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Automatización de AWS Device Farm
El acceso mediante programación a Device Farm es una forma eficaz de automatizar las tareas comunes que necesita realizar, como programar una ejecución o descargar los artefactos para una ejecución, un conjunto o una prueba. El SDK de AWS y la AWS CLI proporcionan medios para hacerlo.
El SDK de AWS proporciona acceso a todos los servicios de AWS, incluidos Device Farm, Amazon S3 y más. Para obtener más información, consulte
Ejemplo: usar el SDK de AWS para iniciar una ejecución de Device Farm y recopilar artefactos
El siguiente ejemplo proporciona una demostración de principio a fin de cómo puede utilizar el SDK de AWS para trabajar con Device Farm. En el ejemplo se realiza lo siguiente:
Carga una prueba y paquetes de aplicación en Device Farm
Inicia una ejecución de prueba y espera su finalización (o fallo)
Descarga todos los artefactos producidos por los conjuntos de pruebas
Este ejemplo depende del paquete de terceros requests
para interactuar con HTTP.
import boto3 import os import requests import string import random import time import datetime import time import json # The following script runs a test through Device Farm # # Things you have to change: config = { # This is our app under test. "appFilePath":"app-debug.apk", "projectArn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:111122223333:project:1b99bcff-1111-2222-ab2f-8c3c733c55ed", # Since we care about the most popular devices, we'll use a curated pool. "testSpecArn":"arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::upload:101e31e8-12ac-11e9-ab14-d663bd873e83", "poolArn":"arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::devicepool:082d10e5-d7d7-48a5-ba5c-b33d66efa1f5", "namePrefix":"MyAppTest", # This is our test package. This tutorial won't go into how to make these. "testPackage":"" } client = boto3.client('devicefarm') unique = config['namePrefix']+"-"+(''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters,8))) print(f"The unique identifier for this run is going to be {unique} -- all uploads will be prefixed with this.") def upload_df_file(filename, type_, mime='application/octet-stream'): response = client.create_upload(projectArn=config['projectArn'], name = (unique)+"_"+os.path.basename(filename), type=type_, contentType=mime ) # Get the upload ARN, which we'll return later. upload_arn = response['upload']['arn'] # We're going to extract the URL of the upload and use Requests to upload it upload_url = response['upload']['url'] with open(filename, 'rb') as file_stream: print(f"Uploading {filename} to Device Farm as {response['upload']['name']}... ",end='') put_req = requests.put(upload_url, data=file_stream, headers={"content-type":mime}) print(' done') if not put_req.ok: raise Exception("Couldn't upload, requests said we're not ok. Requests says: "+put_req.reason) started = while True: print(f"Upload of {filename} in state {response['upload']['status']} after "+str( - started)) if response['upload']['status'] == 'FAILED': raise Exception("The upload failed processing. DeviceFarm says reason is: \n"+(response['upload']['message'] if 'message' in response['upload'] else response['upload']['metadata'])) if response['upload']['status'] == 'SUCCEEDED': break time.sleep(5) response = client.get_upload(arn=upload_arn) print("") return upload_arn our_upload_arn = upload_df_file(config['appFilePath'], "ANDROID_APP") our_test_package_arn = upload_df_file(config['testPackage'], 'APPIUM_PYTHON_TEST_PACKAGE') print(our_upload_arn, our_test_package_arn) # Now that we have those out of the way, we can start the test run... response = client.schedule_run( projectArn = config["projectArn"], appArn = our_upload_arn, devicePoolArn = config["poolArn"], name=unique, test = { "type":"APPIUM_PYTHON", "testSpecArn": config["testSpecArn"], "testPackageArn": our_test_package_arn } ) run_arn = response['run']['arn'] start_time = print(f"Run {unique} is scheduled as arn {run_arn} ") try: while True: response = client.get_run(arn=run_arn) state = response['run']['status'] if state == 'COMPLETED' or state == 'ERRORED': break else: print(f" Run {unique} in state {state}, total time "+str( time.sleep(10) except: # If something goes wrong in this process, we stop the run and exit. client.stop_run(arn=run_arn) exit(1) print(f"Tests finished in state {state} after "+str( - start_time)) # now, we pull all the logs. jobs_response = client.list_jobs(arn=run_arn) # Save the output somewhere. We're using the unique value, but you could use something else save_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), unique) os.mkdir(save_path) # Save the last run information for job in jobs_response['jobs'] : # Make a directory for our information job_name = job['name'] os.makedirs(os.path.join(save_path, job_name), exist_ok=True) # Get each suite within the job suites = client.list_suites(arn=job['arn'])['suites'] for suite in suites: for test in client.list_tests(arn=suite['arn'])['tests']: # Get the artifacts for artifact_type in ['FILE','SCREENSHOT','LOG']: artifacts = client.list_artifacts( type=artifact_type, arn = test['arn'] )['artifacts'] for artifact in artifacts: # We replace : because it has a special meaning in Windows & macos path_to = os.path.join(save_path, job_name, suite['name'], test['name'].replace(':','_') ) os.makedirs(path_to, exist_ok=True) filename = artifact['type']+"_"+artifact['name']+"."+artifact['extension'] artifact_save_path = os.path.join(path_to, filename) print("Downloading "+artifact_save_path) with open(artifact_save_path, 'wb') as fn, requests.get(artifact['url'],allow_redirects=True) as request: fn.write(request.content) #/for artifact in artifacts #/for artifact type in [] #/ for test in ()[] #/ for suite in suites #/ for job in _[] # done print("Finished")