Las traducciones son generadas a través de traducción automática. En caso de conflicto entre la traducción y la version original de inglés, prevalecerá la version en inglés.
Cómo utilizar el almacenamiento en caché de claves de datos
En este tema se muestra cómo usar el almacenamiento en caché de claves de datos en las aplicaciones. Recorremos el proceso paso a paso. A continuación, combinaremos todo el procedimiento en un ejemplo sencillo que utiliza el almacenamiento en caché de claves de datos en una operación para cifrar una cadena.
Los ejemplos en esta sección muestran cómo usar la versión 2.0.x y posterior del AWS Encryption SDK. Para ver ejemplos que utilizan versiones anteriores, busca tu versión en la lista de versiones
Para ver ejemplos completos y comprobados del uso del almacenamiento en caché de claves de datos en el AWS Encryption SDK, consulta:
C/C++: caching_cmm.cpp
JavaScript Navegador: caching_cmm.ts
JavaScript Node.js: caching_cmm.ts
El AWS Encryption SDK cuatro. NETno admite el almacenamiento en caché de claves de datos.
Uso del almacenamiento en caché de claves de datos: Step-by-step
Estas step-by-step instrucciones le muestran cómo crear los componentes que necesita para implementar el almacenamiento en caché de claves de datos.
Crear una caché de clave de datos. En estos ejemplos, utilizamos la caché local que AWS Encryption SDK proporciona. Limitamos la caché a 10 claves de datos.
- C
// Cache capacity (maximum number of entries) is required size_t cache_capacity = 10; struct aws_allocator *allocator = aws_default_allocator(); struct aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache *cache = aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_local_new(allocator, cache_capacity);
- Java
El siguiente ejemplo usa la versión 2. x del SDK de cifrado de AWS para Java. Versión 3. x de la SDK de cifrado de AWS para Java desaprueba el almacenamiento en caché de las claves de datos. CMM Con la versión 3. x, también puede utilizar el llavero AWS KMS jerárquico, una solución alternativa de almacenamiento en caché de materiales criptográficos.
// Cache capacity (maximum number of entries) is required int MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 10; CryptoMaterialsCache cache = new LocalCryptoMaterialsCache(MAX_CACHE_SIZE);
- JavaScript Browser
const capacity = 10 const cache = getLocalCryptographicMaterialsCache(capacity)
- JavaScript Node.js
const capacity = 10 const cache = getLocalCryptographicMaterialsCache(capacity)
- Python
# Cache capacity (maximum number of entries) is required MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 10 cache = aws_encryption_sdk.LocalCryptoMaterialsCache(MAX_CACHE_SIZE)
Cree un proveedor de claves maestras (Java y Python) o un anillo de claves (C y JavaScript). En estos ejemplos se utiliza un proveedor de claves maestras AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) o un conjunto de AWS KMS claves compatible.
- C
// Create an AWS KMS keyring // The input is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) // of an AWS KMS key struct aws_cryptosdk_keyring *kms_keyring = Aws::Cryptosdk::KmsKeyring::Builder().Build(kms_key_arn);
- Java
El siguiente ejemplo usa la versión 2. x del SDK de cifrado de AWS para Java. Versión 3. x de la SDK de cifrado de AWS para Java desaprueba el almacenamiento en caché de las claves de datos. CMM Con la versión 3. x, también puede utilizar el llavero AWS KMS jerárquico, una solución alternativa de almacenamiento en caché de materiales criptográficos.
// Create an AWS KMS master key provider // The input is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) // of an AWS KMS key MasterKeyProvider<KmsMasterKey> keyProvider = KmsMasterKeyProvider.builder().buildStrict(kmsKeyArn);
- JavaScript Browser
En el navegador, debe insertar las credenciales de forma segura. En este ejemplo se definen las credenciales de un paquete web (kms.webpack.config) que resuelve las credenciales en tiempo de ejecución. Crea una instancia de proveedor de AWS KMS clientes a partir de un AWS KMS cliente y las credenciales. Luego, cuando crea el anillo de claves, pasa el proveedor del cliente al constructor junto con el AWS KMS key (
.const { accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, sessionToken } = credentials const clientProvider = getClient(KMS, { credentials: { accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, sessionToken } }) /* Create an AWS KMS keyring * You must configure the AWS KMS keyring with at least one AWS KMS key * The input is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) */ of an AWS KMS key const keyring = new KmsKeyringBrowser({ clientProvider, generatorKeyId, keyIds, })
- JavaScript Node.js
/* Create an AWS KMS keyring * The input is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) */ of an AWS KMS key const keyring = new KmsKeyringNode({ generatorKeyId })
- Python
# Create an AWS KMS master key provider # The input is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) # of an AWS KMS key key_provider = aws_encryption_sdk.StrictAwsKmsMasterKeyProvider(key_ids=[kms_key_arn])
Cree un administrador de materiales criptográficos de almacenamiento en caché (almacenamiento en caché). CMM
Asocie el almacenamiento en caché CMM a su caché y a su proveedor de claves maestras o conjunto de claves. A continuación, establece los umbrales de seguridad de la memoria caché en la memoria caché. CMM
- C
En el SDK de cifrado de AWS para C, puedes crear un almacenamiento en caché CMM a partir de un subyacenteCMM, como el predeterminadoCMM, o de un conjunto de claves. En este ejemplo, se crea el almacenamiento en caché a CMM partir de un anillo de claves.
Tras crear el almacenamiento en cachéCMM, puede liberar las referencias al anillo de claves y a la caché. Para obtener más información, consulte Recuento de referencias.
// Create the caching CMM // Set the partition ID to NULL. // Set the required maximum age value to 60 seconds. struct aws_cryptosdk_cmm *caching_cmm = aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_new_from_keyring(allocator, cache, kms_keyring, NULL, 60, AWS_TIMESTAMP_SECS); // Add an optional message threshold // The cached data key will not be used for more than 10 messages. aws_status = aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_set_limit_messages(caching_cmm, 10); // Release your references to the cache and the keyring. aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_release(cache); aws_cryptosdk_keyring_release(kms_keyring);
- Java
El siguiente ejemplo usa la versión 2. x del SDK de cifrado de AWS para Java. Versión 3. x of the SDK de cifrado de AWS para Java no admite el almacenamiento en caché de claves de datos, pero sí admite el anillo de claves AWS KMS jerárquico, una solución alternativa de almacenamiento en caché de materiales criptográficos.
/* * Security thresholds * Max entry age is required. * Max messages (and max bytes) per entry are optional */ int MAX_ENTRY_AGE_SECONDS = 60; int MAX_ENTRY_MSGS = 10; //Create a caching CMM CryptoMaterialsManager cachingCmm = CachingCryptoMaterialsManager.newBuilder().withMasterKeyProvider(keyProvider) .withCache(cache) .withMaxAge(MAX_ENTRY_AGE_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .withMessageUseLimit(MAX_ENTRY_MSGS) .build();
- JavaScript Browser
/* * Security thresholds * Max age (in milliseconds) is required. * Max messages (and max bytes) per entry are optional. */ const maxAge = 1000 * 60 const maxMessagesEncrypted = 10 /* Create a caching CMM from a keyring */ const cachingCmm = new WebCryptoCachingMaterialsManager({ backingMaterials: keyring, cache, maxAge, maxMessagesEncrypted })
- JavaScript Node.js
/* * Security thresholds * Max age (in milliseconds) is required. * Max messages (and max bytes) per entry are optional. */ const maxAge = 1000 * 60 const maxMessagesEncrypted = 10 /* Create a caching CMM from a keyring */ const cachingCmm = new NodeCachingMaterialsManager({ backingMaterials: keyring, cache, maxAge, maxMessagesEncrypted })
- Python
# Security thresholds # Max entry age is required. # Max messages (and max bytes) per entry are optional # MAX_ENTRY_AGE_SECONDS = 60.0 MAX_ENTRY_MESSAGES = 10 # Create a caching CMM caching_cmm = CachingCryptoMaterialsManager( master_key_provider=key_provider, cache=cache, max_age=MAX_ENTRY_AGE_SECONDS, max_messages_encrypted=MAX_ENTRY_MESSAGES )
Es todo lo que tiene que hacer. A continuación, deje que AWS Encryption SDK administren la memoria caché por usted o añada su propia lógica de administración de la memoria caché.
Si desea utilizar el almacenamiento en caché de claves de datos en una llamada para cifrar o descifrar datos, especifique el almacenamiento en caché CMM en lugar de un proveedor de claves maestras u otro. CMM
Si va a cifrar flujos de datos o datos de tamaño desconocido, asegúrese de especificar el tamaño de los datos en la solicitud. AWS Encryption SDK No utiliza el almacenamiento en caché de claves de datos al cifrar datos de tamaño desconocido.
- C
En el SDK de cifrado de AWS para C, se crea una sesión con el almacenamiento en caché CMM y, a continuación, se procesa la sesión.
De forma predeterminada, cuando el tamaño del mensaje es desconocido e ilimitado, no almacena en caché las AWS Encryption SDK claves de datos. Para permitir el almacenamiento en caché cuando no se conoce el tamaño exacto de los datos, utilice el método
para establecer un tamaño máximo para el mensaje. Defina el límite en un tamaño mayor que el tamaño estimado del mensaje. Si el tamaño real del mensaje supera el límite, la operación de cifrado genera un error./* Create a session with the caching CMM. Set the session mode to encrypt. */ struct aws_cryptosdk_session *session = aws_cryptosdk_session_new_from_cmm_2(allocator, AWS_CRYPTOSDK_ENCRYPT, caching_cmm); /* Set a message bound of 1000 bytes */ aws_status = aws_cryptosdk_session_set_message_bound(session, 1000); /* Encrypt the message using the session with the caching CMM */ aws_status = aws_cryptosdk_session_process( session, output_buffer, output_capacity, &output_produced, input_buffer, input_len, &input_consumed); /* Release your references to the caching CMM and the session. */ aws_cryptosdk_cmm_release(caching_cmm); aws_cryptosdk_session_destroy(session);
- Java
El siguiente ejemplo usa la versión 2. x del SDK de cifrado de AWS para Java. Versión 3. x de la SDK de cifrado de AWS para Java desaprueba el almacenamiento en caché de las claves de datos. CMM Con la versión 3. x, también puede utilizar el llavero AWS KMS jerárquico, una solución alternativa de almacenamiento en caché de materiales criptográficos.
// When the call to encryptData specifies a caching CMM, // the encryption operation uses the data key cache final AwsCrypto encryptionSdk = AwsCrypto.standard(); return encryptionSdk.encryptData(cachingCmm, plaintext_source).getResult();
- JavaScript Browser
const { result } = await encrypt(cachingCmm, plaintext)
- JavaScript Node.js
Al utilizar el almacenamiento CMM en caché del archivo Node.js, el SDK de cifrado de AWS para JavaScript
método requiere la longitud del texto sin formato. Si no la proporciona, la clave de datos no se almacena en caché. Si proporciona una longitud, pero los datos en texto no cifrado que proporciona superan esa longitud, se producirá un error en la operación de cifrado. Si no sabe la longitud exacta del texto no cifrado, como cuando transmite datos, proporcione el valor esperado más grande.const { result } = await encrypt(cachingCmm, plaintext, { plaintextLength: plaintext.length })
- Python
# Set up an encryption client client = aws_encryption_sdk.EncryptionSDKClient() # When the call to encrypt specifies a caching CMM, # the encryption operation uses the data key cache # encrypted_message, header = client.encrypt( source=plaintext_source, materials_manager=caching_cmm )
Ejemplo de almacenamiento en caché de claves de datos: cifrado de una cadena
Este ejemplo de código sencillo utiliza el almacenamiento en caché de claves de datos al cifrar una cadena. Combina el código del step-by-step procedimiento en un código de prueba que puede ejecutar.
El ejemplo crea una caché local y un proveedor de claves maestras o un conjunto de claves para un AWS KMS key. A continuación, utiliza la caché local y el proveedor de claves maestras o el conjunto de claves para crear un almacenamiento en caché CMM con los umbrales de seguridad adecuados. En Java y Python, la solicitud de cifrado especifica el almacenamiento en cachéCMM, los datos de texto sin formato que se van a cifrar y un contexto de cifrado. En C, el almacenamiento en caché CMM se especifica en la sesión y la sesión se proporciona a la solicitud de cifrado.
Para ejecutar estos ejemplos, debe proporcionar el nombre de recurso de Amazon (ARN) de un AWS KMS key. Compruebe de tenga permiso para utilizar la AWS KMS key para generar una clave de datos.
Para obtener ejemplos reales más detallados de cómo crear y usar una caché de claves de datos, consulte Ejemplo de almacenamiento en caché de claves de datos.
- C
/* * Copyright 2019, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is * located at * * * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <aws/cryptosdk/cache.h> #include <aws/cryptosdk/cpp/kms_keyring.h> #include <aws/cryptosdk/session.h> void encrypt_with_caching( uint8_t *ciphertext, // output will go here (assumes ciphertext_capacity bytes already allocated) size_t *ciphertext_len, // length of output will go here size_t ciphertext_capacity, const char *kms_key_arn, int max_entry_age, int cache_capacity) { const uint64_t MAX_ENTRY_MSGS = 100; struct aws_allocator *allocator = aws_default_allocator(); // Load error strings for debugging aws_cryptosdk_load_error_strings(); // Create a keyring struct aws_cryptosdk_keyring *kms_keyring = Aws::Cryptosdk::KmsKeyring::Builder().Build(kms_key_arn); // Create a cache struct aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache *cache = aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_local_new(allocator, cache_capacity); // Create a caching CMM struct aws_cryptosdk_cmm *caching_cmm = aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_new_from_keyring( allocator, cache, kms_keyring, NULL, max_entry_age, AWS_TIMESTAMP_SECS); if (!caching_cmm) abort(); if (aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_set_limit_messages(caching_cmm, MAX_ENTRY_MSGS)) abort(); // Create a session struct aws_cryptosdk_session *session = aws_cryptosdk_session_new_from_cmm_2(allocator, AWS_CRYPTOSDK_ENCRYPT, caching_cmm); if (!session) abort(); // Encryption context struct aws_hash_table *enc_ctx = aws_cryptosdk_session_get_enc_ctx_ptr_mut(session); if (!enc_ctx) abort(); AWS_STATIC_STRING_FROM_LITERAL(enc_ctx_key, "purpose"); AWS_STATIC_STRING_FROM_LITERAL(enc_ctx_value, "test"); if (aws_hash_table_put(enc_ctx, enc_ctx_key, (void *)enc_ctx_value, NULL)) abort(); // Plaintext data to be encrypted const char *my_data = "My plaintext data"; size_t my_data_len = strlen(my_data); if (aws_cryptosdk_session_set_message_size(session, my_data_len)) abort(); // When the session uses a caching CMM, the encryption operation uses the data key cache // specified in the caching CMM. size_t bytes_read; if (aws_cryptosdk_session_process( session, ciphertext, ciphertext_capacity, ciphertext_len, (const uint8_t *)my_data, my_data_len, &bytes_read)) abort(); if (!aws_cryptosdk_session_is_done(session) || bytes_read != my_data_len) abort(); aws_cryptosdk_session_destroy(session); aws_cryptosdk_cmm_release(caching_cmm); aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_release(cache); aws_cryptosdk_keyring_release(kms_keyring); }
- Java
El siguiente ejemplo usa la versión 2. x del SDK de cifrado de AWS para Java. Versión 3. x de la SDK de cifrado de AWS para Java desaprueba el almacenamiento en caché de las claves de datos. CMM Con la versión 3. x, también puede utilizar el llavero AWS KMS jerárquico, una solución alternativa de almacenamiento en caché de materiales criptográficos.
// Copyright Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.amazonaws.crypto.examples; import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.AwsCrypto; import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.CryptoMaterialsManager; import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.MasterKeyProvider; import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.caching.CachingCryptoMaterialsManager; import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.caching.CryptoMaterialsCache; import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.caching.LocalCryptoMaterialsCache; import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.kmssdkv2.KmsMasterKey; import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.kmssdkv2.KmsMasterKeyProvider; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * <p> * Encrypts a string using an &KMS; key and data key caching * * <p> * Arguments: * <ol> * <li>KMS Key ARN: To find the Amazon Resource Name of your &KMS; key, * see 'Find the key ID and ARN' at * <li>Max entry age: Maximum time (in seconds) that a cached entry can be used * <li>Cache capacity: Maximum number of entries in the cache * </ol> */ public class SimpleDataKeyCachingExample { /* * Security thresholds * Max entry age is required. * Max messages (and max bytes) per data key are optional */ private static final int MAX_ENTRY_MSGS = 100; public static byte[] encryptWithCaching(String kmsKeyArn, int maxEntryAge, int cacheCapacity) { // Plaintext data to be encrypted byte[] myData = "My plaintext data".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); // Encryption context // Most encrypted data should have an associated encryption context // to protect integrity. This sample uses placeholder values. // For more information see: // final Map<String, String> encryptionContext = Collections.singletonMap("purpose", "test"); // Create a master key provider MasterKeyProvider<KmsMasterKey> keyProvider = KmsMasterKeyProvider.builder() .buildStrict(kmsKeyArn); // Create a cache CryptoMaterialsCache cache = new LocalCryptoMaterialsCache(cacheCapacity); // Create a caching CMM CryptoMaterialsManager cachingCmm = CachingCryptoMaterialsManager.newBuilder().withMasterKeyProvider(keyProvider) .withCache(cache) .withMaxAge(maxEntryAge, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .withMessageUseLimit(MAX_ENTRY_MSGS) .build(); // When the call to encryptData specifies a caching CMM, // the encryption operation uses the data key cache final AwsCrypto encryptionSdk = AwsCrypto.standard(); return encryptionSdk.encryptData(cachingCmm, myData, encryptionContext).getResult(); } }
- JavaScript Browser
// Copyright Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 /* This is a simple example of using a caching CMM with a KMS keyring * to encrypt and decrypt using the AWS Encryption SDK for Javascript in a browser. */ import { KmsKeyringBrowser, KMS, getClient, buildClient, CommitmentPolicy, WebCryptoCachingMaterialsManager, getLocalCryptographicMaterialsCache, } from '@aws-crypto/client-browser' import { toBase64 } from '@aws-sdk/util-base64-browser' /* This builds the client with the REQUIRE_ENCRYPT_REQUIRE_DECRYPT commitment policy, * which enforces that this client only encrypts using committing algorithm suites * and enforces that this client * will only decrypt encrypted messages * that were created with a committing algorithm suite. * This is the default commitment policy * if you build the client with `buildClient()`. */ const { encrypt, decrypt } = buildClient( CommitmentPolicy.REQUIRE_ENCRYPT_REQUIRE_DECRYPT ) /* This is injected by webpack. * The webpack.DefinePlugin or @aws-sdk/karma-credential-loader will replace the values when bundling. * The credential values are pulled from @aws-sdk/credential-provider-node * Use any method you like to get credentials into the browser. * See kms.webpack.config */ declare const credentials: { accessKeyId: string secretAccessKey: string sessionToken: string } /* This is done to facilitate testing. */ export async function testCachingCMMExample() { /* This example uses an &KMS; keyring. The generator key in a &KMS; keyring generates and encrypts the data key. * The caller needs kms:GenerateDataKey permission on the &KMS; key in generatorKeyId. */ const generatorKeyId = 'arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:658956600833:alias/EncryptDecrypt' /* Adding additional KMS keys that can decrypt. * The caller must have kms:Encrypt permission for every &KMS; key in keyIds. * You might list several keys in different AWS Regions. * This allows you to decrypt the data in any of the represented Regions. * In this example, the generator key * and the additional key are actually the same &KMS; key. * In `generatorId`, this &KMS; key is identified by its alias ARN. * In `keyIds`, this &KMS; key is identified by its key ARN. * In practice, you would specify different &KMS; keys, * or omit the `keyIds` parameter. * This is *only* to demonstrate how the &KMS; key ARNs are configured. */ const keyIds = [ 'arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:658956600833:key/b3537ef1-d8dc-4780-9f5a-55776cbb2f7f', ] /* Need a client provider that will inject correct credentials. * The credentials here are injected by webpack from your environment bundle is created * The credential values are pulled using @aws-sdk/credential-provider-node. * See kms.webpack.config * You should inject your credential into the browser in a secure manner * that works with your application. */ const { accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, sessionToken } = credentials /* getClient takes a KMS client constructor * and optional configuration values. * The credentials can be injected here, * because browsers do not have a standard credential discovery process the way Node.js does. */ const clientProvider = getClient(KMS, { credentials: { accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, sessionToken, }, }) /* You must configure the KMS keyring with your &KMS; keys */ const keyring = new KmsKeyringBrowser({ clientProvider, generatorKeyId, keyIds, }) /* Create a cache to hold the data keys (and related cryptographic material). * This example uses the local cache provided by the Encryption SDK. * The `capacity` value represents the maximum number of entries * that the cache can hold. * To make room for an additional entry, * the cache evicts the oldest cached entry. * Both encrypt and decrypt requests count independently towards this threshold. * Entries that exceed any cache threshold are actively removed from the cache. * By default, the SDK checks one item in the cache every 60 seconds (60,000 milliseconds). * To change this frequency, pass in a `proactiveFrequency` value * as the second parameter. This value is in milliseconds. */ const capacity = 100 const cache = getLocalCryptographicMaterialsCache(capacity) /* The partition name lets multiple caching CMMs share the same local cryptographic cache. * By default, the entries for each CMM are cached separately. However, if you want these CMMs to share the cache, * use the same partition name for both caching CMMs. * If you don't supply a partition name, the Encryption SDK generates a random name for each caching CMM. * As a result, sharing elements in the cache MUST be an intentional operation. */ const partition = 'local partition name' /* maxAge is the time in milliseconds that an entry will be cached. * Elements are actively removed from the cache. */ const maxAge = 1000 * 60 /* The maximum number of bytes that will be encrypted under a single data key. * This value is optional, * but you should configure the lowest practical value. */ const maxBytesEncrypted = 100 /* The maximum number of messages that will be encrypted under a single data key. * This value is optional, * but you should configure the lowest practical value. */ const maxMessagesEncrypted = 10 const cachingCMM = new WebCryptoCachingMaterialsManager({ backingMaterials: keyring, cache, partition, maxAge, maxBytesEncrypted, maxMessagesEncrypted, }) /* Encryption context is a *very* powerful tool for controlling * and managing access. * When you pass an encryption context to the encrypt function, * the encryption context is cryptographically bound to the ciphertext. * If you don't pass in the same encryption context when decrypting, * the decrypt function fails. * The encryption context is ***not*** secret! * Encrypted data is opaque. * You can use an encryption context to assert things about the encrypted data. * The encryption context helps you to determine * whether the ciphertext you retrieved is the ciphertext you expect to decrypt. * For example, if you are are only expecting data from 'us-west-2', * the appearance of a different AWS Region in the encryption context can indicate malicious interference. * See: * * Also, cached data keys are reused ***only*** when the encryption contexts passed into the functions are an exact case-sensitive match. * See: */ const encryptionContext = { stage: 'demo', purpose: 'simple demonstration app', origin: 'us-west-2', } /* Find data to encrypt. */ const plainText = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) /* Encrypt the data. * The caching CMM only reuses data keys * when it know the length (or an estimate) of the plaintext. * However, in the browser, * you must provide all of the plaintext to the encrypt function. * Therefore, the encrypt function in the browser knows the length of the plaintext * and does not accept a plaintextLength option. */ const { result } = await encrypt(cachingCMM, plainText, { encryptionContext }) /* Log the plain text * only for testing and to show that it works. */ console.log('plainText:', plainText) document.write('</br>plainText:' + plainText + '</br>') /* Log the base64-encoded result * so that you can try decrypting it with another AWS Encryption SDK implementation. */ const resultBase64 = toBase64(result) console.log(resultBase64) document.write(resultBase64) /* Decrypt the data. * NOTE: This decrypt request will not use the data key * that was cached during the encrypt operation. * Data keys for encrypt and decrypt operations are cached separately. */ const { plaintext, messageHeader } = await decrypt(cachingCMM, result) /* Grab the encryption context so you can verify it. */ const { encryptionContext: decryptedContext } = messageHeader /* Verify the encryption context. * If you use an algorithm suite with signing, * the Encryption SDK adds a name-value pair to the encryption context that contains the public key. * Because the encryption context might contain additional key-value pairs, * do not include a test that requires that all key-value pairs match. * Instead, verify that the key-value pairs that you supplied to the `encrypt` function are included in the encryption context that the `decrypt` function returns. */ Object.entries(encryptionContext).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (decryptedContext[key] !== value) throw new Error('Encryption Context does not match expected values') }) /* Log the clear message * only for testing and to show that it works. */ document.write('</br>Decrypted:' + plaintext) console.log(plaintext) /* Return the values to make testing easy. */ return { plainText, plaintext } }
- JavaScript Node.js
// Copyright Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { KmsKeyringNode, buildClient, CommitmentPolicy, NodeCachingMaterialsManager, getLocalCryptographicMaterialsCache, } from '@aws-crypto/client-node' /* This builds the client with the REQUIRE_ENCRYPT_REQUIRE_DECRYPT commitment policy, * which enforces that this client only encrypts using committing algorithm suites * and enforces that this client * will only decrypt encrypted messages * that were created with a committing algorithm suite. * This is the default commitment policy * if you build the client with `buildClient()`. */ const { encrypt, decrypt } = buildClient( CommitmentPolicy.REQUIRE_ENCRYPT_REQUIRE_DECRYPT ) export async function cachingCMMNodeSimpleTest() { /* An &KMS; key is required to generate the data key. * You need kms:GenerateDataKey permission on the &KMS; key in generatorKeyId. */ const generatorKeyId = 'arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:658956600833:alias/EncryptDecrypt' /* Adding alternate &KMS; keys that can decrypt. * Access to kms:Encrypt is required for every &KMS; key in keyIds. * You might list several keys in different AWS Regions. * This allows you to decrypt the data in any of the represented Regions. * In this example, the generator key * and the additional key are actually the same &KMS; key. * In `generatorId`, this &KMS; key is identified by its alias ARN. * In `keyIds`, this &KMS; key is identified by its key ARN. * In practice, you would specify different &KMS; keys, * or omit the `keyIds` parameter. * This is *only* to demonstrate how the &KMS; key ARNs are configured. */ const keyIds = [ 'arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:658956600833:key/b3537ef1-d8dc-4780-9f5a-55776cbb2f7f', ] /* The &KMS; keyring must be configured with the desired &KMS; keys * This example passes the keyring to the caching CMM * instead of using it directly. */ const keyring = new KmsKeyringNode({ generatorKeyId, keyIds }) /* Create a cache to hold the data keys (and related cryptographic material). * This example uses the local cache provided by the Encryption SDK. * The `capacity` value represents the maximum number of entries * that the cache can hold. * To make room for an additional entry, * the cache evicts the oldest cached entry. * Both encrypt and decrypt requests count independently towards this threshold. * Entries that exceed any cache threshold are actively removed from the cache. * By default, the SDK checks one item in the cache every 60 seconds (60,000 milliseconds). * To change this frequency, pass in a `proactiveFrequency` value * as the second parameter. This value is in milliseconds. */ const capacity = 100 const cache = getLocalCryptographicMaterialsCache(capacity) /* The partition name lets multiple caching CMMs share the same local cryptographic cache. * By default, the entries for each CMM are cached separately. However, if you want these CMMs to share the cache, * use the same partition name for both caching CMMs. * If you don't supply a partition name, the Encryption SDK generates a random name for each caching CMM. * As a result, sharing elements in the cache MUST be an intentional operation. */ const partition = 'local partition name' /* maxAge is the time in milliseconds that an entry will be cached. * Elements are actively removed from the cache. */ const maxAge = 1000 * 60 /* The maximum amount of bytes that will be encrypted under a single data key. * This value is optional, * but you should configure the lowest value possible. */ const maxBytesEncrypted = 100 /* The maximum number of messages that will be encrypted under a single data key. * This value is optional, * but you should configure the lowest value possible. */ const maxMessagesEncrypted = 10 const cachingCMM = new NodeCachingMaterialsManager({ backingMaterials: keyring, cache, partition, maxAge, maxBytesEncrypted, maxMessagesEncrypted, }) /* Encryption context is a *very* powerful tool for controlling * and managing access. * When you pass an encryption context to the encrypt function, * the encryption context is cryptographically bound to the ciphertext. * If you don't pass in the same encryption context when decrypting, * the decrypt function fails. * The encryption context is ***not*** secret! * Encrypted data is opaque. * You can use an encryption context to assert things about the encrypted data. * The encryption context helps you to determine * whether the ciphertext you retrieved is the ciphertext you expect to decrypt. * For example, if you are are only expecting data from 'us-west-2', * the appearance of a different AWS Region in the encryption context can indicate malicious interference. * See: * * Also, cached data keys are reused ***only*** when the encryption contexts passed into the functions are an exact case-sensitive match. * See: */ const encryptionContext = { stage: 'demo', purpose: 'simple demonstration app', origin: 'us-west-2', } /* Find data to encrypt. A simple string. */ const cleartext = 'asdf' /* Encrypt the data. * The caching CMM only reuses data keys * when it know the length (or an estimate) of the plaintext. * If you do not know the length, * because the data is a stream * provide an estimate of the largest expected value. * * If your estimate is smaller than the actual plaintext length * the AWS Encryption SDK will throw an exception. * * If the plaintext is not a stream, * the AWS Encryption SDK uses the actual plaintext length * instead of any length you provide. */ const { result } = await encrypt(cachingCMM, cleartext, { encryptionContext, plaintextLength: 4, }) /* Decrypt the data. * NOTE: This decrypt request will not use the data key * that was cached during the encrypt operation. * Data keys for encrypt and decrypt operations are cached separately. */ const { plaintext, messageHeader } = await decrypt(cachingCMM, result) /* Grab the encryption context so you can verify it. */ const { encryptionContext: decryptedContext } = messageHeader /* Verify the encryption context. * If you use an algorithm suite with signing, * the Encryption SDK adds a name-value pair to the encryption context that contains the public key. * Because the encryption context might contain additional key-value pairs, * do not include a test that requires that all key-value pairs match. * Instead, verify that the key-value pairs that you supplied to the `encrypt` function are included in the encryption context that the `decrypt` function returns. */ Object.entries(encryptionContext).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (decryptedContext[key] !== value) throw new Error('Encryption Context does not match expected values') }) /* Return the values so the code can be tested. */ return { plaintext, result, cleartext, messageHeader } }
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# Copyright 2017, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """Example of encryption with data key caching.""" import aws_encryption_sdk from aws_encryption_sdk import CommitmentPolicy def encrypt_with_caching(kms_key_arn, max_age_in_cache, cache_capacity): """Encrypts a string using an &KMS; key and data key caching. :param str kms_key_arn: Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the &KMS; key :param float max_age_in_cache: Maximum time in seconds that a cached entry can be used :param int cache_capacity: Maximum number of entries to retain in cache at once """ # Data to be encrypted my_data = "My plaintext data" # Security thresholds # Max messages (or max bytes per) data key are optional MAX_ENTRY_MESSAGES = 100 # Create an encryption context encryption_context = {"purpose": "test"} # Set up an encryption client with an explicit commitment policy. Note that if you do not explicitly choose a # commitment policy, REQUIRE_ENCRYPT_REQUIRE_DECRYPT is used by default. client = aws_encryption_sdk.EncryptionSDKClient(commitment_policy=CommitmentPolicy.REQUIRE_ENCRYPT_REQUIRE_DECRYPT) # Create a master key provider for the &KMS; key key_provider = aws_encryption_sdk.StrictAwsKmsMasterKeyProvider(key_ids=[kms_key_arn]) # Create a local cache cache = aws_encryption_sdk.LocalCryptoMaterialsCache(cache_capacity) # Create a caching CMM caching_cmm = aws_encryption_sdk.CachingCryptoMaterialsManager( master_key_provider=key_provider, cache=cache, max_age=max_age_in_cache, max_messages_encrypted=MAX_ENTRY_MESSAGES, ) # When the call to encrypt data specifies a caching CMM, # the encryption operation uses the data key cache specified # in the caching CMM encrypted_message, _header = client.encrypt( source=my_data, materials_manager=caching_cmm, encryption_context=encryption_context ) return encrypted_message