Create an account-level field index policy - Amazon CloudWatch Logs

Create an account-level field index policy

Use the steps in this section to create a field index policy that applies to all log groups in the account, or to multiple log groups that have log group names that start with the same string.

To create an account-level field index policy
  1. Open the CloudWatch console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Settings and then choose the Logs tab.

  3. In the Account level index policies section, choose Manage.

  4. Choose Create index policy.

  5. For Policy name, enter a name for your new poiicy.

  6. For Select log groups, do one of the following:

    • Choose All standard log groups to have the index policy apply to all Standard Class log groups in the account.

    • choose Select log group(s) by prefix match to apply the policy to a subset of log groups that all have names that start with the same string. Then, enter the prefix for these log groups in Enter a prefix name.

      After you enter your prefix, you can choose Preview prefix matched log groups to confirm that your prefix matches the log groups that you expected.

  7. For Custom index field configuration, choose Add field path to enter the first field to index.

    Then enter the string to use as the value of the field name. This must be an exact case match to what appears in the log events. For example, if your log events include requestId, you must enter requestId here. RequestId, requestID, and request Id wouldn't match.

    If you want to index a custom log field that starts with the @ character, you must include an extra @ character when you enter the index string. For example, if you have a custom log field @emailname, enter @@emailname in the Add field path box.

    You can also create indexes for the @ingestionTime and @logStream fields that CloudWatch Logs automatically generates. If you do, you don't need to add an extra @ when specifying them.

  8. Repeat the previous step to add as many as 20 field indexes.

  9. When you have finished, choose Create.