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À utiliser CreateJob
avec un AWS SDK ou CLI
Les exemples de code suivants montrent comment utiliserCreateJob
Les exemples d’actions sont des extraits de code de programmes de plus grande envergure et doivent être exécutés en contexte. Vous pouvez voir cette action en contexte dans l’exemple de code suivant :
Pour créer une tâche d'opérations par lots Amazon S3
exemple suivant crée une tâche d'opérations par lots Amazon S3 pour étiqueter les objets comme telsconfidential` in the bucket ``employee-records
.aws s3control create-job \ --account-id
\ --operation '{"S3PutObjectTagging": { "TagSet": [{"Key":"confidential", "Value":"true"}] }}
' \ --report '{"Bucket":"arn:aws:s3:::employee-records-logs","Prefix":"batch-op-create-job", "Format":"Report_CSV_20180820","Enabled":true,"ReportScope":"AllTasks"}
' \ --manifest '{"Spec":{"Format":"S3BatchOperations_CSV_20180820","Fields":["Bucket","Key"]},"Location":{"ObjectArn":"arn:aws:s3:::employee-records-logs/inv-report/7a6a9be4-072c-407e-85a2-ec3e982f773e.csv","ETag":"69f52a4e9f797e987155d9c8f5880897"}}
' \ --priority42
\ --role-arnarn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/S3BatchJobRole
Sortie :
{ "JobId": "93735294-df46-44d5-8638-6356f335324e" }
Pour API plus de détails, voir CreateJob
la section Référence des AWS CLI commandes.
- Java
- SDKpour Java 2.x
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. Créez une tâche S3 asynchrone.
/** * Creates an asynchronous S3 job using the AWS Java SDK. * * @param accountId the AWS account ID associated with the job * @param iamRoleArn the ARN of the IAM role to be used for the job * @param manifestLocation the location of the job manifest file in S3 * @param reportBucketName the name of the S3 bucket to store the job report * @param uuid a unique identifier for the job * @return a CompletableFuture that represents the asynchronous creation of the S3 job. * The CompletableFuture will return the job ID if the job is created successfully, * or throw an exception if there is an error. */ public CompletableFuture<String> createS3JobAsync(String accountId, String iamRoleArn, String manifestLocation, String reportBucketName, String uuid) { String[] bucketName = new String[]{""}; String[] parts = reportBucketName.split(":::"); if (parts.length > 1) { bucketName[0] = parts[1]; } else { System.out.println("The input string does not contain the expected format."); } return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> getETag(bucketName[0], "job-manifest.csv")) .thenCompose(eTag -> { ArrayList<S3Tag> tagSet = new ArrayList<>(); S3Tag s3Tag = S3Tag.builder() .key("keyOne") .value("ValueOne") .build(); S3Tag s3Tag2 = S3Tag.builder() .key("keyTwo") .value("ValueTwo") .build(); tagSet.add(s3Tag); tagSet.add(s3Tag2); S3SetObjectTaggingOperation objectTaggingOperation = S3SetObjectTaggingOperation.builder() .tagSet(tagSet) .build(); JobOperation jobOperation = JobOperation.builder() .s3PutObjectTagging(objectTaggingOperation) .build(); JobManifestLocation jobManifestLocation = JobManifestLocation.builder() .objectArn(manifestLocation) .eTag(eTag) .build(); JobManifestSpec manifestSpec = JobManifestSpec.builder() .fieldsWithStrings("Bucket", "Key") .format("S3BatchOperations_CSV_20180820") .build(); JobManifest jobManifest = JobManifest.builder() .spec(manifestSpec) .location(jobManifestLocation) .build(); JobReport jobReport = JobReport.builder() .bucket(reportBucketName) .prefix("reports") .format("Report_CSV_20180820") .enabled(true) .reportScope("AllTasks") .build(); CreateJobRequest jobRequest = CreateJobRequest.builder() .accountId(accountId) .description("Job created using the AWS Java SDK") .manifest(jobManifest) .operation(jobOperation) .report(jobReport) .priority(42) .roleArn(iamRoleArn) .clientRequestToken(uuid) .confirmationRequired(false) .build(); // Create the job asynchronously. return getAsyncClient().createJob(jobRequest) .thenApply(CreateJobResponse::jobId); }) .handle((jobId, ex) -> { if (ex != null) { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof S3ControlException) { throw new CompletionException(cause); } else { throw new RuntimeException(cause); } } return jobId; }); }
Créez une tâche de maintien de la conformité.
/** * Creates a compliance retention job in Amazon S3 Control. * <p> * A compliance retention job in Amazon S3 Control is a feature that allows you to * set a retention period for objects stored in an S3 bucket. * This feature is particularly useful for organizations that need to comply with * regulatory requirements or internal policies that mandate the retention of data for * a specific duration. * * @param s3ControlClient The S3ControlClient instance to use for the API call. * @return The job ID of the created compliance retention job. */ public static String createComplianceRetentionJob(final S3ControlClient s3ControlClient, String roleArn, String bucketName, String accountId) { final String manifestObjectArn = "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-manifest-bucket/compliance-objects-manifest.csv"; final String manifestObjectVersionId = "your-object-version-Id"; Instant jan2025 = Instant.parse("2025-01-01T00:00:00Z"); JobOperation jobOperation = JobOperation.builder() .s3PutObjectRetention(S3SetObjectRetentionOperation.builder() .retention(S3Retention.builder() .mode(S3ObjectLockRetentionMode.COMPLIANCE) .retainUntilDate(jan2025) .build()) .build()) .build(); JobManifestLocation manifestLocation = JobManifestLocation.builder() .objectArn(manifestObjectArn) .eTag(manifestObjectVersionId) .build(); JobManifestSpec manifestSpec = JobManifestSpec.builder() .fieldsWithStrings("Bucket", "Key") .format("S3BatchOperations_CSV_20180820") .build(); JobManifest manifestToPublicApi = JobManifest.builder() .location(manifestLocation) .spec(manifestSpec) .build(); // Report details. final String jobReportBucketArn = "arn:aws:s3:::" + bucketName; final String jobReportPrefix = "reports/compliance-objects-bops"; JobReport jobReport = JobReport.builder() .enabled(true) .reportScope(JobReportScope.ALL_TASKS) .bucket(jobReportBucketArn) .prefix(jobReportPrefix) .format(JobReportFormat.REPORT_CSV_20180820) .build(); final Boolean requiresConfirmation = true; final int priority = 10; CreateJobRequest request = CreateJobRequest.builder() .accountId(accountId) .description("Set compliance retain-until to 1 Jan 2025") .manifest(manifestToPublicApi) .operation(jobOperation) .priority(priority) .roleArn(roleArn) .report(jobReport) .confirmationRequired(requiresConfirmation) .build(); // Create the job and get the result. CreateJobResponse result = s3ControlClient.createJob(request); return result.jobId(); }
Créez un emploi suspendu légal.
/** * Creates a compliance retention job in Amazon S3 Control. * <p> * A compliance retention job in Amazon S3 Control is a feature that allows you to * set a retention period for objects stored in an S3 bucket. * This feature is particularly useful for organizations that need to comply with * regulatory requirements or internal policies that mandate the retention of data for * a specific duration. * * @param s3ControlClient The S3ControlClient instance to use for the API call. * @return The job ID of the created compliance retention job. */ public static String createComplianceRetentionJob(final S3ControlClient s3ControlClient, String roleArn, String bucketName, String accountId) { final String manifestObjectArn = "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-manifest-bucket/compliance-objects-manifest.csv"; final String manifestObjectVersionId = "your-object-version-Id"; Instant jan2025 = Instant.parse("2025-01-01T00:00:00Z"); JobOperation jobOperation = JobOperation.builder() .s3PutObjectRetention(S3SetObjectRetentionOperation.builder() .retention(S3Retention.builder() .mode(S3ObjectLockRetentionMode.COMPLIANCE) .retainUntilDate(jan2025) .build()) .build()) .build(); JobManifestLocation manifestLocation = JobManifestLocation.builder() .objectArn(manifestObjectArn) .eTag(manifestObjectVersionId) .build(); JobManifestSpec manifestSpec = JobManifestSpec.builder() .fieldsWithStrings("Bucket", "Key") .format("S3BatchOperations_CSV_20180820") .build(); JobManifest manifestToPublicApi = JobManifest.builder() .location(manifestLocation) .spec(manifestSpec) .build(); // Report details. final String jobReportBucketArn = "arn:aws:s3:::" + bucketName; final String jobReportPrefix = "reports/compliance-objects-bops"; JobReport jobReport = JobReport.builder() .enabled(true) .reportScope(JobReportScope.ALL_TASKS) .bucket(jobReportBucketArn) .prefix(jobReportPrefix) .format(JobReportFormat.REPORT_CSV_20180820) .build(); final Boolean requiresConfirmation = true; final int priority = 10; CreateJobRequest request = CreateJobRequest.builder() .accountId(accountId) .description("Set compliance retain-until to 1 Jan 2025") .manifest(manifestToPublicApi) .operation(jobOperation) .priority(priority) .roleArn(roleArn) .report(jobReport) .confirmationRequired(requiresConfirmation) .build(); // Create the job and get the result. CreateJobResponse result = s3ControlClient.createJob(request); return result.jobId(); }
Pour API plus de détails, voir CreateJobla section AWS SDK for Java 2.x APIRéférence.