Utilizar SDK de AWS para interactuar con Amazon OpenSearch Service - OpenSearch Servicio Amazon

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Utilizar SDK de AWS para interactuar con Amazon OpenSearch Service

En esta sección, se incluyen ejemplos de cómo utilizar los SDK de AWS para interactuar con la API de configuración de Amazon OpenSearch Service. Estos ejemplos de código muestran cómo crear, actualizar y eliminar dominios de OpenSearch Service.


Esta sección incluye ejemplos para las versiones 1 y 2 del AWS SDK for Java.

Version 2

En este ejemplo se utiliza el constructor OpenSearchClientBuilder de la versión 2 de AWS SDK for Java para crear un dominio OpenSearch, actualizar su configuración y eliminarlo. Quite los comentarios de las llamadas a waitForDomainProcessing (y el comentario de la llamada a deleteDomain) para permitir que se active el dominio y que se pueda utilizar.

package com.example.samples; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import software.amazon.awssdk.regions.Region; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.opensearch.OpenSearchClient; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.opensearch.model.ClusterConfig; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.opensearch.model.EBSOptions; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.opensearch.model.CognitoOptions; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.opensearch.model.NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.opensearch.model.CreateDomainRequest; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.opensearch.model.CreateDomainResponse; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.opensearch.model.DescribeDomainRequest; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.opensearch.model.UpdateDomainConfigRequest; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.opensearch.model.UpdateDomainConfigResponse; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.opensearch.model.DescribeDomainResponse; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.opensearch.model.DeleteDomainRequest; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.opensearch.model.DeleteDomainResponse; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.opensearch.model.OpenSearchException; import software.amazon.awssdk.auth.credentials.DefaultCredentialsProvider; /** * Sample class demonstrating how to use the Amazon Web Services SDK for Java to create, update, * and delete Amazon OpenSearch Service domains. */ public class OpenSearchSample { public static void main(String[] args) { String domainName = "my-test-domain"; // Build the client using the default credentials chain. // You can use the CLI and run `aws configure` to set access key, secret // key, and default region. OpenSearchClient client = OpenSearchClient.builder() // Unnecessary, but lets you use a region different than your default. .region(Region.US_EAST_1) // Unnecessary, but if desired, you can use a different provider chain. .credentialsProvider(DefaultCredentialsProvider.create()) .build(); // Create a new domain, update its configuration, and delete it. createDomain(client, domainName); //waitForDomainProcessing(client, domainName); updateDomain(client, domainName); //waitForDomainProcessing(client, domainName); deleteDomain(client, domainName); } /** * Creates an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain with the specified options. * Some options require other Amazon Web Services resources, such as an Amazon Cognito user pool * and identity pool, whereas others require just an instance type or instance * count. * * @param client * The client to use for the requests to Amazon OpenSearch Service * @param domainName * The name of the domain you want to create */ public static void createDomain(OpenSearchClient client, String domainName) { // Create the request and set the desired configuration options try { ClusterConfig clusterConfig = ClusterConfig.builder() .dedicatedMasterEnabled(true) .dedicatedMasterCount(3) // Small, inexpensive instance types for testing. Not recommended for production. .dedicatedMasterType("t2.small.search") .instanceType("t2.small.search") .instanceCount(5) .build(); // Many instance types require EBS storage. EBSOptions ebsOptions = EBSOptions.builder() .ebsEnabled(true) .volumeSize(10) .volumeType("gp2") .build(); NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions encryptionOptions = NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions.builder() .enabled(true) .build(); CreateDomainRequest createRequest = CreateDomainRequest.builder() .domainName(domainName) .engineVersion("OpenSearch_1.0") .clusterConfig(clusterConfig) .ebsOptions(ebsOptions) .nodeToNodeEncryptionOptions(encryptionOptions) // You can uncomment this line and add your account ID, a username, and the // domain name to add an access policy. // .accessPolicies("{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":{\"AWS\":[\"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/user-name\"]},\"Action\":[\"es:*\"],\"Resource\":\"arn:aws:es:region:123456789012:domain/domain-name/*\"}]}") .build(); // Make the request. System.out.println("Sending domain creation request..."); CreateDomainResponse createResponse = client.createDomain(createRequest); System.out.println("Domain status: "+createResponse.domainStatus().toString()); System.out.println("Domain ID: "+createResponse.domainStatus().domainId()); } catch (OpenSearchException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); System.exit(1); } } /** * Updates the configuration of an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain with the * specified options. Some options require other Amazon Web Services resources, such as an * Amazon Cognito user pool and identity pool, whereas others require just an * instance type or instance count. * * @param client * The client to use for the requests to Amazon OpenSearch Service * @param domainName * The name of the domain to update */ public static void updateDomain(OpenSearchClient client, String domainName) { // Updates the domain to use three data instances instead of five. // You can uncomment the Cognito line and fill in the strings to enable Cognito // authentication for OpenSearch Dashboards. try { ClusterConfig clusterConfig = ClusterConfig.builder() .instanceCount(5) .build(); CognitoOptions cognitoOptions = CognitoOptions.builder() .enabled(true) .userPoolId("user-pool-id") .identityPoolId("identity-pool-id") .roleArn("role-arn") .build(); UpdateDomainConfigRequest updateRequest = UpdateDomainConfigRequest.builder() .domainName(domainName) .clusterConfig(clusterConfig) //.cognitoOptions(cognitoOptions) .build(); System.out.println("Sending domain update request..."); UpdateDomainConfigResponse updateResponse = client.updateDomainConfig(updateRequest); System.out.println("Domain config: "+updateResponse.domainConfig().toString()); } catch (OpenSearchException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); System.exit(1); } } /** * Deletes an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain. Deleting a domain can take * several minutes. * * @param client * The client to use for the requests to Amazon OpenSearch Service * @param domainName * The name of the domain that you want to delete */ public static void deleteDomain(OpenSearchClient client, String domainName) { try { DeleteDomainRequest deleteRequest = DeleteDomainRequest.builder() .domainName(domainName) .build(); System.out.println("Sending domain deletion request..."); DeleteDomainResponse deleteResponse = client.deleteDomain(deleteRequest); System.out.println("Domain status: "+deleteResponse.toString()); } catch (OpenSearchException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); System.exit(1); } } /** * Waits for the domain to finish processing changes. New domains typically take 15-30 minutes * to initialize, but can take longer depending on the configuration. Most updates to existing domains * take a similar amount of time. This method checks every 15 seconds and finishes only when * the domain's processing status changes to false. * * @param client * The client to use for the requests to Amazon OpenSearch Service * @param domainName * The name of the domain that you want to check */ public static void waitForDomainProcessing(OpenSearchClient client, String domainName) { // Create a new request to check the domain status. DescribeDomainRequest describeRequest = DescribeDomainRequest.builder() .domainName(domainName) .build(); // Every 15 seconds, check whether the domain is processing. DescribeDomainResponse describeResponse = client.describeDomain(describeRequest); while (describeResponse.domainStatus().processing()) { try { System.out.println("Domain still processing..."); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(15); describeResponse = client.describeDomain(describeRequest); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // Once we exit that loop, the domain is available System.out.println("Amazon OpenSearch Service has finished processing changes for your domain."); System.out.println("Domain description: "+describeResponse.toString()); } }
Version 1

En este ejemplo se utiliza el constructor AWSElasticsearchClientBuilder de la versión 1 del AWS SDK for Java para crear un dominio Elasticsearch heredado, actualizar su configuración y eliminarlo. Quite los comentarios de las llamadas a waitForDomainProcessing (y el comentario de la llamada a deleteDomain) para permitir que se active el dominio y que se pueda utilizar.

package com.amazonaws.samples; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import com.amazonaws.auth.DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain; import com.amazonaws.regions.Regions; import com.amazonaws.services.elasticsearch.AWSElasticsearch; import com.amazonaws.services.elasticsearch.AWSElasticsearchClientBuilder; import com.amazonaws.services.elasticsearch.model.CreateElasticsearchDomainRequest; import com.amazonaws.services.elasticsearch.model.CreateElasticsearchDomainResult; import com.amazonaws.services.elasticsearch.model.DeleteElasticsearchDomainRequest; import com.amazonaws.services.elasticsearch.model.DeleteElasticsearchDomainResult; import com.amazonaws.services.elasticsearch.model.DescribeElasticsearchDomainRequest; import com.amazonaws.services.elasticsearch.model.DescribeElasticsearchDomainResult; import com.amazonaws.services.elasticsearch.model.EBSOptions; import com.amazonaws.services.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchClusterConfig; import com.amazonaws.services.elasticsearch.model.ResourceNotFoundException; import com.amazonaws.services.elasticsearch.model.UpdateElasticsearchDomainConfigRequest; import com.amazonaws.services.elasticsearch.model.UpdateElasticsearchDomainConfigResult; import com.amazonaws.services.elasticsearch.model.VolumeType; /** * Sample class demonstrating how to use the Amazon Web Services SDK for Java to create, update, * and delete Amazon OpenSearch Service domains. */ public class OpenSearchSample { public static void main(String[] args) { final String domainName = "my-test-domain"; // Build the client using the default credentials chain. // You can use the CLI and run `aws configure` to set access key, secret // key, and default region. final AWSElasticsearch client = AWSElasticsearchClientBuilder .standard() // Unnecessary, but lets you use a region different than your default. .withRegion(Regions.US_WEST_2) // Unnecessary, but if desired, you can use a different provider chain. .withCredentials(new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain()) .build(); // Create a new domain, update its configuration, and delete it. createDomain(client, domainName); // waitForDomainProcessing(client, domainName); updateDomain(client, domainName); // waitForDomainProcessing(client, domainName); deleteDomain(client, domainName); } /** * Creates an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain with the specified options. * Some options require other Amazon Web Services resources, such as an Amazon Cognito user pool * and identity pool, whereas others require just an instance type or instance * count. * * @param client * The client to use for the requests to Amazon OpenSearch Service * @param domainName * The name of the domain you want to create */ private static void createDomain(final AWSElasticsearch client, final String domainName) { // Create the request and set the desired configuration options CreateElasticsearchDomainRequest createRequest = new CreateElasticsearchDomainRequest() .withDomainName(domainName) .withElasticsearchVersion("7.10") .withElasticsearchClusterConfig(new ElasticsearchClusterConfig() .withDedicatedMasterEnabled(true) .withDedicatedMasterCount(3) // Small, inexpensive instance types for testing. Not recommended for production // domains. .withDedicatedMasterType("t2.small.elasticsearch") .withInstanceType("t2.small.elasticsearch") .withInstanceCount(5)) // Many instance types require EBS storage. .withEBSOptions(new EBSOptions() .withEBSEnabled(true) .withVolumeSize(10) .withVolumeType(VolumeType.Gp2)); // You can uncomment this line and add your account ID, a username, and the // domain name to add an access policy. // .withAccessPolicies("{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":{\"AWS\":[\"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/user-name\"]},\"Action\":[\"es:*\"],\"Resource\":\"arn:aws:es:region:123456789012:domain/domain-name/*\"}]}") // Make the request. System.out.println("Sending domain creation request..."); CreateElasticsearchDomainResult createResponse = client.createElasticsearchDomain(createRequest); System.out.println("Domain creation response from Amazon OpenSearch Service:"); System.out.println(createResponse.getDomainStatus().toString()); } /** * Updates the configuration of an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain with the * specified options. Some options require other Amazon Web Services resources, such as an * Amazon Cognito user pool and identity pool, whereas others require just an * instance type or instance count. * * @param client * The client to use for the requests to Amazon OpenSearch Service * @param domainName * The name of the domain to update */ private static void updateDomain(final AWSElasticsearch client, final String domainName) { try { // Updates the domain to use three data instances instead of five. // You can uncomment the Cognito lines and fill in the strings to enable Cognito // authentication for OpenSearch Dashboards. final UpdateElasticsearchDomainConfigRequest updateRequest = new UpdateElasticsearchDomainConfigRequest() .withDomainName(domainName) // .withCognitoOptions(new CognitoOptions() // .withEnabled(true) // .withUserPoolId("user-pool-id") // .withIdentityPoolId("identity-pool-id") // .withRoleArn("role-arn") .withElasticsearchClusterConfig(new ElasticsearchClusterConfig() .withInstanceCount(3)); System.out.println("Sending domain update request..."); final UpdateElasticsearchDomainConfigResult updateResponse = client .updateElasticsearchDomainConfig(updateRequest); System.out.println("Domain update response from Amazon OpenSearch Service:"); System.out.println(updateResponse.toString()); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Domain not found. Please check the domain name."); } } /** * Deletes an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain. Deleting a domain can take * several minutes. * * @param client * The client to use for the requests to Amazon OpenSearch Service * @param domainName * The name of the domain that you want to delete */ private static void deleteDomain(final AWSElasticsearch client, final String domainName) { try { final DeleteElasticsearchDomainRequest deleteRequest = new DeleteElasticsearchDomainRequest() .withDomainName(domainName); System.out.println("Sending domain deletion request..."); final DeleteElasticsearchDomainResult deleteResponse = client.deleteElasticsearchDomain(deleteRequest); System.out.println("Domain deletion response from Amazon OpenSearch Service:"); System.out.println(deleteResponse.toString()); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Domain not found. Please check the domain name."); } } /** * Waits for the domain to finish processing changes. New domains typically take 15-30 minutes * to initialize, but can take longer depending on the configuration. Most updates to existing domains * take a similar amount of time. This method checks every 15 seconds and finishes only when * the domain's processing status changes to false. * * @param client * The client to use for the requests to Amazon OpenSearch Service * @param domainName * The name of the domain that you want to check */ private static void waitForDomainProcessing(final AWSElasticsearch client, final String domainName) { // Create a new request to check the domain status. final DescribeElasticsearchDomainRequest describeRequest = new DescribeElasticsearchDomainRequest() .withDomainName(domainName); // Every 15 seconds, check whether the domain is processing. DescribeElasticsearchDomainResult describeResponse = client.describeElasticsearchDomain(describeRequest); while (describeResponse.getDomainStatus().isProcessing()) { try { System.out.println("Domain still processing..."); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(15); describeResponse = client.describeElasticsearchDomain(describeRequest); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // Once we exit that loop, the domain is available System.out.println("Amazon OpenSearch Service has finished processing changes for your domain."); System.out.println("Domain description response from Amazon OpenSearch Service:"); System.out.println(describeResponse.toString()); } }


En este ejemplo se utiliza el cliente Python de bajo nivel OpenSearchService desde AWS SDK for Python (Boto) para crear un dominio, actualizar su configuración y eliminarlo.

import boto3 import botocore from botocore.config import Config import time # Build the client using the default credential configuration. # You can use the CLI and run 'aws configure' to set access key, secret # key, and default region. my_config = Config( # Optionally lets you specify a region other than your default. region_name='us-west-2' ) client = boto3.client('opensearch', config=my_config) domainName = 'my-test-domain' # The name of the domain def createDomain(client, domainName): """Creates an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain with the specified options.""" response = client.create_domain( DomainName=domainName, EngineVersion='OpenSearch_1.0', ClusterConfig={ 'InstanceType': 't2.small.search', 'InstanceCount': 5, 'DedicatedMasterEnabled': True, 'DedicatedMasterType': 't2.small.search', 'DedicatedMasterCount': 3 }, # Many instance types require EBS storage. EBSOptions={ 'EBSEnabled': True, 'VolumeType': 'gp2', 'VolumeSize': 10 }, AccessPolicies="{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":{\"AWS\":[\"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/user-name\"]},\"Action\":[\"es:*\"],\"Resource\":\"arn:aws:es:us-west-2:123456789012:domain/my-test-domain/*\"}]}", NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions={ 'Enabled': True } ) print("Creating domain...") print(response) def updateDomain(client, domainName): """Updates the domain to use three data nodes instead of five.""" try: response = client.update_domain_config( DomainName=domainName, ClusterConfig={ 'InstanceCount': 3 } ) print('Sending domain update request...') print(response) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: if error.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ResourceNotFoundException': print('Domain not found. Please check the domain name.') else: raise error def deleteDomain(client, domainName): """Deletes an OpenSearch Service domain. Deleting a domain can take several minutes.""" try: response = client.delete_domain( DomainName=domainName ) print('Sending domain deletion request...') print(response) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: if error.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ResourceNotFoundException': print('Domain not found. Please check the domain name.') else: raise error def waitForDomainProcessing(client, domainName): """Waits for the domain to finish processing changes.""" try: response = client.describe_domain( DomainName=domainName ) # Every 15 seconds, check whether the domain is processing. while response["DomainStatus"]["Processing"] == True: print('Domain still processing...') time.sleep(15) response = client.describe_domain( DomainName=domainName) # Once we exit the loop, the domain is available. print('Amazon OpenSearch Service has finished processing changes for your domain.') print('Domain description:') print(response) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: if error.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ResourceNotFoundException': print('Domain not found. Please check the domain name.') else: raise error def main(): """Create a new domain, update its configuration, and delete it.""" createDomain(client, domainName) waitForDomainProcessing(client, domainName) updateDomain(client, domainName) waitForDomainProcessing(client, domainName) deleteDomain(client, domainName)


En este ejemplo, se utiliza la versión 3 del SDK para JavaScript in Node.js OpenSearch client para crear un dominio, actualizar su configuración y eliminarlo.

var { OpenSearchClient, CreateDomainCommand, DescribeDomainCommand, UpdateDomainConfigCommand, DeleteDomainCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-opensearch"); var sleep = require('sleep'); var client = new OpenSearchClient(); var domainName = 'my-test-domain' // Create a new domain, update its configuration, and delete it. createDomain(client, domainName) waitForDomainProcessing(client, domainName) updateDomain(client, domainName) waitForDomainProcessing(client, domainName) deleteDomain(client, domainName) async function createDomain(client, domainName) { // Creates an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain with the specified options. var command = new CreateDomainCommand({ DomainName: domainName, EngineVersion: 'OpenSearch_1.0', ClusterConfig: { 'InstanceType': 't2.small.search', 'InstanceCount': 5, 'DedicatedMasterEnabled': 'True', 'DedicatedMasterType': 't2.small.search', 'DedicatedMasterCount': 3 }, EBSOptions:{ 'EBSEnabled': 'True', 'VolumeType': 'gp2', 'VolumeSize': 10 }, AccessPolicies: "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":{\"AWS\":[\"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/user-name\"]},\"Action\":[\"es:*\"],\"Resource\":\"arn:aws:es:us-east-1:123456789012:domain/my-test-domain/*\"}]}", NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions:{ 'Enabled': 'True' } }); const response = await client.send(command); console.log("Creating domain..."); console.log(response); } async function updateDomain(client, domainName) { // Updates the domain to use three data nodes instead of five. var command = new UpdateDomainConfigCommand({ DomainName: domainName, ClusterConfig: { 'InstanceCount': 3 } }); const response = await client.send(command); console.log('Sending domain update request...'); console.log(response); } async function deleteDomain(client, domainName) { // Deletes an OpenSearch Service domain. Deleting a domain can take several minutes. var command = new DeleteDomainCommand({ DomainName: domainName }); const response = await client.send(command); console.log('Sending domain deletion request...'); console.log(response); } async function waitForDomainProcessing(client, domainName) { // Waits for the domain to finish processing changes. try { var command = new DescribeDomainCommand({ DomainName: domainName }); var response = await client.send(command); while (response.DomainStatus.Processing == true) { console.log('Domain still processing...') await sleep(15000) // Wait for 15 seconds, then check the status again function sleep(ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); } var response = await client.send(command); } // Once we exit the loop, the domain is available. console.log('Amazon OpenSearch Service has finished processing changes for your domain.'); console.log('Domain description:'); console.log(response); } catch (error) { if (error.name === 'ResourceNotFoundException') { console.log('Domain not found. Please check the domain name.'); } }; }