Specifies the set of parameters needed to perform aggregation in the aggregate transform.
- AggFunc
Specifies the aggregation function to apply.
Possible aggregation functions include: avg countDistinct, count, first, last, kurtosis, max, min, skewness, stddev_samp, stddev_pop, sum, sumDistinct, var_samp, var_pop
Type: String
Valid Values:
avg | countDistinct | count | first | last | kurtosis | max | min | skewness | stddev_samp | stddev_pop | sum | sumDistinct | var_samp | var_pop
Required: Yes
- Column
Specifies the column on the data set on which the aggregation function will be applied.
Type: Array of strings
Required: Yes
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: