EksPodPropertiesDetail - AWS Batch


The details for the pod.



The properties of the container that's used on the Amazon EKS pod.

Type: Array of EksContainerDetail objects

Required: No


The DNS policy for the pod. The default value is ClusterFirst. If the hostNetwork parameter is not specified, the default is ClusterFirstWithHostNet. ClusterFirst indicates that any DNS query that does not match the configured cluster domain suffix is forwarded to the upstream nameserver inherited from the node. If no value was specified for dnsPolicy in the RegisterJobDefinition API operation, then no value will be returned for dnsPolicy by either of DescribeJobDefinitions or DescribeJobs API operations. The pod spec setting will contain either ClusterFirst or ClusterFirstWithHostNet, depending on the value of the hostNetwork parameter. For more information, see Pod's DNS policy in the Kubernetes documentation.

Valid values: Default | ClusterFirst | ClusterFirstWithHostNet

Type: String

Required: No


Indicates if the pod uses the hosts' network IP address. The default value is true. Setting this to false enables the Kubernetes pod networking model. Most AWS Batch workloads are egress-only and don't require the overhead of IP allocation for each pod for incoming connections. For more information, see Host namespaces and Pod networking in the Kubernetes documentation.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


Displays the reference pointer to the Kubernetes secret resource. These secrets help to gain access to pull an images from a private registry.

Type: Array of ImagePullSecret objects

Required: No


The container registered with the Amazon EKS Connector agent and persists the registration information in the Kubernetes backend data store.

Type: Array of EksContainerDetail objects

Required: No


Describes and uniquely identifies Kubernetes resources. For example, the compute environment that a pod runs in or the jobID for a job running in the pod. For more information, see Understanding Kubernetes Objects in the Kubernetes documentation.

Type: EksMetadata object

Required: No


The name of the node for this job.

Type: String

Required: No


The name of the pod for this job.

Type: String

Required: No


The name of the service account that's used to run the pod. For more information, see Kubernetes service accounts and Configure a Kubernetes service account to assume an IAM role in the Amazon EKS User Guide and Configure service accounts for pods in the Kubernetes documentation.

Type: String

Required: No


Indicates if the processes in a container are shared, or visible, to other containers in the same pod. For more information, see Share Process Namespace between Containers in a Pod.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


Specifies the volumes for a job definition using Amazon EKS resources.

Type: Array of EksVolume objects

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: