Schéma EventBridge d'événements Amazon pour les événements Amazon Inspector - Amazon Inspector

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Schéma EventBridge d'événements Amazon pour les événements Amazon Inspector

Amazon EventBridge fournit un flux de données en temps réel provenant d'applications et d'autres sources Services AWS à des cibles, telles que des AWS Lambda fonctions, des rubriques Amazon Simple Notification Service et des flux de données dans Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. Pour faciliter l'intégration avec d'autres applications, services et systèmes, Amazon Inspector publie automatiquement les résultats EventBridge sous forme d'événements. Vous pouvez utiliser Amazon Inspector pour publier des événements relatifs aux résultats, à la couverture et aux scans. Cette section fournit des exemples de schémas d' EventBridge événements.

Schéma EventBridge de base Amazon pour Amazon Inspector

Voici un exemple du schéma de base d'un EventBridge événement pour Amazon Inspector. Les détails de l'événement varient en fonction du type d'événement.

{ "version": "0", "id": "Event ID", "detail-type": "Inspector2 *event type*", "source": "aws.inspector2", "account": "Compte AWS ID (string)", "time": "event timestamp (string)", "region": "Région AWS (string)", "resources": [ *IDs or ARNs of the resources involved in the event* ], "detail": { *Details of an Amazon Inspector event type* } }

Exemple de schéma d'événement de recherche par Amazon Inspector

Vous trouverez ci-dessous des exemples du schéma d'un EventBridge événement pour les résultats d'Amazon Inspector. Des événements de recherche sont créés lorsqu'Amazon Inspector identifie une vulnérabilité logicielle ou un problème réseau dans l'une de vos ressources. Pour un guide sur la création de notifications en réponse à ce type d'événement, consultezCréation de réponses personnalisées aux conclusions d'Amazon Inspector avec Amazon EventBridge.

Les champs suivants identifient un événement de recherche :

  • Le champ detail-type est défini sur Inspector2 Finding.

  • L'detailobjet décrit le résultat.

Sélectionnez l'une des options pour voir les schémas d'événements de recherche pour différentes ressources et différents types de recherche.

Amazon EC2 package vulnerability finding
{ "version": "0", "id": "4d621919-f1f4-4201-a0e2-37e4e330ff51", "detail-type": "Inspector2 Finding", "source": "aws.inspector2", "account": "123456789012", "time": "2024-09-04T17:00:36Z", "region": "eu-central-1", "resources": [ "i-12345678901234567" ], "detail": { "awsAccountId": "123456789012", "description": "In snapd versions prior to 2.62, snapd failed to properly check the destination of symbolic links when extracting a snap. The snap format is a squashfs file-system image and so can contain symbolic links and other file types. Various file entries within the snap squashfs image (such as icons and desktop files etc) are directly read by snapd when it is extracted. An attacker who could convince a user to install a malicious snap which contained symbolic links at these paths could then cause snapd to write out the contents of the symbolic link destination into a world-readable directory. This in-turn could allow an unprivileged user to gain access to privileged information.", "epss": { "score": 0.00043 }, "exploitAvailable": "NO", "findingArn": "arn:aws:inspector2:eu-central-1:123456789012:finding/FINDING_ID", "firstObservedAt": "Wed Sep 04 16:59:44.356 UTC 2024", "fixAvailable": "YES", "inspectorScore": 4.8, "inspectorScoreDetails": { "adjustedCvss": { "adjustments": [], "cvssSource": "UBUNTU_CVE", "score": 4.8, "scoreSource": "UBUNTU_CVE", "scoringVector": "CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:R/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:L", "version": "3.1" } }, "lastObservedAt": "Wed Sep 04 16:59:44.476 UTC 2024", "packageVulnerabilityDetails": { "cvss": [ { "baseScore": 4.8, "scoringVector": "CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:R/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:L", "source": "UBUNTU_CVE", "version": "3.1" }, { "baseScore": 7.3, "scoringVector": "CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H", "source": "NVD", "version": "3.1" } ], "referenceUrls": [ "", "" ], "relatedVulnerabilities": [ "USN-6940-1" ], "source": "UBUNTU_CVE", "sourceUrl": "", "vendorCreatedAt": "Thu Jul 25 20:15:00.000 UTC 2024", "vendorSeverity": "medium", "vulnerabilityId": "CVE-2024-29069", "vulnerablePackages": [ { "arch": "ALL", "epoch": 0, "fixedInVersion": "0:2.63+22.04ubuntu0.1", "name": "snapd", "packageManager": "OS", "remediation": "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade", "version": "2.63" } ] }, "remediation": { "recommendation": { "text": "None Provided" } }, "resources": [ { "details": { "awsEc2Instance": { "iamInstanceProfileArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:instance-profile/AmazonSSMRoleForInstancesQuickSetup", "imageId": "ami-02ff980600c693b38", "ipV4Addresses": [ "1.23.456.789", "" ], "ipV6Addresses": [], "launchedAt": "Wed Sep 04 16:57:40.000 UTC 2024", "platform": "UBUNTU_22_04", "subnetId": "subnet-12345678", "type": "t2.small", "vpcId": "vpc-12345678" } }, "id": "i-12345678901234567", "partition": "aws", "region": "eu-central-1", "type": "AWS_EC2_INSTANCE" } ], "severity": "MEDIUM", "status": "CLOSED", "title": "CVE-2024-29069 - snapd", "type": "PACKAGE_VULNERABILITY", "updatedAt": "Wed Sep 04 17:00:36.951 UTC 2024" } }
Amazon EC2 network reachability finding
{ "version": "0", "id": "9eb1603b-4263-19ec-8be2-33184694cb92", "detail-type": "Inspector2 Finding", "source": "aws.inspector2", "account": "123456789012", "time": "2024-09-05T13:06:56Z", "region": "eu-central-1", "resources": ["i-12345678901234567"], "detail": { "awsAccountId": "123456789012", "description": "On the instance i-12345678901234567, the port range 22-22 is reachable from the InternetGateway igw-261bab4d from an attached ENI eni-094ad651219472857.", "findingArn": "arn:aws:inspector2:eu-central-1:123456789012:finding/FINDING_ID", "firstObservedAt": "Thu Sep 05 13:06:56.334 UTC 2024", "lastObservedAt": "Thu Sep 05 13:06:56.334 UTC 2024", "networkReachabilityDetails": { "networkPath": { "steps": [{ "componentId": "igw-261bab4d", "componentType": "AWS::EC2::InternetGateway" }, { "componentId": "acl-171b527d", "componentType": "AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl" }, { "componentId": "sg-0d34debf87410f2d9", "componentType": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup" }, { "componentId": "eni-094ad651219472857", "componentType": "AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface" }, { "componentId": "i-12345678901234567", "componentType": "AWS::EC2::Instance" }] }, "openPortRange": { "begin": 22, "end": 22 }, "protocol": "TCP" }, "remediation": { "recommendation": { "text": "You can restrict access to your instance by modifying the Security Groups or ACLs in the network path." } }, "resources": [{ "details": { "awsEc2Instance": { "iamInstanceProfileArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:instance-profile/AmazonSSMRoleForInstancesQuickSetup", "imageId": "ami-02ff980600c693b38", "ipV4Addresses": ["1.23.456.789", ""], "ipV6Addresses": [], "launchedAt": "Wed Sep 04 17:41:24.000 UTC 2024", "platform": "UBUNTU_22_04", "subnetId": "subnet-12345678", "type": "t2.small", "vpcId": "vpc-12345678" } }, "id": "i-12345678901234567", "partition": "aws", "region": "eu-central-1", "type": "AWS_EC2_INSTANCE" }], "severity": "MEDIUM", "status": "ACTIVE", "title": "Port 22 is reachable from an Internet Gateway - TCP", "type": "NETWORK_REACHABILITY", "updatedAt": "Thu Sep 05 13:06:56.334 UTC 2024" } }
Amazon ECR package vulnerability finding
{ "version": "0", "id": "5325facf-a1aa-7d97-6bce-25fde6f6d2fc", "detail-type": "Inspector2 Finding", "source": "aws.inspector2", "account": "123456789012", "time": "2024-09-04T16:55:38Z", "region": "eu-central-1", "resources": [ "arn:aws:ecr:eu-central-1:123456789012:repository/inspector2/sha256:84f507df33c6864d49c296fb734192696e4cb6f78166ac51ac8b9b118181085d" ], "detail": { "awsAccountId": "123456789012", "description": "Possible denial of service in X.509 name checks", "epss": { "score": 0.00045 }, "exploitAvailable": "NO", "findingArn": "arn:aws:inspector2:eu-central-1:123456789012:finding/FINDING_ID", "firstObservedAt": "Wed Sep 04 16:55:38.411 UTC 2024", "fixAvailable": "YES", "lastObservedAt": "Wed Sep 04 16:55:38.411 UTC 2024", "packageVulnerabilityDetails": { "cvss": [], "referenceUrls": [ "", "" ], "relatedVulnerabilities": [ "USN-6986-1" ], "source": "UBUNTU_CVE", "sourceUrl": "", "vendorCreatedAt": "Tue Sep 03 00:00:00.000 UTC 2024", "vendorSeverity": "medium", "vulnerabilityId": "CVE-2024-6119", "vulnerablePackages": [ { "arch": "ARM64", "epoch": 0, "fixedInVersion": "0:3.0.13-0ubuntu3.4", "name": "libssl3t64", "packageManager": "OS", "release": "0ubuntu3.2", "remediation": "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade", "sourceLayerHash": "sha256:1567e7ea90b67fc95ccdeeec39bdc3045098dee7e0c604975b957a9f8c0e9616", "version": "3.0.13" }, { "arch": "ARM64", "epoch": 0, "fixedInVersion": "0:3.0.13-0ubuntu3.4", "name": "openssl", "packageManager": "OS", "release": "0ubuntu3.2", "remediation": "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade", "sourceLayerHash": "sha256:1567e7ea90b67fc95ccdeeec39bdc3045098dee7e0c604975b957a9f8c0e9616", "version": "3.0.13" } ] }, "remediation": { "recommendation": { "text": "None Provided" } }, "resources": [ { "details": { "awsEcrContainerImage": { "architecture": "arm64", "imageHash": "sha256:84f507df33c6864d49c296fb734192696e4cb6f78166ac51ac8b9b118181085d", "imageTags": [ "ubuntu_latest" ], "platform": "UBUNTU_24_04", "pushedAt": "Wed Sep 04 16:55:28.000 UTC 2024", "registry": "123456789012", "repositoryName": "inspector2" } }, "id": "arn:aws:ecr:eu-central-1:123456789012:repository/inspector2/sha256:84f507df33c6864d49c296fb734192696e4cb6f78166ac51ac8b9b118181085d", "partition": "aws", "region": "eu-central-1", "type": "AWS_ECR_CONTAINER_IMAGE" } ], "severity": "MEDIUM", "status": "ACTIVE", "title": "CVE-2024-6119 - libssl3t64, openssl", "type": "PACKAGE_VULNERABILITY", "updatedAt": "Wed Sep 04 16:55:38.411 UTC 2024" } }
Lambda package vulnerability finding
{ "version": "0", "id": "9eadd71a-e49c-9864-6ba9-2a5d3f83c88f", "detail-type": "Inspector2 Finding", "source": "aws.inspector2", "account": "123456789012", "time": "2024-09-04T16:50:37Z", "region": "eu-central-1", "resources": [ "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:123456789012:function:VulnerableFunction:$LATEST" ], "detail": { "awsAccountId": "123456789012", "description": "Flask is a lightweight WSGI web application framework. When all of the following conditions are met, a response containing data intended for one client may be cached and subsequently sent by the proxy to other clients. If the proxy also caches `Set-Cookie` headers, it may send one client's `session` cookie to other clients. The severity depends on the application's use of the session and the proxy's behavior regarding cookies. The risk depends on all these conditions being met.\n\n1. The application must be hosted behind a caching proxy that does not strip cookies or ignore responses with cookies. 2. The application sets `session.permanent = True` 3. The application does not access or modify the session at any point during a request. 4. `SESSION_REFRESH_EACH_REQUEST` enabled (the default). 5. The application does not set a `Cache-Control` header to indicate that a page is private or should not be cached.\n\nThis happens because vulnerable versions of Flask only set the `Vary: Cookie` header when the session is ac", "epss": { "score": 0.00208 }, "exploitAvailable": "YES", "exploitabilityDetails": { "lastKnownExploitAt": "Sat Aug 31 00:04:50.000 UTC 2024" }, "findingArn": "arn:aws:inspector2:eu-central-1:123456789012:finding/FINDING_ID", "firstObservedAt": "Wed Sep 04 16:50:37.627 UTC 2024", "fixAvailable": "YES", "inspectorScore": 7.5, "inspectorScoreDetails": { "adjustedCvss": { "cvssSource": "NVD", "score": 7.5, "scoreSource": "NVD", "scoringVector": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N", "version": "3.1" } }, "lastObservedAt": "Wed Sep 04 16:50:37.627 UTC 2024", "packageVulnerabilityDetails": { "cvss": [ { "baseScore": 7.5, "scoringVector": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N", "source": "NVD", "version": "3.1" } ], "referenceUrls": [ "", "" ], "relatedVulnerabilities": [], "source": "NVD", "sourceUrl": "", "vendorCreatedAt": "Tue May 02 18:15:52.000 UTC 2023", "vendorSeverity": "HIGH", "vendorUpdatedAt": "Sun Aug 20 21:15:09.000 UTC 2023", "vulnerabilityId": "CVE-2023-30861", "vulnerablePackages": [ { "epoch": 0, "filePath": "requirements.txt", "fixedInVersion": "2.3.2", "name": "flask", "packageManager": "PIP", "version": "2.0.0" } ] }, "remediation": { "recommendation": { "text": "None Provided" } }, "resources": [ { "details": { "awsLambdaFunction": { "architectures": [ "X86_64" ], "codeSha256": "O7jkFEmfPB+CK3Y6Pby5zW9gjG+zusAaqRRMGS8B27c=", "executionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/service-role/VulnerableFunction-role-f9vs5mq8", "functionName": "VulnerableFunction", "lastModifiedAt": "Wed Sep 04 16:50:20.000 UTC 2024", "packageType": "ZIP", "runtime": "PYTHON_3_11", "version": "$LATEST" } }, "id": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:123456789012:function:VulnerableFunction:$LATEST", "partition": "aws", "region": "eu-central-1", "type": "AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION" } ], "severity": "HIGH", "status": "ACTIVE", "title": "CVE-2023-30861 - flask", "type": "PACKAGE_VULNERABILITY", "updatedAt": "Wed Sep 04 16:50:37.627 UTC 2024" } }
Lambda code vulnerability finding
{ "version": "0", "id": "e764f7be-f931-ff1b-204b-8cab2d91724b", "detail-type": "Inspector2 Finding", "source": "aws.inspector2", "account": "123456789012", "time": "2024-09-04T16:51:01Z", "region": "eu-central-1", "resources": [ "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:123456789012:function:VulnerableFunction:$LATEST" ], "detail": { "awsAccountId": "123456789012", "codeVulnerabilityDetails": { "cwes": [ "CWE-798" ], "detectorId": "python/hardcoded-credentials@v1.0", "detectorName": "Hardcoded credentials", "detectorTags": [ "secrets", "security", "owasp-top10", "top25-cwes", "cwe-798", "Python" ], "filePath": { "endLine": 6, "fileName": "", "filePath": "", "startLine": 6 }, "ruleId": "python-detect-hardcoded-aws-credentials" }, "description": "Access credentials, such as passwords and access keys, should not be hardcoded in source code. Hardcoding credentials may cause leaks even after removing them. This is because version control systems might retain older versions of the code. Credentials should be stored securely and obtained from the runtime environment.", "findingArn": "arn:aws:inspector2:eu-central-1:123456789012:finding/FINDING_ID", "firstObservedAt": "Wed Sep 04 16:51:01.869 UTC 2024", "lastObservedAt": "Wed Sep 04 16:51:01.869 UTC 2024", "remediation": { "recommendation": { "text": "Your code uses hardcoded AWS credentials which might allow unauthorized users access to your AWS account. These attacks can occur a long time after the credentials are removed from the code. We recommend that you set AWS credentials with environment variables or an AWS profile instead. You should consider deleting the affected account or rotating the secret key and then monitoring Amazon CloudWatch for unexpected activity.\n[](" } }, "resources": [ { "details": { "awsLambdaFunction": { "architectures": [ "X86_64" ], "codeSha256": "O7jkFEmfPB+CK3Y6Pby5zW9gjG+zusAaqRRMGS8B27c=", "executionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/service-role/VulnerableFunction-role-f9vs5mq8", "functionName": "VulnerableFunction", "lastModifiedAt": "Wed Sep 04 16:50:20.000 UTC 2024", "packageType": "ZIP", "runtime": "PYTHON_3_11", "version": "$LATEST" } }, "id": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:123456789012:function:VulnerableFunction:$LATEST", "partition": "aws", "region": "eu-central-1", "type": "AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION" } ], "severity": "CRITICAL", "status": "ACTIVE", "title": "CWE-798 - Hardcoded credentials", "type": "CODE_VULNERABILITY", "updatedAt": "Wed Sep 04 16:51:01.869 UTC 2024" } }

La valeur de détail renvoie les JSON détails d'une seule découverte sous forme d'objet. Il ne renvoie pas la syntaxe complète de la réponse aux résultats, qui prend en charge plusieurs résultats au sein d'un tableau.

Exemple de schéma d'événement complet du scan initial d'Amazon Inspector

Voici un exemple de schéma d' EventBridge événement pour un événement Amazon Inspector destiné à effectuer une analyse initiale. Cet événement est créé lorsque Amazon Inspector effectue une analyse initiale de l'une de vos ressources.

Les champs suivants identifient un événement de fin de numérisation initial :

  • Le champ detail-type est défini sur Inspector2 Scan.

  • L'detailobjet contient un finding-severity-counts objet qui détaille le nombre de résultats dans les catégories de gravité applicables, telles que CRITICALHIGH, etMEDIUM.

Sélectionnez l'une des options pour voir les différents schémas d'événements d'analyse initiale par type de ressource.

Amazon EC2 instance initial scan
{ "version": "0", "id": "28a46762-6ac8-6cc4-4f55-bc9ab99af928", "detail-type": "Inspector2 Scan", "source": "aws.inspector2", "account": "111122223333", "time": "2023-01-20T22:52:35Z", "region": "us-east-1", "resources": [ "i-087d63509b8c97098" ], "detail": { "scan-status": "INITIAL_SCAN_COMPLETE", "finding-severity-counts": { "CRITICAL": 0, "HIGH": 0, "MEDIUM": 0, "TOTAL": 0 }, "instance-id": "i-087d63509b8c97098", "version": "1.0" } }
Amazon ECR image initial scan
{ "version": "0", "id": "fdaa751a-984c-a709-44f9-9a9da9cd3606", "detail-type": "Inspector2 Scan", "source": "aws.inspector2", "account": "111122223333", "time": "2023-01-20T23:15:18Z", "region": "us-east-1", "resources": [ "arn:aws:ecr:us-east-1:111122223333:repository/inspector2" ], "detail": { "scan-status": "INITIAL_SCAN_COMPLETE", "repository-name": "arn:aws:ecr:us-east-1:111122223333:repository/inspector2", "finding-severity-counts": { "CRITICAL": 0, "HIGH": 0, "MEDIUM": 0, "TOTAL": 0 }, "image-digest": "sha256:965fbcae990b0467ed5657caceaec165018ef44a4d2d46c7cdea80a9dff0d1ea", "image-tags": [ "ubuntu22" ], "version": "1.0" } }
Lambda function initial scan
{ "version": "0", "id": "4f290a7c-361b-c442-03c8-a629f6f20d6c", "detail-type": "Inspector2 Scan", "source": "aws.inspector2", "account": "111122223333", "time": "2023-02-23T18:06:03Z", "region": "us-west-2", "resources": [ "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:111122223333:function:lambda-example:$LATEST" ], "detail": { "scan-status": "INITIAL_SCAN_COMPLETE", "finding-severity-counts": { "CRITICAL": 0, "HIGH": 0, "MEDIUM": 0, "TOTAL": 0 }, "version": "1.0" } }

Exemple de schéma d'événement de couverture Amazon Inspector

Voici un exemple de schéma d'événement pour un EventBridge événement Amazon Inspector à des fins de couverture. Cet événement est créé lorsque la couverture de numérisation d'une ressource par Amazon Inspector est modifiée. Les champs suivants identifient un événement de couverture :

  • Le champ detail-type est défini sur Inspector2 Coverage.

  • L'detailobjet contient un scanStatus objet qui indique le nouvel état de numérisation de la ressource.

{ "version": "0", "id": "000adda5-0fbf-913e-bc0e-10f0376412aa", "detail-type": "Inspector2 Coverage", "source": "aws.inspector2", "account": "111122223333", "time": "2023-01-20T22:51:39Z", "region": "us-east-1", "resources": [ "i-087d63509b8c97098" ], "detail": { "scanStatus": { "reason": "UNMANAGED_EC2_INSTANCE", "statusCodeValue": "INACTIVE" }, "scanType": "PACKAGE", "eventTimestamp": "2023-01-20T22:51:35.665501Z", "version": "1.0" } }