AnalyticsIntentStageMetric - Amazon Lex API Reference


Contains the metric and the summary statistic you want to calculate, and the order in which to sort the results, for the intent stages across the user sessions with the bot.



The metric for which you want to get intent stage summary statistics. See Key definitions for more details about these metrics.

  • Count – The number of times the intent stage occurred.

  • Success – The number of times the intent stage succeeded.

  • Failure – The number of times the intent stage failed.

  • Dropped – The number of times the user dropped the intent stage.

  • Retry – The number of times the bot tried to elicit a response from the user at this stage.

Type: String

Valid Values: Count | Success | Failed | Dropped | Retry

Required: Yes


The summary statistic to calculate.

  • Sum – The total count for the category you provide in name.

  • Average – The total count divided by the number of intent stages in the category you provide in name.

  • Max – The highest count in the category you provide in name.

Type: String

Valid Values: Sum | Avg | Max

Required: Yes


Specifies whether to sort the results in ascending or descending order of the summary statistic (value in the response).

Type: String

Valid Values: Ascending | Descending

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: