À utiliser PutDashboard avec un AWS SDK ou CLI - Exemples de code de l'AWS SDK

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À utiliser PutDashboard avec un AWS SDK ou CLI

Les exemples de code suivants montrent comment utiliserPutDashboard.

Les exemples d’actions sont des extraits de code de programmes de plus grande envergure et doivent être exécutés en contexte. Vous pouvez voir cette action en contexte dans l’exemple de code suivant :


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/// <summary> /// Set up a dashboard using a call to the wrapper class. /// </summary> /// <param name="customMetricNamespace">The metric namespace.</param> /// <param name="customMetricName">The metric name.</param> /// <param name="dashboardName">The name of the dashboard.</param> /// <returns>A list of validation messages.</returns> private static async Task<List<DashboardValidationMessage>> SetupDashboard( string customMetricNamespace, string customMetricName, string dashboardName) { // Get the dashboard model from configuration. var newDashboard = new DashboardModel(); _configuration.GetSection("dashboardExampleBody").Bind(newDashboard); // Add a new metric to the dashboard. newDashboard.Widgets.Add(new Widget { Height = 8, Width = 8, Y = 8, X = 0, Type = "metric", Properties = new Properties { Metrics = new List<List<object>> { new() { customMetricNamespace, customMetricName } }, View = "timeSeries", Region = "us-east-1", Stat = "Sum", Period = 86400, YAxis = new YAxis { Left = new Left { Min = 0, Max = 100 } }, Title = "Custom Metric Widget", LiveData = true, Sparkline = true, Trend = true, Stacked = false, SetPeriodToTimeRange = false } }); var newDashboardString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(newDashboard, new JsonSerializerOptions { DefaultIgnoreCondition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingNull }); var validationMessages = await _cloudWatchWrapper.PutDashboard(dashboardName, newDashboardString); return validationMessages; } /// <summary> /// Wrapper to create or add to a dashboard with metrics. /// </summary> /// <param name="dashboardName">The name for the dashboard.</param> /// <param name="dashboardBody">The metric data in JSON for the dashboard.</param> /// <returns>A list of validation messages for the dashboard.</returns> public async Task<List<DashboardValidationMessage>> PutDashboard(string dashboardName, string dashboardBody) { // Updating a dashboard replaces all contents. // Best practice is to include a text widget indicating this dashboard was created programmatically. var dashboardResponse = await _amazonCloudWatch.PutDashboardAsync( new PutDashboardRequest() { DashboardName = dashboardName, DashboardBody = dashboardBody }); return dashboardResponse.DashboardValidationMessages; }
  • Pour API plus de détails, voir PutDashboardla section AWS SDK for .NET APIRéférence.

SDKpour Java 2.x

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public static void createDashboardWithMetrics(CloudWatchClient cw, String dashboardName, String fileName) { try { PutDashboardRequest dashboardRequest = PutDashboardRequest.builder() .dashboardName(dashboardName) .dashboardBody(readFileAsString(fileName)) .build(); PutDashboardResponse response = cw.putDashboard(dashboardRequest); System.out.println(dashboardName + " was successfully created."); List<DashboardValidationMessage> messages = response.dashboardValidationMessages(); if (messages.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("There are no messages in the new Dashboard"); } else { for (DashboardValidationMessage message : messages) { System.out.println("Message is: " + message.message()); } } } catch (CloudWatchException | IOException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } }
  • Pour API plus de détails, voir PutDashboardla section AWS SDK for Java 2.x APIRéférence.

SDKpour Kotlin

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suspend fun createDashboardWithMetrics( dashboardNameVal: String, fileNameVal: String, ) { val dashboardRequest = PutDashboardRequest { dashboardName = dashboardNameVal dashboardBody = readFileAsString(fileNameVal) } CloudWatchClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { cwClient -> val response = cwClient.putDashboard(dashboardRequest) println("$dashboardNameVal was successfully created.") val messages = response.dashboardValidationMessages if (messages != null) { if (messages.isEmpty()) { println("There are no messages in the new Dashboard") } else { for (message in messages) { println("Message is: ${message.message}") } } } } }
  • Pour API plus de détails, voir PutDashboardla APIréférence AWS SDK à Kotlin.

Outils pour PowerShell

Exemple 1 : crée ou met à jour le tableau de bord nommé « Dashboard1 » pour inclure deux widgets métriques côte à côte.

$dashBody = @" { "widgets":[ { "type":"metric", "x":0, "y":0, "width":12, "height":6, "properties":{ "metrics":[ [ "AWS/EC2", "CPUUtilization", "InstanceId", "i-012345" ] ], "period":300, "stat":"Average", "region":"us-east-1", "title":"EC2 Instance CPU" } }, { "type":"metric", "x":12, "y":0, "width":12, "height":6, "properties":{ "metrics":[ [ "AWS/S3", "BucketSizeBytes", "BucketName", "MyBucketName" ] ], "period":86400, "stat":"Maximum", "region":"us-east-1", "title":"MyBucketName bytes" } } ] } "@ Write-CWDashboard -DashboardName Dashboard1 -DashboardBody $dashBody

Exemple 2 : crée ou met à jour le tableau de bord, en redirigeant le contenu décrivant le tableau de bord vers l'applet de commande.

$dashBody = @" { ... } "@ $dashBody | Write-CWDashboard -DashboardName Dashboard1
  • Pour API plus de détails, consultez la section PutDashboardRéférence des AWS Tools for PowerShell applets de commande.