In this tutorial, you'll create a pipe that connects a DynamoDB stream source to an Amazon SQS queue target. This includes specifying an event pattern for the pipe to use when filtering events to deliver to the queue. You'll then test the pipe to ensure that only the desired events are being delivered.
Prerequisites: Create the source and target
Before you create the pipe, you'll need to create the source and target that the pipe is to connect. In this case, an Amazon DynamoDB data stream to act as the pipe source, and an Amazon SQS queue as the pipe target.
To simplify this step, you can use AWS CloudFormation to provision the source and target resources. To do this, you'll create a CloudFormation template defining the following resources:
The pipe source
An Amazon DynamoDB table, named
, with a stream enabled to provide an ordered flow of information about changes to items in the DynamoDB table. The pipe target
An Amazon SQS queue, named
, to receive the DynamoDB stream of events from your pipe.
To create the CloudFormation template for provisioning pipe resources
Copy the JSON template text in the AWS CloudFormation template for generating prerequisites section, below.
Save the template as a JSON file (for example,
Next, use the template file you just created to provision a CloudFormation stack.
Once you create your CloudFormation stack, you will be charged for the AWS resources it provisions.
Provision the tutorial prerequisites using the AWS CLI
Run the following CLI command, where
specifies the location of your template file:aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name
--template-body file://~/pipe-tutorial-resources.json
Provision tutorial prerequisites using the CloudFormation console
Open the AWS CloudFormation console at
. Select Stacks, then select Create stack, and choose with new resources (standard).
CloudFormation displays the Create stack wizard.
For Prerequisite - Prepare template, leave the default, Template is ready, selected.
Under Specify template, select Upload a template file, and then choose the file and select Next.
Configure the stack and the resources it will provision:
For Stack name, enter
.For Parameters, leave the default names for the DynamoDB table and Amazon SQS queue.
Choose Next.
Choose Next, then choose Submit.
CloudFormation creates the stack and provisions the resources defined in the template.
For more information about CloudFormation, see What is AWS CloudFormation? in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.
Step 1: Create the pipe
With the pipe source and target provisioned, you can now create the pipe to connect the two services.
Create the pipe using the EventBridge console
Open the Amazon EventBridge console at
. On the navigation pane, choose Pipes.
Choose Create pipe.
For Name, name your pipe
.Specify the DynamoDB data stream source:
Under Details, for Source, select DynamoDB data stream .
EventBridge displays DynamoDB-specific source configuration settings.
For DynamoDB stream, select
.Leave Starting position set to the default,
.Choose Next.
Specify and test an event pattern to filter events:
Filtering enables you to control which events the pipes sends to enrichment or the target. The pipe only sends events that match the event pattern on to enrichment or the target.
For more information, see Event filtering in Amazon EventBridge Pipes.
You are only billed for those events sent to enrichment or the target.
Under Sample event - optional, leave AWS events selected, and make sure that DynamoDB Stream Sample event 1 is selected.
This is the sample event which you'll use to test our event pattern.
Under Event pattern, enter the following event pattern:
{ "eventName": ["INSERT", "MODIFY"] }
Choose Test pattern.
EventBridge displays a message that the sample event matches the event pattern. This is because the sample event has an
value ofINSERT
.Choose Next.
Choose Next to skip specifying an enrichment.
In this example, you won’t select an enrichment. Enrichments enable you to select a service to enhance the data from the source before sending it to the target. For more details, see Event enrichment in Amazon EventBridge Pipes.
Specify your Amazon SQS queue as the pipe target:
Under Details, for Target service, select Amazon SQS queue.
For Queue, select
.Leave the Target Input transformer section empty.
For more information, see Amazon EventBridge Pipes input transformation.
Choose Create Pipe
EventBridge creates the pipe and displays the pipe detail page. The pipe is ready once its status updates to
Step 2: Confirm the pipe
filters events
Pipe is set up, but has yet to receive events from table.
To test the pipe, you'll update entries in the DynamoDB table. Each update will generate events that the DynamoDB stream sends to our pipe. Some will match the event pattern you specified, some will not. You can then examine the Amazon SQS queue to ensure that the pipe only delivered those event that matched our event pattern.
Update table items to generate events
Open the DynamoDB console at
. From the left navigation, select Tables. Select the
table.DynamoDB displays the table details page for
.Select Explore table items, and then choose Create item.
DynamoDB displays the Create item page.
Under Attributes, create a new table item:
For Album enter
Album A
.For Artist enter
Artist A
.Choose Create item.
Update the table item:
Under Items returned, choose Album A.
Select Add new attribute, then select String.
Enter a new value of
, with a value ofSong A
.Choose Save changes.
Delete the table item:
Under Items returned, check Album A.
From the Actions menu, select Delete items.
You have made three updates to the table item; this generates three events for the DynamoDB data stream:
event when you created the item.A
event when you added an attribute to the item.A
event when you deleted the item.
However, the event pattern you specified for the pipe should filter out any events
that are not INSERT
events. Next, confirm that the
pipe delivered the expected events to the queue.
Confirm the expected events were delivered to the queue
Open the Amazon SQS console at
. Choose the
queue.Amazon SQS displays the queue details page.
Select Send and receive messages, then under Receive messages choose Poll for messages.
The queue polls the pipe and then lists the events it receives.
Choose the event name to see the event JSON that was delivered.
There should be two events in the queue: one with an eventName
, and one with an eventName
However, the pipe did not deliver the event for deleting the table item, since that
event had an eventName
, which did not match the
event pattern you specified in the pipe.
Step 3: Clean up your resources
First, delete the pipe itself.
Delete the pipe using the EventBridge console
Open the Amazon EventBridge console at
. On the navigation pane, choose Pipes.
Select the
pipe, and choose Delete.
Then, delete the CloudFormation stack, to prevent being billed for the continued usage of the resources provisioned within it.
Delete the tutorial prerequisites using the AWS CLI
Run the following CLI command, where
specifies the name of your stack:aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name
Delete the tutorial prerequisites using the AWS CloudFormation console
Open the AWS CloudFormation console at
. On the Stacks page, select the stack and then select Delete.
Select Delete to confirm your action.
AWS CloudFormation template for generating prerequisites
Use the JSON below to create a CloudFormation template for provisioning the source and target resources necessary for this tutorial.
"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
"Description" : "Provisions resources to use with the EventBridge Pipes tutorial. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template.",
"Parameters" : {
"SourceTableName" : {
"Type" : "String",
"Default" : "pipe-tutorial-source",
"Description" : "Specify the name of the table to provision as the pipe source, or accept the default."
"TargetQueueName" : {
"Type" : "String",
"Default" : "pipe-tutorial-target",
"Description" : "Specify the name of the queue to provision as the pipe target, or accept the default."
"Resources": {
"PipeTutorialSourceDynamoDBTable": {
"Type": "AWS::DynamoDB::Table",
"Properties": {
"AttributeDefinitions": [{
"AttributeName": "Album",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "Artist",
"AttributeType": "S"
"KeySchema": [{
"AttributeName": "Album",
"KeyType": "HASH"
"AttributeName": "Artist",
"KeyType": "RANGE"
"ProvisionedThroughput": {
"ReadCapacityUnits": 10,
"WriteCapacityUnits": 10
"StreamSpecification": {
"StreamViewType": "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES"
"TableName": { "Ref" : "SourceTableName" }
"PipeTutorialTargetQueue": {
"Type": "AWS::SQS::Queue",
"Properties": {
"QueueName": { "Ref" : "TargetQueueName" }