Microsoft SharePoint Online connector for Amazon AppFlow
Microsoft SharePoint Online is a collaboration solution that teams use to share files, data, and other resources throughout their organization. If you're a SharePoint user, you have sites with document libraries that contain various types of documents, like PDFs, Microsoft Word documents, Microsoft Excel files, and more. You can use Amazon AppFlow to transfer these documents to Amazon S3. When you run a transfer, Amazon AppFlow also provides a file with descriptive metadata for each document.
Amazon AppFlow support for Microsoft SharePoint Online
Amazon AppFlow supports Microsoft SharePoint Online as follows.
- Supported as a data source?
Yes. You can use Amazon AppFlow to transfer documents and metadata from Microsoft SharePoint Online.
- Supported as a data destination?
No. You can't use Amazon AppFlow to transfer data to Microsoft SharePoint Online.
- Supported destination for SharePoint Online data
You can transfer only to Amazon S3.
- Supported SharePoint products
Amazon AppFlow connects only to Microsoft SharePoint Online. It doesn't connect to the on-premises SharePoint Server product.
Before you begin
To use Amazon AppFlow to transfer data from Microsoft SharePoint Online to supported destinations, you must meet the following requirements:
You have a Microsoft account where you've signed up for Microsoft SharePoint Online. Your SharePoint account must have at least one site with a document library. The document library must have the documents that you want to transfer.
You have your Azure AD tenant ID. You provide this ID to Amazon AppFlow when you connect to your Microsoft SharePoint Online account. For the steps to look up the ID, see Find your Azure AD tenant
in the Azure portal documentation.
If you meet those requirements, you're ready to create a connection between Amazon AppFlow and your Sharepoint account. No additional steps are necessary in your Microsoft account because Amazon AppFlow fulfills the remaining requirements with an AWS managed client app.
The AWS managed client app for Sharepoint
The AWS managed client app for Sharepoint simplifies the connection setup. If you use it, you don't have to provide the OAuth 2.0 credentials of a client ID and client secret. To get those credentials, you would have to create an app registration in Microsoft Azure. Instead, the only information that you must get from your Microsoft account is your Azure tenant ID. To create the connection, you provide the tenant ID and, when Amazon AppFlow prompts you, you sign into your Microsoft account and authorize Amazon AppFlow to access to your Sharepoint data.
Alternatively, you can choose to create a connection that uses OAuth 2.0 credentials from your own app registration instead of the AWS managed client app. This option is more complicated, but it gives you more control over the credentials. For example, you could use Microsoft Azure to change the credentials, revoke them, or manage who can access them.
If you want to authorize Amazon AppFlow with the OAuth 2.0 credentials from your own app registration, you must meet these requirements:
In the Microsoft Azure portal, you've created an app registration for Amazon AppFlow. For the steps to register an app, see Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform
in the Microsoft Graph documentation. -
You've configured your registered app as follows:
You've added one or more redirect URLs for Amazon AppFlow.
Redirect URLs have the following format:
region this URL, region is the code for the AWS Region where you use Amazon AppFlow to transfer data from Microsoft SharePoint Online. For example, the code for the US East (N. Virginia) Region is
. For that Region, the URL is the following:
For the AWS Regions that Amazon AppFlow supports, and their codes, see Amazon AppFlow endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference.
You've added the recommended permissions.
You've created a client secret.
Note the following values from your registered app because you provide them to Amazon AppFlow when you connect to your Sharepoint account:
Application (client) ID
Client secret
Recommended permissions for the app registration
Before Amazon AppFlow can securely access your data in Microsoft SharePoint Online, your registered app must allow the necessary permissions for the Microsoft Graph API. We recommend that you allow the following permissions so that Amazon AppFlow can access all supported resources.
You can add permissions to your registered app by using the API permissions page in the Microsoft Azure portal. Configure your permissions as follows:
Under Microsoft APIs, choose Microsoft Graph.
For the permissions type, choose delegated. For information about delegated permissions, see Permission types
in the Microsoft identity platform documentation. -
Add the following recommended permissions:
For information about these permissions, see the Microsoft Graph permissions reference
in the Microsoft Graph documentation. -
Connecting Amazon AppFlow to your Microsoft SharePoint Online account
To connect Amazon AppFlow to Microsoft SharePoint Online, provide details from your registered app in Microsoft Azure so that Amazon AppFlow can access the documents in your SharePoint document libraries. If you haven't yet configured your Microsoft account for Amazon AppFlow integration, see Before you begin.
To connect to Microsoft SharePoint Online
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon AppFlow console at
. -
In the navigation pane on the left, choose Connections.
On the Manage connections page, for Connectors, choose Microsoft SharePoint Online.
Choose Create connection.
In the Connect to Microsoft SharePoint Online window, enter the following information about your registered app:
Custom authorization tokens URL – Your Azure AD tenant ID.
Custom authorization code URL – Azure AD tenant ID
By default, the Use AWS managed client app checkbox is activated. You can do either of the following:
If you want to use the AWS managed client app, keep the checkbox activated.
If you want to use your own client app (called an app registration in Microsoft Azure), choose the checkbox to deactivate it. Then, provide values for Client ID and Client secret.
Optionally, under Data encryption, choose Customize encryption settings (advanced) if you want to encrypt your data with a customer managed key in the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS).
By default, Amazon AppFlow encrypts your data with a KMS key that AWS creates, uses, and manages for you. Choose this option if you want to encrypt your data with your own KMS key instead.
Amazon AppFlow always encrypts your data during transit and at rest. For more information, see Data protection in Amazon AppFlow.
If you want to use a KMS key from the current AWS account, select this key under Choose an AWS KMS key. If you want to use a KMS key from a different AWS account, enter the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for that key.
For Connection name, enter a name for your connection.
Choose Continue. A window appears that asks if you want to allow Amazon AppFlow to access your Microsoft SharePoint Online account.
Choose Authorize.
On the Manage connections page, your new connection appears in the Connections table. When you create a flow that uses Microsoft SharePoint Online as the data source, you can select this connection.
Transferring data from Microsoft SharePoint Online with a flow
To transfer documents and metadata from Microsoft SharePoint Online to Amazon S3, create an Amazon AppFlow flow. In the flow configuration, you set the data source by choosing a Microsoft SharePoint Online connection. Specifically for flows that transfer from SharePoint, you also choose a SharePoint site that's hosted in your account, and one or more SharePoint document libraries that belong to the site. You also set the data destination by choosing an Amazon S3 bucket in your AWS account.
To configure a flow with Microsoft SharePoint Online as the data source
For the standard steps to create a flow, see Create a flow using the AWS console. Use the following steps only to configure the data source and data destination details for a flow that transfers from SharePoint. You configure these settings when you reach the Configure flow page in the flow creation process.
Under Source details, for Source name, choose Microsoft SharePoint Online.
For Choose Microsoft SharePoint Online connection, choose the connection that you created. If you haven't created a connection yet, see Connecting Amazon AppFlow to your Microsoft SharePoint Online account.
For Choose API version, choose v1.0.
For Choose Microsoft SharePoint Online site, choose the SharePoint site in your account that contains the documents that you want to transfer.
Under Selected resources, the console shows the document libraries that belong to the SharePoint site. Each document library is represented as a folder. If a folder contains subfolders or documents, you can expand the folder to show its contents.
Select the check box for one or more folders to pick the documents that your flow transfers to Amazon S3. When you run the flow, Amazon AppFlow transfers the documents that are in the folder, in addition to the documents that are in all of its subfolders.
For the limits that apply to how many folders and documents you can transfer, see Quotas and limitations for the Microsoft SharePoint Online connector.
Under Destination details, for Destination name, choose Amazon S3. Then, for Bucket details, choose the S3 bucket that stores the output from your flow. To organize your output, you can specify an optional prefix, which becomes a folder in your S3 bucket.
After you configure your flow with a SharePoint document library and a destination S3 bucket, you can work through the remaining flow configuration steps in the console by using the standard steps.
Microsoft SharePoint Online output in Amazon S3
When you run a flow that transfers from SharePoint, Amazon AppFlow creates the following items in the destination S3 bucket:
A JSON file that contains metadata about every document that Amazon AppFlow transfers from your document libraries. For the metadata fields, see Supported metadata fields for Microsoft SharePoint Online documents. The name of the file is the execution ID of the flow run. To learn what flow run the execution ID is associated with, you can view a list of IDs under the Run history tab in the details page for a flow.
A folder that contains the folders and documents that you transferred from the document libraries of your site. The name of this folder is also the execution ID of the flow run.
The scope of the output depends on whether you configured the flow to run on a schedule or run on demand:
If the flow runs on a schedule, Amazon AppFlow performs incremental data transfers. When the flow runs for the first time, Amazon AppFlow transfers every document in the document libraries that you chose in the data source configuration. Then, for all subsequent flow runs, Amazon AppFlow transfers only those files that you created or changed in SharePoint since the prior flow run.
To configure a flow to run on a schedule, you can use the console to set the schedule settings under Flow trigger in the flow creation process.
If the flow runs on demand, Amazon AppFlow performs full data transfers. For every flow run, Amazon AppFlow transfers every document in the document libraries that you chose in the data source configuration.
To configure a flow to run on demand, you can use the console to set this option under Flow trigger in the flow creation process. After you create an on-demand flow, you run the flow by choosing Run flow on the flow details page.
Supported metadata fields for Microsoft SharePoint Online documents
When you run a flow that transfers documents from Microsoft SharePoint Online, Amazon AppFlow creates a metadata file in the destination S3 bucket. The metadata describes each document that Amazon AppFlow transferred for the flow run.
The following table lists the metadata fields that Amazon AppFlow supports. For each transferred document, Amazon AppFlow writes only those fields that apply to the document type.
Metadata field |
Data type |
Supported filters |
Audio |
Struct |
Bundle |
Struct |
Created DateTime |
DateTime |
CreatedBy |
Struct |
Deleted |
Struct |
Description |
String |
Entity Content Tag |
String |
Entity Tag |
String |
File |
Struct |
File System Info |
Struct |
File Type |
String |
Id |
String |
Image |
Struct |
Last Modified By |
Struct |
Last Modified DateTime |
DateTime |
Location |
Struct |
Malware |
Struct |
Name |
String |
Package |
Struct |
Parent Reference |
Struct |
Pending Operations |
Struct |
Photo |
Struct |
Publication |
Struct |
Remote Item |
Struct |
Root |
Struct |
Search Result |
Struct |
SharePoint Ids |
Struct |
Shared |
Struct |
Size |
Integer |
Special Folder |
Struct |
Video |
Struct |
Web Dav Url |
String |
Web Url |
String |
Quotas and limitations for the Microsoft SharePoint Online connector
The following table lists the quotas that apply to flows that transfer from SharePoint.
Resource | Quota |
The maximum number of SharePoint document library folders transferred by a flow |
17 |
The maximum size of any file transferred by a flow |
250 GB |
The maximum number of files transferred by a flow run |
10,000 |
The maximum total data size transferred by a flow run |
250 GB |
The following limitations also apply to flows that transfer from SharePoint:
For scheduled flows, if a flow remains running when the next flow run is scheduled to start, then Amazon AppFlow skips the next flow run. Amazon AppFlow does this to allow the first flow run enough time to complete.
Amazon AppFlow doesn't provide the option to catalog your output in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. Amazon AppFlow typically provides that option for flows that transfer to Amazon S3, but the option is available only for structured source data. The documents that you transfer from your SharePoint document libraries are unstructured data.
Amazon AppFlow doesn't provide the data partitioning options that it typically provides for flows that transfer to Amazon S3. Amazon AppFlow partitions all SharePoint output only into folders that are named after the execution ID of the flow run.