Adding or removing archives on Amazon EventBridge event buses - Amazon EventBridge

Adding or removing archives on Amazon EventBridge event buses

An archive enables you to capture events so that you can easily replay them at a later time. For example, you might want to replay events to recover from errors or to validate new functionality in your application. For more information, see EventBridge archive and replay.


Archives and schema discovery are not supported for event buses encrypted using a customer managed key. To enable archives or schema discovery on an event bus, choose to use an AWS owned key. For more information, see KMS key options.

To add or remove an archive on an event bus (console)
  1. Open the Amazon EventBridge console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Event buses.

  3. Choose the event bus you want to update.

  4. On the events bus details page, choose the Archives tab.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • To add an archive:

      1. Choose Create archive.

      2. Specify attributes for the archive.

      3. Choose Next.

      4. Choose the event pattern to apply to events for the archive.

      5. Choose Create archive.

    • To delete an archive:

      1. For the tag you want to remove, choose Delete.

      2. Enter the name of the archive, and choose Delete.

        The archive is permanently deleted. You cannot undo this operation.

To create or delete an archive for an event bus (AWS CLI)