How the User Store works - Amazon Q Business

How the User Store works

Each document in any data source has access control list (ACL) information inherently attached to it as metadata. ACLs contain information about which users and groups have access to a document.

Connectors support crawl ACL and identity information where applicable based on the data source. To index documents without ACLs (as public documents) ensure the documents you want to index from your data source are public documents in the enterprise data source the connectors index the content from.

An Amazon Q Business connector updates any changes in ACLs each time that your data source content is crawled. To capture ACL changes to make sure that the right end users have access to the right content, re-sync your data source regularly.


As of Dec 17, 2024, Amazon Q Business will recognize all email addresses as case-insensitive and recognize subaddresses as equivalent to the original email address. For example,,, and will be considered the same email address. For assistance with applications or to report a concern, contact Support, sign into the AWS Support Center .


Amazon Q Business supports crawling ACLs for document security by default. As a general rule, turning off ACLs and identity crawling are no longer supported. In preparation for connecting Amazon Q Business applications to IAM Identity Center, enable ACL indexing and identity crawling for secure querying and re-sync your connector. Once you turn ACL and identity crawling on you won't be able to turn them off. Certain connectors provide you with the ability to manage ACLs by enabling or disabling them during data source creation. To create a data source with ACLs disabled, you need specific IAM permissions. For more information, see Setting up.

Each data source also contains information about the users and groups which have access to it. Amazon Q Business crawls information about users and groups attached to each data source and automatically extracts and maps user and group information internally. Amazon Q Business then stores this crawled identity information in the user store and uses it to match and map user and group IDs with their document access details.

If you delete a group in the User Store and then re-create it later with the same name but with different group members, document ACLs which contain this group may be impacted. We recommend that this type of change (deleting or re-creating a group with the same name but with different group members) be done in the data source instead of the Amazon Q Business User Store.

Using a reassigned email address requires deleting the original user’s UUID from the User Store. This is because Amazon Q Business verifies that the new user's IAM Identity Center attributes match those in the User Store. If the previous email address user UUID is not deleted, and the previous user’s attributes are found, API calls will be denied.


Inadvertent mistakes when you update the User Store’s user, group, group membership, and mapping information can result in unintentional and unacceptable changes in the accessibility of documents to users.

Treat the ability to update the User Store to create users, update users, delete users, create groups, update groups, delete groups (i.e, create update delete operations), and update the mappings, as a privileged operation.

Ensure that access to the User Store APIs is provided only to admin who fully understand how to use these APIs and the implications of these changes on your document security. We recommend establishing a documented approval process be followed for making such changes.

The following overview describes how principal mapping works by using either the console or the Amazon Q Business API.

Using the console

Each document in any data source has access control list (ACL) information inherently attached to it as metadata. ACLs contain information about which users and groups have access to a document. To ensure document security, Amazon Q Business crawls ACL information by default. Then, the connector automatically extracts and maps document access information internally.

When you crawl this ACL information, Amazon Q Business stores it in its internal user store to assess which user IDs have access to a document.

Each data source also contains information about the users and groups which have access to it. During data source connector configuration, Amazon Q Business crawls information about users and groups attached to each data source. Then, the connector automatically extracts and maps user and group information internally.

Amazon Q Business stores this crawled identity information in the user store and uses it to match and map user and group ids with their document access details. You can only use the Identity crawler feature if you also crawl ACLs using the Authorization feature.

If you use the console, you must re-sync your data to your index to capture any changes in the ACL and user and group membership within your data source.

For more information regarding setting up user mapping for specific connectors, consult the deatailed ACL crawling documentation section for that connector. For example, if you need to set up user mapping for Salesforce Online, see How Amazon Q Business connector crawls Salesforce ACLs.

Using the API

When you configure your Amazon Q Business application, you use the following API operations to create your principal mapping solution:

User management

  • CreateUser – Creates a universally unique identifier (UUID) that's mapped to a list of local user IDs within a data source.

  • DeleteUser — Deletes a UUID that's mapped to a user.

  • UpdateUser – Updates local user IDs within a data source that are mapped to a UUID.

  • GetUser – Lists information associated with a user ID.

Group management

  • PutGroup – Creates, or updates, a mapping of users to groups, or groups to subgroups. You can use this API operation to:

    • Map a group from groups in the data source to groups in your IdP.

    • Map a list of users and sub groups (for example, Interns) to a group (for example, Interns 2023).

  • DeleteGroup – Deletes a group or a subgroup.

  • GetGroup – Lists information about a group.