Fill and filter operations in Amazon FinSpace - Amazon FinSpace

Fill and filter operations in Amazon FinSpace


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The data produced after summarizing bars could have missing bars where no data was collected or contain data that is not desired to be used in the next stage. The objective of this stage is to prepare a dataset with evenly spaced intervals and filter out any data outside desired time window. Fill and Filter are available in the aws.finspace.timeseries.spark.prepare module.

Fill and filter functions

aws.finspace.timeseries.spark.prepare.time_bar_fill_and_filter(data, timebar_column_name, business_calendar, time-bar_spec, start_date, end_date, fill_value=None, start_time=None, end_time=None)

The data produced after summarizing bars could have missing bars where no data was collected or contain data that is not desired to be used in the next stage. The objective of this stage is to prepare a dataset with evenly spaced intervals and filter out any data outside desired time window. Fill and Filter are available in the aws.finspace.timeseries.spark.prepare module.

The Fill and filter function will fill with nulls in all rows that need to exist, and filter all rows that are outside the business calendar date/time range in a given calendar.


  • data (DataFrame) – input dataframe

  • timebar_column_name (str) – name of the timebar column to fill against

  • business_calendar (AbstractCalendar) – business calendar

  • timebar_spec (TimeBarSpec) – time bar input spec associated with the bars that were created. it provides the bar frequency

  • start_date (date) – start of date

  • end_date (date) – end date

  • fill_value (Optional[float]) – value to fill

  • start_time (Optional[time]) – start time of the day

  • end_time (Optional[time]) – end time of the day

Return type DataFrame

Returns DataFrame

Calendars module

Use the calendar module for defining a calendar schedule to be used in fill and filter.

Abstract calendar

class Bases: object

Defines abstract class for calendars.


Create schedule

create_schedule_from_to(from_date, to_date, time_bar_spec_window_duration, from_time=None, to_time=None, tzinfo=<UTC>) Abstract method, provide override

Creates a list of dates associated with a particular type of calendar.


  • from_date(date) – from date

  • to_date (date) – to date

  • time_bar_spec_window_duration (str) – 

  • from_time (Optional[time]) – from time

  • to_time (Optional[time]) – to time

Return type array

Returns raw_calendar_data()

Return type Dict[str,Any]

Returns raw calendar data

NYSE calendar

class Bases:

Returns a holiday calendar with no weekends, and according to the NYSE exchange trading holidays and half-days for 2019 and 2020.

create_schedule_from_to(from_date, to_date, time_bar_spec_window_duration, from_time=None, to_time=None)


  • from_date (date) – from date

  • to_date (date) – to date

  • time_bar_spec_window_duration (str)

  • from_time (Optional[time]) – from time

  • to_time (Optional[time]) – to time

  • tzinfo – time to localize to

Return type array

Returns raw_calendar_data()

Return type Dict[str,Any]

Returns raw calendar data

End of day calendar actual

class Bases:

Return 30/360 calendar, without weekends, without exchange hours.

create_schedule_from_to(from_date, to_date, time_bar_spec_window_duration, from_time=None, to_time=None)


  • from_date (date) – from date

  • to_date (date) – to date

  • time_bar_spec_window_duration (str)

  • from_time (Optional[time]) – from time

  • to_time (Optional[time]) – to time

  • tzinfo – time to localize to

Return type array

Returns raw_calendar_data()

Return type Dict[str,Any]

Returns raw calendar data