AWS::GameLift::Fleet ResourceCreationLimitPolicy - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::GameLift::Fleet ResourceCreationLimitPolicy

A policy that limits the number of game sessions a player can create on the same fleet. This optional policy gives game owners control over how players can consume available game server resources. A resource creation policy makes the following statement: "An individual player can create a maximum number of new game sessions within a specified time period".

The policy is evaluated when a player tries to create a new game session. For example, assume you have a policy of 10 new game sessions and a time period of 60 minutes. On receiving a CreateGameSession request, Amazon GameLift checks that the player (identified by CreatorId) has created fewer than 10 game sessions in the past 60 minutes.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "NewGameSessionsPerCreator" : Integer, "PolicyPeriodInMinutes" : Integer }



A policy that puts limits on the number of game sessions that a player can create within a specified span of time. With this policy, you can control players' ability to consume available resources.

The policy is evaluated when a player tries to create a new game session. On receiving a CreateGameSession request, Amazon GameLift checks that the player (identified by CreatorId) has created fewer than game session limit in the specified time period.

Required: No

Type: Integer

Minimum: 0

Update requires: No interruption


The time span used in evaluating the resource creation limit policy.

Required: No

Type: Integer

Minimum: 0

Update requires: No interruption

See also