Using the Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database data loading utility - Amazon Aurora

Using the Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database data loading utility

Aurora provides a utility for loading data directly into Limitless Database from an Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster or RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance.

You perform the following steps to use the data loading utility:


The data loading utility has the following limitations:

  • The following data types aren't supported: enum, ARRAY, BOX, CIRCLE, LINE, LSEG, PATH, PG_LSN, PG_SNAPSHOT, POLYGON, TSQUERY, TSVECTOR, and TXID_SNAPSHOT.

  • Leading zeroes (0) are stripped from the VARBIT data type during loading.

  • Data migration fails when there are composite primary keys on the source tables.

  • Data migration fails when there are foreign keys on the destination tables.

  • Loading data from RDS for PostgreSQL Multi-AZ DB clusters isn't supported.


The data loading utility has the following prerequisites:

  • The source database uses Aurora PostgreSQL or RDS for PostgreSQL version 11.x and higher.

  • The source database is in the same AWS account and AWS Region as the destination DB shard group.

  • The source DB cluster or DB instance is in the available state.

  • Tables on the source database and limitless database have the same table names, column names, and column data types.

  • The source and destination tables have primary keys that use the same columns and column orders.

  • You must have an environment for connecting to a limitless database to run data loading commands. Available commands are the following:

    • rds_aurora.limitless_data_load_start

    • rds_aurora.limitless_data_load_cancel

  • For CDC:

    • Both the source database and the destination DB shard group must use the same DB subnet group, VPC security group, and database port. These setups are for network connections to both the source database and the routers in the DB shard group.

    • You must enable logical replication on the source database. The source database user must have privileges to read logical replication.

Using the Limitless Compatibility Assessment Tool

You can use the Limitless Compatibility Assessment Tool to determine quickly whether your PostgreSQL database is compatible with Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database. You generate a schema-only pg_dump file of the database, then run it against the tool to evaluate which SQL statements are supported and which aren't.

For more information, see the documentation for the Limitless Compatibility Assessment Tool.

Preparing the source database

To access the source database for data loading, you must allow incoming network traffic to it. Perform the following steps.

To allow network traffic to the source database
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. Navigate to the Security groups page.

  3. Choose the Security group ID for the security group used by the source DB cluster or instance.

    For example, its security group ID is sg-056a84f1712b77926.

  4. On the Inbound rules tab:

    1. Choose Edit inbound rules.

    2. Add a new inbound rule for the source DB cluster or instance:

      • Port range – Database port for the source database, usually 5432

      • Security group ID – sg-056a84f1712b77926 in this example

      Add inbound rule for the source database.
  5. On the Outbound rules tab:

    1. Choose Edit outbound rules.

    2. Add a new outbound rule for the source DB cluster or instance:

      • Database port – All traffic (includes ports 0-65535)

      • Security group ID – sg-056a84f1712b77926 in this example

      Add outbound rule for the source database.
  6. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon VPC console at

  7. Navigate to the Network ACLs page.

  8. Add the default network ACL configuration as outlined in Default network ACL.

Preparing the destination database

Follow the procedures in Creating Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database tables to create the destination tables in the DB shard group.

Your destination tables must have the same schemas, table names, and primary keys as the source tables.

Creating database credentials

You must create database users in the source and destination databases, and grant necessary privileges to the users. For more information, see CREATE USER and GRANT in the PostgreSQL documentation.

Create the source database credentials

The source database user is passed in the command to start loading. This user must have privileges to perform replication from the source database.

  1. Use the database master user (or another user with the rds_superuser role) to create a source database user with LOGIN privileges.

    CREATE USER source_db_username WITH PASSWORD 'source_db_user_password';
  2. Grant the rds_superuser role to your source database user.

    GRANT rds_superuser to source_db_username;
  3. If you're using full_load_and_cdc mode, grant the rds_replication role to your source database user. The rds_replication role grants permissions to manage logical slots and to stream data using logical slots.

    GRANT rds_replication to source_db_username;

Create the destination database credentials

The destination database user must have permission to write to the destination tables in the DB shard group.

  1. Use the database master user (or another user with the rds_superuser role) to create a destination database user with LOGIN privileges.

    CREATE USER destination_db_username WITH PASSWORD 'destination_db_user_password';
  2. Grant the rds_superuser role to your destination database user.

    GRANT rds_superuser to destination_db_username;