MacAttributes - AWS Payment Cryptography Data Plane


Parameters that are required for DUKPT, HMAC, or EMV MAC generation or verification.



This data type is a UNION, so only one of the following members can be specified when used or returned.


The encryption algorithm for MAC generation or verification.

Type: String

Valid Values: ISO9797_ALGORITHM1 | ISO9797_ALGORITHM3 | CMAC | HMAC_SHA224 | HMAC_SHA256 | HMAC_SHA384 | HMAC_SHA512

Required: No


Parameters that are required for MAC generation or verification using DUKPT CMAC algorithm.

Type: MacAlgorithmDukpt object

Required: No


Parameters that are required for MAC generation or verification using DUKPT ISO 9797 algorithm1.

Type: MacAlgorithmDukpt object

Required: No


Parameters that are required for MAC generation or verification using DUKPT ISO 9797 algorithm3.

Type: MacAlgorithmDukpt object

Required: No


Parameters that are required for MAC generation or verification using EMV MAC algorithm.

Type: MacAlgorithmEmv object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: