AWS::MediaLive::Channel FrameCaptureGroupSettings
The settings for a frame capture output group.
The parent of this entity is OutputGroupSettings.
To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:
{ "Destination" :
, "FrameCaptureCdnSettings" :FrameCaptureCdnSettings
The destination for the frame capture files. The destination is either the URI for an Amazon S3 bucket and object, plus a file name prefix (for example, s3ssl://sportsDelivery/highlights/20180820/curling_) or the URI for a MediaStore container, plus a file name prefix (for example, mediastoressl://sportsDelivery/20180820/curling_). The final file names consist of the prefix from the destination field (for example, "curling_") + name modifier + the counter (5 digits, starting from 00001) + extension (which is always .jpg). For example, curlingLow.00001.jpg.
Required: No
Type: OutputLocationRef
Update requires: No interruption
Settings to configure the destination of a Frame Capture output.
Required: No
Type: FrameCaptureCdnSettings
Update requires: No interruption