Mathematical functions
To see which AWS data source integrations support this SQL command, see Supported OpenSearch SQL commands and functions.
Function | Description |
expr1 % expr2 | Returns the remainder after `expr1`/`expr2`. |
expr1 * expr2 | Returns `expr1`*`expr2`. |
expr1 + expr2 | Returns `expr1`+`expr2`. |
expr1 - expr2 | Returns `expr1`-`expr2`. |
expr1 / expr2 | Returns `expr1`/`expr2`. It always performs floating point division. |
abs(expr) | Returns the absolute value of the numeric or interval value. |
acos(expr) | Returns the inverse cosine (a.k.a. arc cosine) of `expr`, as if computed by `java.lang.Math.acos`. |
acosh(expr) | Returns inverse hyperbolic cosine of `expr`. |
asin(expr) | Returns the inverse sine (a.k.a. arc sine) the arc sin of `expr`, as if computed by `java.lang.Math.asin`. |
asinh(expr) | Returns inverse hyperbolic sine of `expr`. |
atan(expr) | Returns the inverse tangent (a.k.a. arc tangent) of `expr`, as if computed by `java.lang.Math.atan` |
atan2(exprY, exprX) | Returns the angle in radians between the positive x-axis of a plane and the point given by the coordinates (`exprX`, `exprY`), as if computed by `java.lang.Math.atan2`. |
atanh(expr) | Returns inverse hyperbolic tangent of `expr`. |
bin(expr) | Returns the string representation of the long value `expr` represented in binary. |
bround(expr, d) | Returns `expr` rounded to `d` decimal places using HALF_EVEN rounding mode. |
cbrt(expr) | Returns the cube root of `expr`. |
ceil(expr[, scale]) | Returns the smallest number after rounding up that is not smaller than `expr`. An optional `scale` parameter can be specified to control the rounding behavior. |
ceiling(expr[, scale]) | Returns the smallest number after rounding up that is not smaller than `expr`. An optional `scale` parameter can be specified to control the rounding behavior. |
conv(num, from_base, to_base) | Convert `num` from `from_base` to `to_base`. |
cos(expr) | Returns the cosine of `expr`, as if computed by `java.lang.Math.cos`. |
cosh(expr) | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of `expr`, as if computed by `java.lang.Math.cosh`. |
cot(expr) | Returns the cotangent of `expr`, as if computed by `1/java.lang.Math.tan`. |
csc(expr) | Returns the cosecant of `expr`, as if computed by `1/java.lang.Math.sin`. |
degrees(expr) | Converts radians to degrees. |
expr1 div expr2 | Divide `expr1` by `expr2`. It returns NULL if an operand is NULL or `expr2` is 0. The result is casted to long. |
e() | Returns Euler's number, e. |
exp(expr) | Returns e to the power of `expr`. |
expm1(expr) - Returns exp(`expr`) | 1 |
factorial(expr) | Returns the factorial of `expr`. `expr` is [0..20]. Otherwise, null. |
floor(expr[, scale]) | Returns the largest number after rounding down that is not greater than `expr`. An optional `scale` parameter can be specified to control the rounding behavior. |
greatest(expr, ...) | Returns the greatest value of all parameters, skipping null values. |
hex(expr) | Converts `expr` to hexadecimal. |
hypot(expr1, expr2) | Returns sqrt(`expr1`**2 + `expr2`**2). |
least(expr, ...) | Returns the least value of all parameters, skipping null values. |
ln(expr) | Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of `expr`. |
log(base, expr) | Returns the logarithm of `expr` with `base`. |
log10(expr) | Returns the logarithm of `expr` with base 10. |
log1p(expr) | Returns log(1 + `expr`). |
log2(expr) | Returns the logarithm of `expr` with base 2. |
expr1 mod expr2 | Returns the remainder after `expr1`/`expr2`. |
negative(expr) | Returns the negated value of `expr`. |
pi() | Returns pi. |
pmod(expr1, expr2) | Returns the positive value of `expr1` mod `expr2`. |
positive(expr) | Returns the value of `expr`. |
pow(expr1, expr2) | Raises `expr1` to the power of `expr2`. |
power(expr1, expr2) | Raises `expr1` to the power of `expr2`. |
radians(expr) | Converts degrees to radians. |
rand([seed]) | Returns a random value with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) uniformly distributed values in [0, 1). |
randn([seed]) | Returns a random value with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) values drawn from the standard normal distribution. |
random([seed]) | Returns a random value with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) uniformly distributed values in [0, 1). |
rint(expr) | Returns the double value that is closest in value to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer. |
round(expr, d) | Returns `expr` rounded to `d` decimal places using HALF_UP rounding mode. |
sec(expr) | Returns the secant of `expr`, as if computed by `1/java.lang.Math.cos`. |
shiftleft(base, expr) | Bitwise left shift. |
sign(expr) | Returns -1.0, 0.0 or 1.0 as `expr` is negative, 0 or positive. |
signum(expr) | Returns -1.0, 0.0 or 1.0 as `expr` is negative, 0 or positive. |
sin(expr) | Returns the sine of `expr`, as if computed by `java.lang.Math.sin`. |
sinh(expr) | Returns hyperbolic sine of `expr`, as if computed by `java.lang.Math.sinh`. |
sqrt(expr) | Returns the square root of `expr`. |
tan(expr) | Returns the tangent of `expr`, as if computed by `java.lang.Math.tan`. |
tanh(expr) | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of `expr`, as if computed by `java.lang.Math.tanh`. |
try_add(expr1, expr2) | Returns the sum of `expr1`and `expr2` and the result is null on overflow. The acceptable input types are the same with the `+` operator. |
try_divide(dividend, divisor) | Returns `dividend`/`divisor`. It always performs floating point division. Its result is always null if `expr2` is 0. `dividend` must be a numeric or an interval. `divisor` must be a numeric. |
try_multiply(expr1, expr2) | Returns `expr1`*`expr2` and the result is null on overflow. The acceptable input types are the same with the `*` operator. |
try_subtract(expr1, expr2) | Returns `expr1`-`expr2` and the result is null on overflow. The acceptable input types are the same with the `-` operator. |
unhex(expr) | Converts hexadecimal `expr` to binary. |
width_bucket(value, min_value, max_value, num_bucket) | Returns the bucket number to which `value` would be assigned in an equiwidth histogram with `num_bucket` buckets, in the range `min_value` to `max_value`." |
-- % SELECT 2 % 1.8; +---------+ |(2 % 1.8)| +---------+ | 0.2| +---------+ SELECT MOD(2, 1.8); +-----------+ |mod(2, 1.8)| +-----------+ | 0.2| +-----------+ -- * SELECT 2 * 3; +-------+ |(2 * 3)| +-------+ | 6| +-------+ -- + SELECT 1 + 2; +-------+ |(1 + 2)| +-------+ | 3| +-------+ -- - SELECT 2 - 1; +-------+ |(2 - 1)| +-------+ | 1| +-------+ -- / SELECT 3 / 2; +-------+ |(3 / 2)| +-------+ | 1.5| +-------+ SELECT 2L / 2L; +-------+ |(2 / 2)| +-------+ | 1.0| +-------+ -- abs SELECT abs(-1); +-------+ |abs(-1)| +-------+ | 1| +-------+ SELECT abs(INTERVAL -'1-1' YEAR TO MONTH); +----------------------------------+ |abs(INTERVAL '-1-1' YEAR TO MONTH)| +----------------------------------+ | INTERVAL '1-1' YE...| +----------------------------------+ -- acos SELECT acos(1); +-------+ |ACOS(1)| +-------+ | 0.0| +-------+ SELECT acos(2); +-------+ |ACOS(2)| +-------+ | NaN| +-------+ -- acosh SELECT acosh(1); +--------+ |ACOSH(1)| +--------+ | 0.0| +--------+ SELECT acosh(0); +--------+ |ACOSH(0)| +--------+ | NaN| +--------+ -- asin SELECT asin(0); +-------+ |ASIN(0)| +-------+ | 0.0| +-------+ SELECT asin(2); +-------+ |ASIN(2)| +-------+ | NaN| +-------+ -- asinh SELECT asinh(0); +--------+ |ASINH(0)| +--------+ | 0.0| +--------+ -- atan SELECT atan(0); +-------+ |ATAN(0)| +-------+ | 0.0| +-------+ -- atan2 SELECT atan2(0, 0); +-----------+ |ATAN2(0, 0)| +-----------+ | 0.0| +-----------+ -- atanh SELECT atanh(0); +--------+ |ATANH(0)| +--------+ | 0.0| +--------+ SELECT atanh(2); +--------+ |ATANH(2)| +--------+ | NaN| +--------+ -- bin SELECT bin(13); +-------+ |bin(13)| +-------+ | 1101| +-------+ SELECT bin(-13); +--------------------+ | bin(-13)| +--------------------+ |11111111111111111...| +--------------------+ SELECT bin(13.3); +---------+ |bin(13.3)| +---------+ | 1101| +---------+ -- bround SELECT bround(2.5, 0); +--------------+ |bround(2.5, 0)| +--------------+ | 2| +--------------+ SELECT bround(25, -1); +--------------+ |bround(25, -1)| +--------------+ | 20| +--------------+ -- cbrt SELECT cbrt(27.0); +----------+ |CBRT(27.0)| +----------+ | 3.0| +----------+ -- ceil SELECT ceil(-0.1); +----------+ |CEIL(-0.1)| +----------+ | 0| +----------+ SELECT ceil(5); +-------+ |CEIL(5)| +-------+ | 5| +-------+ SELECT ceil(3.1411, 3); +---------------+ |ceil(3.1411, 3)| +---------------+ | 3.142| +---------------+ SELECT ceil(3.1411, -3); +----------------+ |ceil(3.1411, -3)| +----------------+ | 1000| +----------------+ -- ceiling SELECT ceiling(-0.1); +-------------+ |ceiling(-0.1)| +-------------+ | 0| +-------------+ SELECT ceiling(5); +----------+ |ceiling(5)| +----------+ | 5| +----------+ SELECT ceiling(3.1411, 3); +------------------+ |ceiling(3.1411, 3)| +------------------+ | 3.142| +------------------+ SELECT ceiling(3.1411, -3); +-------------------+ |ceiling(3.1411, -3)| +-------------------+ | 1000| +-------------------+ -- conv SELECT conv('100', 2, 10); +----------------+ |conv(100, 2, 10)| +----------------+ | 4| +----------------+ SELECT conv(-10, 16, -10); +------------------+ |conv(-10, 16, -10)| +------------------+ | -16| +------------------+ -- cos SELECT cos(0); +------+ |COS(0)| +------+ | 1.0| +------+ -- cosh SELECT cosh(0); +-------+ |COSH(0)| +-------+ | 1.0| +-------+ -- cot SELECT cot(1); +------------------+ | COT(1)| +------------------+ |0.6420926159343306| +------------------+ -- csc SELECT csc(1); +------------------+ | CSC(1)| +------------------+ |1.1883951057781212| +------------------+ -- degrees SELECT degrees(3.141592653589793); +--------------------------+ |DEGREES(3.141592653589793)| +--------------------------+ | 180.0| +--------------------------+ -- div SELECT 3 div 2; +---------+ |(3 div 2)| +---------+ | 1| +---------+ SELECT INTERVAL '1-1' YEAR TO MONTH div INTERVAL '-1' MONTH; +------------------------------------------------------+ |(INTERVAL '1-1' YEAR TO MONTH div INTERVAL '-1' MONTH)| +------------------------------------------------------+ | -13| +------------------------------------------------------+ -- e SELECT e(); +-----------------+ | E()| +-----------------+ |2.718281828459045| +-----------------+ -- exp SELECT exp(0); +------+ |EXP(0)| +------+ | 1.0| +------+ -- expm1 SELECT expm1(0); +--------+ |EXPM1(0)| +--------+ | 0.0| +--------+ -- factorial SELECT factorial(5); +------------+ |factorial(5)| +------------+ | 120| +------------+ -- floor SELECT floor(-0.1); +-----------+ |FLOOR(-0.1)| +-----------+ | -1| +-----------+ SELECT floor(5); +--------+ |FLOOR(5)| +--------+ | 5| +--------+ SELECT floor(3.1411, 3); +----------------+ |floor(3.1411, 3)| +----------------+ | 3.141| +----------------+ SELECT floor(3.1411, -3); +-----------------+ |floor(3.1411, -3)| +-----------------+ | 0| +-----------------+ -- greatest SELECT greatest(10, 9, 2, 4, 3); +------------------------+ |greatest(10, 9, 2, 4, 3)| +------------------------+ | 10| +------------------------+ -- hex SELECT hex(17); +-------+ |hex(17)| +-------+ | 11| +-------+ SELECT hex('SQL'); +------------------+ | hex(SQL)| +------------------+ |53514C| +------------------+ -- hypot SELECT hypot(3, 4); +-----------+ |HYPOT(3, 4)| +-----------+ | 5.0| +-----------+ -- least SELECT least(10, 9, 2, 4, 3); +---------------------+ |least(10, 9, 2, 4, 3)| +---------------------+ | 2| +---------------------+ -- ln SELECT ln(1); +-----+ |ln(1)| +-----+ | 0.0| +-----+ -- log SELECT log(10, 100); +------------+ |LOG(10, 100)| +------------+ | 2.0| +------------+ -- log10 SELECT log10(10); +---------+ |LOG10(10)| +---------+ | 1.0| +---------+ -- log1p SELECT log1p(0); +--------+ |LOG1P(0)| +--------+ | 0.0| +--------+ -- log2 SELECT log2(2); +-------+ |LOG2(2)| +-------+ | 1.0| +-------+ -- mod SELECT 2 % 1.8; +---------+ |(2 % 1.8)| +---------+ | 0.2| +---------+ SELECT MOD(2, 1.8); +-----------+ |mod(2, 1.8)| +-----------+ | 0.2| +-----------+ -- negative SELECT negative(1); +-----------+ |negative(1)| +-----------+ | -1| +-----------+ -- pi SELECT pi(); +-----------------+ | PI()| +-----------------+ |3.141592653589793| +-----------------+ -- pmod SELECT pmod(10, 3); +-----------+ |pmod(10, 3)| +-----------+ | 1| +-----------+ SELECT pmod(-10, 3); +------------+ |pmod(-10, 3)| +------------+ | 2| +------------+ -- positive SELECT positive(1); +-----+ |(+ 1)| +-----+ | 1| +-----+ -- pow SELECT pow(2, 3); +---------+ |pow(2, 3)| +---------+ | 8.0| +---------+ -- power SELECT power(2, 3); +-----------+ |POWER(2, 3)| +-----------+ | 8.0| +-----------+ -- radians SELECT radians(180); +-----------------+ | RADIANS(180)| +-----------------+ |3.141592653589793| +-----------------+ -- rand SELECT rand(); +------------------+ | rand()| +------------------+ |0.7211420708112387| +------------------+ SELECT rand(0); +------------------+ | rand(0)| +------------------+ |0.7604953758285915| +------------------+ SELECT rand(null); +------------------+ | rand(NULL)| +------------------+ |0.7604953758285915| +------------------+ -- randn SELECT randn(); +-------------------+ | randn()| +-------------------+ |-0.8175603217732732| +-------------------+ SELECT randn(0); +------------------+ | randn(0)| +------------------+ |1.6034991609278433| +------------------+ SELECT randn(null); +------------------+ | randn(NULL)| +------------------+ |1.6034991609278433| +------------------+ -- random SELECT random(); +-----------------+ | rand()| +-----------------+ |0.394205008255365| +-----------------+ SELECT random(0); +------------------+ | rand(0)| +------------------+ |0.7604953758285915| +------------------+ SELECT random(null); +------------------+ | rand(NULL)| +------------------+ |0.7604953758285915| +------------------+ -- rint SELECT rint(12.3456); +-------------+ |rint(12.3456)| +-------------+ | 12.0| +-------------+ -- round SELECT round(2.5, 0); +-------------+ |round(2.5, 0)| +-------------+ | 3| +-------------+ -- sec SELECT sec(0); +------+ |SEC(0)| +------+ | 1.0| +------+ -- shiftleft SELECT shiftleft(2, 1); +---------------+ |shiftleft(2, 1)| +---------------+ | 4| +---------------+ -- sign SELECT sign(40); +--------+ |sign(40)| +--------+ | 1.0| +--------+ SELECT sign(INTERVAL -'100' YEAR); +--------------------------+ |sign(INTERVAL '-100' YEAR)| +--------------------------+ | -1.0| +--------------------------+ -- signum SELECT signum(40); +----------+ |SIGNUM(40)| +----------+ | 1.0| +----------+ SELECT signum(INTERVAL -'100' YEAR); +----------------------------+ |SIGNUM(INTERVAL '-100' YEAR)| +----------------------------+ | -1.0| +----------------------------+ -- sin SELECT sin(0); +------+ |SIN(0)| +------+ | 0.0| +------+ -- sinh SELECT sinh(0); +-------+ |SINH(0)| +-------+ | 0.0| +-------+ -- sqrt SELECT sqrt(4); +-------+ |SQRT(4)| +-------+ | 2.0| +-------+ -- tan SELECT tan(0); +------+ |TAN(0)| +------+ | 0.0| +------+ -- tanh SELECT tanh(0); +-------+ |TANH(0)| +-------+ | 0.0| +-------+ -- try_add SELECT try_add(1, 2); +-------------+ |try_add(1, 2)| +-------------+ | 3| +-------------+ SELECT try_add(2147483647, 1); +----------------------+ |try_add(2147483647, 1)| +----------------------+ | NULL| +----------------------+ SELECT try_add(date'2021-01-01', 1); +-----------------------------+ |try_add(DATE '2021-01-01', 1)| +-----------------------------+ | 2021-01-02| +-----------------------------+ SELECT try_add(date'2021-01-01', interval 1 year); +---------------------------------------------+ |try_add(DATE '2021-01-01', INTERVAL '1' YEAR)| +---------------------------------------------+ | 2022-01-01| +---------------------------------------------+ SELECT try_add(timestamp'2021-01-01 00:00:00', interval 1 day); +----------------------------------------------------------+ |try_add(TIMESTAMP '2021-01-01 00:00:00', INTERVAL '1' DAY)| +----------------------------------------------------------+ | 2021-01-02 00:00:00| +----------------------------------------------------------+ SELECT try_add(interval 1 year, interval 2 year); +---------------------------------------------+ |try_add(INTERVAL '1' YEAR, INTERVAL '2' YEAR)| +---------------------------------------------+ | INTERVAL '3' YEAR| +---------------------------------------------+ -- try_divide SELECT try_divide(3, 2); +----------------+ |try_divide(3, 2)| +----------------+ | 1.5| +----------------+ SELECT try_divide(2L, 2L); +----------------+ |try_divide(2, 2)| +----------------+ | 1.0| +----------------+ SELECT try_divide(1, 0); +----------------+ |try_divide(1, 0)| +----------------+ | NULL| +----------------+ SELECT try_divide(interval 2 month, 2); +---------------------------------+ |try_divide(INTERVAL '2' MONTH, 2)| +---------------------------------+ | INTERVAL '0-1' YE...| +---------------------------------+ SELECT try_divide(interval 2 month, 0); +---------------------------------+ |try_divide(INTERVAL '2' MONTH, 0)| +---------------------------------+ | NULL| +---------------------------------+ -- try_multiply SELECT try_multiply(2, 3); +------------------+ |try_multiply(2, 3)| +------------------+ | 6| +------------------+ SELECT try_multiply(-2147483648, 10); +-----------------------------+ |try_multiply(-2147483648, 10)| +-----------------------------+ | NULL| +-----------------------------+ SELECT try_multiply(interval 2 year, 3); +----------------------------------+ |try_multiply(INTERVAL '2' YEAR, 3)| +----------------------------------+ | INTERVAL '6-0' YE...| +----------------------------------+ -- try_subtract SELECT try_subtract(2, 1); +------------------+ |try_subtract(2, 1)| +------------------+ | 1| +------------------+ SELECT try_subtract(-2147483648, 1); +----------------------------+ |try_subtract(-2147483648, 1)| +----------------------------+ | NULL| +----------------------------+ SELECT try_subtract(date'2021-01-02', 1); +----------------------------------+ |try_subtract(DATE '2021-01-02', 1)| +----------------------------------+ | 2021-01-01| +----------------------------------+ SELECT try_subtract(date'2021-01-01', interval 1 year); +--------------------------------------------------+ |try_subtract(DATE '2021-01-01', INTERVAL '1' YEAR)| +--------------------------------------------------+ | 2020-01-01| +--------------------------------------------------+ SELECT try_subtract(timestamp'2021-01-02 00:00:00', interval 1 day); +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |try_subtract(TIMESTAMP '2021-01-02 00:00:00', INTERVAL '1' DAY)| +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2021-01-01 00:00:00| +---------------------------------------------------------------+ SELECT try_subtract(interval 2 year, interval 1 year); +--------------------------------------------------+ |try_subtract(INTERVAL '2' YEAR, INTERVAL '1' YEAR)| +--------------------------------------------------+ | INTERVAL '1' YEAR| +--------------------------------------------------+ -- unhex SELECT decode(unhex('53514C'), 'UTF-8'); +----------------------------------------+ |decode(unhex(53514C), UTF-8)| +----------------------------------------+ | SQL| +----------------------------------------+ -- width_bucket SELECT width_bucket(5.3, 0.2, 10.6, 5); +-------------------------------+ |width_bucket(5.3, 0.2, 10.6, 5)| +-------------------------------+ | 3| +-------------------------------+ SELECT width_bucket(-2.1, 1.3, 3.4, 3); +-------------------------------+ |width_bucket(-2.1, 1.3, 3.4, 3)| +-------------------------------+ | 0| +-------------------------------+ SELECT width_bucket(8.1, 0.0, 5.7, 4); +------------------------------+ |width_bucket(8.1, 0.0, 5.7, 4)| +------------------------------+ | 5| +------------------------------+ SELECT width_bucket(-0.9, 5.2, 0.5, 2); +-------------------------------+ |width_bucket(-0.9, 5.2, 0.5, 2)| +-------------------------------+ | 3| +-------------------------------+ SELECT width_bucket(INTERVAL '0' YEAR, INTERVAL '0' YEAR, INTERVAL '10' YEAR, 10); +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |width_bucket(INTERVAL '0' YEAR, INTERVAL '0' YEAR, INTERVAL '10' YEAR, 10)| +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1| +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ SELECT width_bucket(INTERVAL '1' YEAR, INTERVAL '0' YEAR, INTERVAL '10' YEAR, 10); +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |width_bucket(INTERVAL '1' YEAR, INTERVAL '0' YEAR, INTERVAL '10' YEAR, 10)| +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2| +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ SELECT width_bucket(INTERVAL '0' DAY, INTERVAL '0' DAY, INTERVAL '10' DAY, 10); +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |width_bucket(INTERVAL '0' DAY, INTERVAL '0' DAY, INTERVAL '10' DAY, 10)| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ SELECT width_bucket(INTERVAL '1' DAY, INTERVAL '0' DAY, INTERVAL '10' DAY, 10); +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |width_bucket(INTERVAL '1' DAY, INTERVAL '0' DAY, INTERVAL '10' DAY, 10)| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+