Synthea preloaded data types for HealthLake - AWS HealthLake

Synthea preloaded data types for HealthLake

HealthLake supports only SYNTHEA as a preloaded data type. Synthea is a synthetic patient generator that models Patient medical history. It’s hosted in an open-source Git repository that allows HealthLake to generate a FHIR R4-compliant resource Bundle so that users can test models without using actual patient data.

The following resource types are available in preloaded HealthLake data stores. For more information about preloading HealthLake data stores with Synthea data, see Creating a HealthLake data store.


To view a full list of HealthLake-supported FHIR R4 resources, see FHIR R4 supported resource types for HealthLake.

Synthea FHIR resource types supported by HealthLake
AllergyIntolerance Location
CarePlan MedicationAdministration
CareTeam MedicationRequest
Claim Observation
Condition Organization
Device Patient
DiagnosticReport Practitioner
Encounter PractitionerRole
ExplanationofBenefit Procedure
ImagingStudy Provenance