publisher or Studio * Title * Artist Name * Producer Name * Director Name * Distributor * Distribution Channel * Release Date * Publish Date * Format * Operating System * Sale Price * Number of Transactions * Number of Streams * Average rating * Designated Market Area (DMA) * Zip or Postal Code --- ## Additional Information * [Data Source] (ADD LINK HERE) * [Data Due Diligence Questionnaire] (ADD LINK HERE) * [Link to Corresponding ADX Trial Product/ Link to Corresponding ADX Paid Product] (ADD LINK HERE) --- ## Pricing Information If you would like to tell your subscribers that you would like them to inquire for custom pricing (i.e., you price based on other variables), you can explain here. --- ## Regulatory and Compliance Information If this section is applicable, provide an overview of the regulatory guidance and compliance for use of this product. Are there exemptions that need to be linked in order for the data product to be published? --- ## Subscription Verification Request Information If you are enabling subscription verification for your products, you may elect to indicate the information that you will require from the prospective subscriber i.e., EIN number, # of applications, # of users, # of Regions, etc. --- ## Need Help? * If you have questions about our products, contact us using the support information below. --- ## About Your Company Provide a description and/or link about your company * [Company Fact Sheet] (ADD LINK HERE)