Driver related options.
- RestCycles
Driver work-rest schedules defined by a short and long cycle. A rest needs to be taken after the short work duration. The short cycle can be repeated until you hit the long work duration, at which point the long rest duration should be taken before restarting.
Type: WaypointOptimizationRestCycles object
Required: No
- RestProfile
Pre defined rest profiles for a driver schedule. The only currently supported profile is EU.
Type: WaypointOptimizationRestProfile object
Required: No
- TreatServiceTimeAs
If the service time provided at a waypoint/destination should be considered as rest or work. This contributes to the total time breakdown returned within the response.
Type: String
Valid Values:
Rest | Work
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: