Observe the requirements listed in Migrating Workloads: Prerequisites for Linux and Windows and ensure the following before submitting a WIGS RFC:
Powershell version 3 or higher is installed.
AWS EC2 Config is installed on the instance with the workload that you will migrate.
Install the AWS drivers that support the latest generation instance types: PV, ENA, and NVMe. You can use the information in these links:
(Optional but recommended) Disable critical Services – Set critical application services, such as databases, to disabled, but ensure that any changes are documented so they can be reverted to their original startup mode during the application verification stage.
(Optional but recommended) Create a Failsafe AMI from the prepared instance:
Use the Deployment | Advanced stack components | AMI | Create
During creation, add a tag Key=Name, Value=APPLICATION-ID_IngestReady
Wait until AMI is created before proceeding
Third-party software components that will conflict with AMS components have been removed:
Anti-virus Clients
Backup Clients
Virtualization software (such as VM Tools or Hyper-V Integration services)
The End-of-Support Migration Program for Windows server (EMP)