AWS B2B Data Interchange events detail reference - AWS B2B Data Interchange

AWS B2B Data Interchange events detail reference

All events from AWS services have a common set of fields containing metadata about the event, such as the AWS service that is the source of the event, the time the event was generated, the account and region in which the event took place, and others. For definitions of these general fields, see Event structure reference in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.

In addition, each event has a detail field that contains data specific to that particular event. The reference below defines the detail fields for the various AWS B2B Data Interchange events.

When using EventBridge to select and manage AWS B2B Data Interchange events, it's useful to keep the following in mind:

  • The source field for all events from AWS B2B Data Interchange is set to aws.b2bi.

  • The detail-type field specifies the event type.

    For example, Transformation Completed.

  • The detail field contains the data that is specific to that particular event.

For information on constructing event patterns that enable rules to match AWS B2B Data Interchange events, see Event patterns in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.

For more information on events and how EventBridge processes them, see Amazon EventBridge events in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.

Details fields for transformation events

This section describes the detail fields for the following events:

  • Transformation Completed

  • Transformation Failed

The source and detail-type fields are included because they contain specific values for AWS B2B Data Interchange events. For definitions of the other metadata fields that are included in all events, see Event structure reference in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.

{ . . ., "detail-type": "string", "source": "aws.b2bi", . . ., "detail": { "transformer-job-id" : "string", "trading-partner-id" : "string", "start-timestamp" : "string" "end-timestamp" : "string", "x12-transaction-set" : "string", "x12-version" : "string", "input-file-s3-attributes" : { "bucket" : "string", "object-key" : "string", "object-size-bytes" : "number" }, "output-file-s3-attributes" : { "bucket" : "string", "object-key" : "string", "object-size-bytes" : "number" }, "failure-message" : "string", "failure-code" : "string", "ack-generation-status" : "string", "ack-error-code-detected" : "boolean" } }

Identifies the type of event.

For this event, this value is either Transformation Completed or Transformation Failed.


Identifies the service that generated the event. For AWS B2B Data Interchange events, this value is aws.b2bi.


A JSON object that contains information about the event. The service generating the event determines the content of this field.

For this event, this data includes:


The unique, system-generated identifier for a transformer run


The unique, system-generated identifier for a trading partner.


The time stamp for when the transformation request begins processing.


The time stamp for when the transformation request finishes processing.


A list of supported X12 transaction sets. Transaction sets are maintained by the X12 Accredited Standards Committee.


The version to use for the specified X12 transaction set.


This parameter contains the details of the location of the AWS input storage file.


The container for the object in Amazon S3


The name assigned to the object in Amazon S3.


The size, in bytes, of the input file.


This parameter contains the details of the location of the AWS output storage file.


The container for the object in Amazon S3


The name assigned to the object in Amazon S3.


The size, in bytes, of the output file.


For failed transformations, the details for why the transform failed.


For failed transformations, the reason code for why the transformations failed.


This field is only populated when the transformation is supposed to generate an acknowledgement. The status of acknowledgement for this transformation. Valid values are NOT_ATTEMPTED, COMPLETED, or FAILED.


This field is only populated for transformations that have a COMPLETED ack-generation-status. Specifies whether or not an error code was detected during the validation step of acknowledgement generation.

Details fields for acknowledgement events

This section describes the detail fields for the following events:

  • Acknowledgement Completed

  • Acknowledgement Failed

The source and detail-type fields are included because they contain specific values for AWS B2B Data Interchange events. For definitions of the other metadata fields that are included in all events, see Event structure reference in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.

{ . . ., "detail-type": "string", "source": "aws.b2bi", . . ., "detail": { "transformer-job-id" : "string", "trading-partner-id" : "string", "start-timestamp" : "string" "end-timestamp" : "string", "input-x12-transaction-set" : "string", "input-x12-version" : "string", "input-file-s3-attributes" : { "bucket" : "string", "object-key" : "string", "object-size-bytes" : "number" }, "ack-x12-type : "string", "ack-x12-version : "string", "ack-file-s3-attributes" : { "bucket" : "string", "object-key" : "string", "object-size-bytes" : "number" }, "ack-error-code-detected : "boolean", "failure-message" : "string", "failure-code" : "string" } }

Identifies the type of event.

For this event, this value is either Acknowledgement Completed or Acknowledgement Failed.


Identifies the service that generated the event. For AWS B2B Data Interchange events, this value is aws.b2bi.


A JSON object that contains information about the event. The service generating the event determines the content of this field.

For this event, this data includes:


The unique, system-generated identifier for a transformer run.


The unique, system-generated identifier for a trading partner.


The time stamp for when the acknowledgement request begins processing.


The time stamp for when the acknowledgement request finishes processing.


The X12 transaction set of the input file.


The version to use for the specified X12 transaction set.


This parameter contains the details of the location of the AWS input storage file.


The container for the object in Amazon S3


The name assigned to the object in Amazon S3.


The size, in bytes, of the input file.


X12 type for the acknowledgement.


X12 version for the acknowledgement.


This parameter contains the details of the location of the AWS acknowledgement storage file. The acknowledgement file attributes are only included in Acknowledgement Completed events.


The container for the object in Amazon S3


The name assigned to the object in Amazon S3.


The size, in bytes, of the acknowledgement file.


For Acknowledgement Completed events, is either true or false, depending on whether an error code was detected.


For failed acknowledgements, the details for why the event failed.


For failed acknowledgements, the reason code for why the transformations failed.

EventBridge Example events for B2Bi

This section presents the details for some example events generated by B2Bi.

Example Transformation Completed example event (for an event that originated from a transformer or standalone)

The following example shows an event where a transformation completed successfully.

{ "version": "0", "id": "370d77b7-cb45-60de-7fc6-cb0522a3e43d", "detail-type": "Transformation Completed", "source": "aws.b2bi", "account": "1234abcd5678, "time": "2024-03-08T19:52:48Z", "region": "us-east-2", "resources": [ "arn:aws:b2bi:us-east-2:1234abcd5678:transformer/tr-1234567890abcdef0" ], "detail": { "transformer-job-id": "tj-1111aa2222bb33334444cc", "start-timestamp": "2024-03-08T19:52:47.418Z", "end-timestamp": "2024-03-08T19:52:48.089Z", "x12-transaction-set": "X12_214", "x12-version": "VERSION_4010", "input-file-s3-attributes": { "bucket": "amzn-s3-demo-bucket", "object-key": "edi_214_4010.txt", "object-size-bytes": 1034 }, "output-file-s3-attributes": { "bucket": "amzn-s3-demo-bucket1", "object-key": "getTransformerJobTestOutput/edi_214_4010.txt.2024-03-12T22:57:42.182Z.json", "object-size-bytes": 4174 }, "ack-generation-status": "COMPLETED", "ack-error-code-detected": false } }
Example Transformation Failed example event (for an event that originated from a Capability)

The following example shows an event where a transformation failed to complete successfully.

{ "version": "0", "id": "1ba25f10-d560-3e06-49bb-761a2de88679", "detail-type": "Transformation Failed", "source": "aws.b2bi", "account": "1234abcd5678", "time": "2024-03-09T07:29:12Z", "region": "us-east-2", "resources": [ "arn:aws:b2bi:us-east-2:1234abcd5678:transformer/tr-1234567890abcdef0", "arn:aws:b2bi:us-east-2:639140540422:profile/p-11111aaaa2222bbbb3", "arn:aws:b2bi:us-east-2:639140540422:capability/ca-ABCDE111122223333", "arn:aws:b2bi:us-east-2:639140540422:partnership/ps-11112222333344445" ], "detail": { "trading-partner-id": "tp-aaaa11bbbb22cccc33dddd", "start-timestamp": "2024-03-09T07:29:12.015Z", "end-timestamp": "2024-03-09T07:29:12.149Z", "x12-transaction-set": "X12_214", "x12-version": "VERSION_4010", "failure-message": "Access denied when getting object attributes from s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/myinputs/tp-aaaa11bbbb22cccc33dddd/edi_file_mar_14_2024_2.txt", "failure-code": "FILE_TRANSFORM_FAILED", "ack-generation-status": "NOT_ATTEMPTED" } }
Example Acknowledgement Completed example event

The following example shows an event where an acknowledgement completed successfully.

{ "version": "0", "id": "1ba25f10-d560-3e06-49bb-761a2de88679", "detail-type": "Acknowledgement Completed", "source": "aws.b2bi", "account": "1234abcd5678", "time": "2024-03-09T07:29:12Z", "region": "us-east-2", "resources": [ "arn:aws:b2bi:us-east-2:1234abcd5678:transformer/tr-1234567890abcdef0", "arn:aws:b2bi:us-east-2:639140540422:profile/p-11111aaaa2222bbbb3", "arn:aws:b2bi:us-east-2:639140540422:capability/ca-ABCDE111122223333", "arn:aws:b2bi:us-east-2:639140540422:partnership/ps-11112222333344445" ], "detail": { "trading-partner-id": "tp-aaaa11bbbb22cccc33dddd", "start-timestamp": "2024-03-09T07:29:12.015Z", "end-timestamp": "2024-03-09T07:29:12.149Z", "input-x12-transaction-set": "X12_214", "input-x12-version": "VERSION_4010", "input-file-s3-attributes": { "bucket": "amzn-s3-demo-bucket", "object-key": "edi_214_4010.txt", "object-size-bytes": 449 }, "ack-x12-type": "X12_997", "ack-x12-version": "VERSION_4010", "ack-file-s3-attributes": { "bucket": "amzn-s3-demo-bucket2", "object-key": "testouput/tp-1234567890abcdef0/ACK/edi_214_4010_event_1 copy 4.txt.2024-04-23T17:00:14.007Z.json.997", "object-size-bytes": 379 }, "ack-error-code-detected": true } }
Example Acknowledgement Failed example event

The following example shows an event where an acknowledgement failed.

{ "version": "0", "id": "1ba25f10-d560-3e06-49bb-761a2de88679", "detail-type": "Acknowledgement Completed", "source": "aws.b2bi", "account": "1234abcd5678", "time": "2024-03-09T07:29:12Z", "region": "us-east-2", "resources": [ "arn:aws:b2bi:us-east-2:1234abcd5678:transformer/tr-1234567890abcdef0", "arn:aws:b2bi:us-east-2:639140540422:profile/p-11111aaaa2222bbbb3", "arn:aws:b2bi:us-east-2:639140540422:capability/ca-ABCDE111122223333", "arn:aws:b2bi:us-east-2:639140540422:partnership/ps-11112222333344445" ], "detail": { "trading-partner-id": "tp-aaaa11bbbb22cccc33dddd", "start-timestamp": "2024-03-09T07:29:12.015Z", "end-timestamp": "2024-03-09T07:29:12.149Z", "input-x12-transaction-set": "X12_214", "input-x12-version": "VERSION_4010", "input-file-s3-attributes": { "bucket": "amzn-s3-demo-bucket", "object-key": "edi_214_4010.txt", "object-size-bytes": 449 }, "ack-x12-type": "X12_997", "ack-x12-version": "VERSION_4010", "failure-message": "997 ACK generation failed. Refer to CloudWatch logs for full details.", "failure-code": "ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_FAILED" } }