À utiliser MonitorInstances avec un AWS SDK ou CLI - Exemples de code de l'AWS SDK

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À utiliser MonitorInstances avec un AWS SDK ou CLI

Les exemples de code suivants montrent comment utiliserMonitorInstances.

SDKpour C++

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//! Enable detailed monitoring for an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance. /*! \param instanceId: An EC2 instance ID. \param clientConfiguration: AWS client configuration. \return bool: Function succeeded. */ bool AwsDoc::EC2::enableMonitoring(const Aws::String &instanceId, const Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration &clientConfiguration) { Aws::EC2::EC2Client ec2Client(clientConfiguration); Aws::EC2::Model::MonitorInstancesRequest request; request.AddInstanceIds(instanceId); request.SetDryRun(true); Aws::EC2::Model::MonitorInstancesOutcome dryRunOutcome = ec2Client.MonitorInstances(request); if (dryRunOutcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cerr << "Failed dry run to enable monitoring on instance. A dry run should trigger an error." << std::endl; return false; } else if (dryRunOutcome.GetError().GetErrorType() != Aws::EC2::EC2Errors::DRY_RUN_OPERATION) { std::cerr << "Failed dry run to enable monitoring on instance " << instanceId << ": " << dryRunOutcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; return false; } request.SetDryRun(false); Aws::EC2::Model::MonitorInstancesOutcome monitorInstancesOutcome = ec2Client.MonitorInstances(request); if (!monitorInstancesOutcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cerr << "Failed to enable monitoring on instance " << instanceId << ": " << monitorInstancesOutcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Successfully enabled monitoring on instance " << instanceId << std::endl; } return monitorInstancesOutcome.IsSuccess(); }
  • Pour API plus de détails, voir MonitorInstancesla section AWS SDK for C++ APIRéférence.


Activation de la surveillance détaillée d’une instance

Cet exemple de commande active la surveillance détaillée de l’instance spécifiée.

Commande :

aws ec2 monitor-instances --instance-ids i-1234567890abcdef0

Sortie :

{ "InstanceMonitorings": [ { "InstanceId": "i-1234567890abcdef0", "Monitoring": { "State": "pending" } } ] }
  • Pour API plus de détails, voir MonitorInstancesla section Référence des AWS CLI commandes.

SDKpour JavaScript (v3)

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import { EC2Client, MonitorInstancesCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ec2"; /** * Turn on detailed monitoring for the selected instance. * By default, metrics are sent to Amazon CloudWatch every 5 minutes. * For a cost you can enable detailed monitoring which sends metrics every minute. * @param {{ instanceIds: string[] }} options */ export const main = async ({ instanceIds }) => { const client = new EC2Client({}); const command = new MonitorInstancesCommand({ InstanceIds: instanceIds, }); try { const { InstanceMonitorings } = await client.send(command); const instancesBeingMonitored = InstanceMonitorings.map( (im) => ` • Detailed monitoring state for ${im.InstanceId} is ${im.Monitoring.State}.`, ); console.log("Monitoring status:"); console.log(instancesBeingMonitored.join("\n")); } catch (caught) { if (caught instanceof Error && caught.name === "InvalidParameterValue") { console.warn(`${caught.message}`); } else { throw caught; } } };
  • Pour API plus de détails, voir MonitorInstancesla section AWS SDK for JavaScript APIRéférence.

Outils pour PowerShell

Exemple 1 : Cet exemple permet une surveillance détaillée de l'instance spécifiée.

Start-EC2InstanceMonitoring -InstanceId i-12345678

Sortie :

InstanceId Monitoring ---------- ---------- i-12345678 Amazon.EC2.Model.Monitoring
  • Pour API plus de détails, consultez la section MonitorInstancesRéférence des AWS Tools for PowerShell applets de commande.


Il y en a plus sur GitHub. Trouvez l’exemple complet et découvrez comment le configurer et l’exécuter dans le référentiel d’exemples de code AWS.

DATA lt_instance_ids TYPE /aws1/cl_ec2instidstringlist_w=>tt_instanceidstringlist. APPEND NEW /aws1/cl_ec2instidstringlist_w( iv_value = iv_instance_id ) TO lt_instance_ids. "Perform dry run" TRY. " DryRun is set to true. This checks for the required permissions to monitor the instance without actually making the request. " lo_ec2->monitorinstances( it_instanceids = lt_instance_ids iv_dryrun = abap_true ). CATCH /aws1/cx_rt_service_generic INTO DATA(lo_exception). " If the error code returned is `DryRunOperation`, then you have the required permissions to monitor this instance. " IF lo_exception->av_err_code = 'DryRunOperation'. MESSAGE 'Dry run to enable detailed monitoring completed.' TYPE 'I'. " DryRun is set to false to enable detailed monitoring. " lo_ec2->monitorinstances( it_instanceids = lt_instance_ids iv_dryrun = abap_false ). MESSAGE 'Detailed monitoring enabled.' TYPE 'I'. " If the error code returned is `UnauthorizedOperation`, then you don't have the required permissions to monitor this instance. " ELSEIF lo_exception->av_err_code = 'UnauthorizedOperation'. MESSAGE 'Dry run to enable detailed monitoring failed. User does not have the permissions to monitor the instance.' TYPE 'E'. ELSE. DATA(lv_error) = |"{ lo_exception->av_err_code }" - { lo_exception->av_err_msg }|. MESSAGE lv_error TYPE 'E'. ENDIF. ENDTRY.