Parámetros de configuración para definir acciones y argumentos - AWS ParallelCluster

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Parámetros de configuración para definir acciones y argumentos

Los siguientes ajustes de configuración se utilizan para definir las acciones y argumento HeadNode/CustomActions/OnNodeStart y OnNodeConfigured y OnNodeUpdated y Scheduling/CustomActions/OnNodeStart y OnNodeConfigured.

HeadNode: [...] CustomActions: OnNodeStart: # Script URL. This is run before any of the bootstrap scripts are run Script: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ Args: - arg1 OnNodeConfigured: # Script URL. This is run after all the bootstrap scripts are run Script: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ Args: - arg1 OnNodeUpdated: # Script URL. This is run after the head node update is completed. Script: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ Args: - arg1 # Bucket permissions Iam: S3Access: - BucketName: bucket_name EnableWriteAccess: false Scheduling: Scheduler: slurm [...] SlurmQueues: - Name: queue1 [...] CustomActions: OnNodeStart: Script: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ Args: - arg1 OnNodeConfigured: Script: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ Args: - arg1 Iam: S3Access: - BucketName: bucket_name EnableWriteAccess: false

Usando la Sequence configuración (agregada en la AWS ParallelCluster versión 3.6.0):

HeadNode: [...] CustomActions: OnNodeStart: # Script URLs. The scripts are run in the same order as listed in the configuration, before any of the bootstrap scripts are run. Sequence: - Script: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ Args: - arg1 - Script: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ Args: - arg1 [...] OnNodeConfigured: # Script URLs. The scripts are run in the same order as listed in the configuration, after all the bootstrap scripts are run. Sequence: - Script: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ Args: - arg1 - Script: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ Args: - arg1 [...] OnNodeUpdated: # Script URLs. The scripts are run in the same order as listed in the configuration, after the head node update is completed. Sequence: - Script: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ Args: - arg1 - Script: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ Args: - arg1 [...] # Bucket permissions Iam: S3Access: - BucketName: bucket_name EnableWriteAccess: false Scheduling: Scheduler: slurm [...] SlurmQueues: - Name: queue1 [...] CustomActions: OnNodeStart: # Script URLs. The scripts are run in the same order as listed in the configuration, before any of the bootstrap scripts are run Sequence: - Script: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ Args: - arg1 - Script: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ Args: - arg1 [...] OnNodeConfigured: # Script URLs. The scripts are run in the same order as listed in the configuration, after all the bootstrap scripts are run Sequence: - Script: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ Args: - arg1 - Script: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ Args: - arg1 [...] Iam: S3Access: - BucketName: bucket_name EnableWriteAccess: false

La Sequence configuración se añade a partir de la AWS ParallelCluster versión 3.6.0. Si lo especificaSequence, puede enumerar varios scripts para una acción personalizada. AWS ParallelCluster sigue admitiendo la configuración de una acción personalizada con un único script, sin incluirloSequence.

AWS ParallelCluster no admite incluir tanto un único script como Sequence para la misma acción personalizada. Por ejemplo, AWS ParallelCluster se produce un error si se especifica la siguiente configuración.

[...] CustomActions: OnNodeStart: # Script URL. This is run before any of the bootstrap scripts are run Script: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ Args: - arg1 # Script URLs. The scripts are run in the same order as listed in the configuration, before any of the bootstrap scripts are run. Sequence: - Script: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ Args: - arg1 - Script: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ Args: - arg1 [...]