The following reference details the schema for EventBridge Pipes log records.
Each log record represents a pipe execution step, and may contain up to 10,000 events if the pipe source and target have been configured for batching.
For more information, see Logging Amazon EventBridge Pipes performance.
{ "executionId": "
", "timestamp": "date_time
", "messageType": "execution_step
", "resourceArn": "arn:aws:pipes:region
", "logLevel": "TRACE
", "payload": "{}", "awsRequest": "{}" "awsResponse":"{}" "truncatedFields": ["awsRequest","awsResponse","payload"
], "error": { "httpStatusCode":code
, "message": "error_message
", "details": "", "awsService": "service_name
", "requestId": "service_request_id
" } }
- executionId
The ID of the pipe execution.
A pipe execution is an event or batch of events received by a pipe that travel to an enrichment or target. For more information, see How Amazon EventBridge Pipes logging works.
- timestamp
The date and time the log event was emitted.
Unit: millisecond
- messageType
The pipe execution step for which the record was generated.
For more information on pipe execution steps, see EventBridge Pipes execution steps.
- resourceArn
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the pipe.
- logLevel
The level of detail specified for the pipe log.
Valid values:
For more information, see Specifying EventBridge Pipes log level.
- payload
The contents of the event batch being processed by the pipe.
EventBridge includes this field only if you have specified to include execution data in the logs for this pipe. For more information, see Including execution data in EventBridge Pipes logs
These fields may contain sensitive information. EventBridge makes no attempt to redact the contents of these fields during logging.
For more information, see Including execution data in EventBridge Pipes logs.
- awsRequest
The request sent to the enrichment or target, in JSON format. For requests sent to an API destination, this represents the HTTP request sent to that endpoint.
EventBridge includes this field only if you have specified to include execution data in the logs for this pipe. For more information, see Including execution data in EventBridge Pipes logs
These fields may contain sensitive information. EventBridge makes no attempt to redact the contents of these fields during logging.
For more information, see Including execution data in EventBridge Pipes logs.
- awsResponse
The response returned by the enrichment or target, in JSON format. For requests sent to an API destination, this represents the HTTP response returned from that endpoint, and not the response returned by the API Destination service itself.
EventBridge includes this field only if you have specified to include execution data in the logs for this pipe. For more information, see Including execution data in EventBridge Pipes logs
These fields may contain sensitive information. EventBridge makes no attempt to redact the contents of these fields during logging.
For more information, see Including execution data in EventBridge Pipes logs.
- truncatedFields
A list of any execution data fields EventBridge has truncated to keep the record below the 256 KB size limitation.
If EventBridge did not have to truncate any of the execution data fields, this field is present but
.For more information, see Truncating execution data in EventBridge Pipes log records.
- error
Contains information for any error generated during this pipe execution step.
If no error was generated during this pipe execution step, this field is present but
.- httpStatusCode
The HTTP status code returned by the called service.
- message
The error message returned by the called service.
- details
Any detailed error information returned by the called service.
- awsService
The name of the service called.
- requestId
The request ID for this request from the called service.