AnalysisResult - AWS Network Firewall


The analysis result for Network Firewall's stateless rule group analyzer. Every time you call CreateRuleGroup, UpdateRuleGroup, or DescribeRuleGroup on a stateless rule group, Network Firewall analyzes the stateless rule groups in your account and identifies the rules that might adversely effect your firewall's functionality. For example, if Network Firewall detects a rule that's routing traffic asymmetrically, which impacts the service's ability to properly process traffic, the service includes the rule in a list of analysis results.



Provides analysis details for the identified rule.

Type: String

Required: No


The priority number of the stateless rules identified in the analysis.

Type: Array of strings

Required: No


The types of rule configurations that Network Firewall analyzes your rule groups for. Network Firewall analyzes stateless rule groups for the following types of rule configurations:


    Cause: One or more stateless rules with the action pass or forward are forwarding traffic asymmetrically. Specifically, the rule's set of source IP addresses or their associated port numbers, don't match the set of destination IP addresses or their associated port numbers.

    To mitigate: Make sure that there's an existing return path. For example, if the rule allows traffic from source to destination, you should allow return traffic from source to destination


    Cause: At least one stateless rule with the action pass orforward contains TCP flags that are inconsistent in the forward and return directions.

    To mitigate: Prevent asymmetric routing issues caused by TCP flags by following these actions:

    • Remove unnecessary TCP flag inspections from the rules.

    • If you need to inspect TCP flags, check that the rules correctly account for changes in TCP flags throughout the TCP connection cycle, for example SYN and ACK flags used in a 3-way TCP handshake.

Type: String


Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: