Reviewing data ingestion - Amazon Lookout for Equipment

Amazon Lookout for Equipment will no longer be open to new customers starting on October 17, 2024. If you would like to use the service, please sign up prior to October 17. For capabilities like Lookout for Equipment explore our blog post.

Reviewing data ingestion

Lookout for Equipment has ingested your data. Now it's time to make sure everything went according to plan.


After ingestion, a red or green status bar will appear at the top of the console screen. Although a green status bar indicates success, there may still be issues with specific files or sensors. It is still necessary to review the data validation summary.

Next steps:
  • If your entire job did not succeed, then a red bar has appeared at the top of the Ingest datasetpage. In that case, it's time to review the job.

  • If the job itself succeeded, but not every file was ingested, then you'll find yourself on the details page for your dataset, with an error message indicating that there was a problem ingesting certain files. In that case, it's time to check the files.

  • If you did not receive any error messages regarding the ingestion job as a whole, or with issues with ingesting specific files, then it's time to look at your data's details by sensor.

  • If you want to make changes to your dataset based on what you've learned so far, and then re-ingest it, skip to replacing your dataset.