RuleUpdate - AWS WAFV2



AWS WAF Classic support will end on September 30, 2025.

This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

For the latest version of AWS WAF , use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

Specifies a Predicate (such as an IPSet) and indicates whether you want to add it to a Rule or delete it from a Rule.



Specify INSERT to add a Predicate to a Rule. Use DELETE to remove a Predicate from a Rule.

Type: String

Valid Values: INSERT | DELETE

Required: Yes


The ID of the Predicate (such as an IPSet) that you want to add to a Rule.

Type: Predicate object

Required: Yes

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: