MitigationActionParams - AWS IoT


The set of parameters for this mitigation action. You can specify only one type of parameter (in other words, you can apply only one action for each defined mitigation action).



Parameters to define a mitigation action that moves devices associated with a certificate to one or more specified thing groups, typically for quarantine.

Type: AddThingsToThingGroupParams object

Required: No


Parameters to define a mitigation action that enables AWS IoT Core logging at a specified level of detail.

Type: EnableIoTLoggingParams object

Required: No


Parameters to define a mitigation action that publishes findings to Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS. You can implement your own custom actions in response to the Amazon SNS messages.

Type: PublishFindingToSnsParams object

Required: No


Parameters to define a mitigation action that adds a blank policy to restrict permissions.

Type: ReplaceDefaultPolicyVersionParams object

Required: No


Parameters to define a mitigation action that changes the state of the CA certificate to inactive.

Type: UpdateCACertificateParams object

Required: No


Parameters to define a mitigation action that changes the state of the device certificate to inactive.

Type: UpdateDeviceCertificateParams object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: