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Pour plus d'informations sur l'accélération du changement et la gestion du changement organisationnel, consultez les ressources suivantes.
Ressources AWS
Billets de blog AWS, articles, podcasts et vidéos
4 reasons to invest in entry-level cloud talent
(Blog AWS Training and Certification) -
Accelerating cloud adoption through culture, change, and leadership (Recommandations AWS)
An Inside Look at the Amazon Culture: Experimentation, Failure, and Customer Obsession
(blog AWS for Industries) -
AWS Conversations with Leaders Podcast
(AWS Executive Insights) -
Rencontre avec les stratégistes d'entreprise d'AWS
(AWS Executive Insights) -
Création de votre modèle d’exploitation cloud (conseils prescriptifs AWS)
Building a culture of innovation to better serve citizens
(Blog AWS Public Sector) -
Digital Transformation: Lead with Culture, Enable with Technology
(AWS Executive Insights) -
Éléments de la culture du Jour 1 d'Amazon
(AWS Executive Insights) -
Failing & Creating a Culture of Learning
(blog AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy) -
How to Create a Data-Driven Culture
(blog AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy) -
How to Manage Organizational Change and Cultural Impact During a Cloud Transformation
(vidéo, discussions techniques en ligne AWS) -
Job Roles in the Cloud
(cours en autonomie, formation et certification AWS) -
The Chief People Officer—The CIO's Partner in Change
(blog AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy) -
The CPO-CIO Partnership Part 2: Taking the Gloves Off
(blog AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy) -
(AWS Executive Insights) -
Workforce Development: Building the workforce of tomorrow
(AWS Public Sector)
Autres ressources
4 Ways CIOs Can Foster Digital Dexterity
(Gartner) -
A Leader's Framework for Decision Making
(Harvard Business Review) -
Best Practices in Change Management
(Prosci) -
Change Management Needs to Change
(Harvard Business Review) -
Developing leadership capabilities
(McKinsey & Company) -
Getting practical about the future of work
(McKinsey & Company) -
Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail
(Harvard Business Review) -
Modern Applications at AWS
(All Things Distributed) -
Modern Cloud Champions
(Accenture) -
Psychological safety and the critical role of leadership development
(McKinsey & Company) -
Staffing Your Enterprise's Cloud Center of Excellence
(Medium) -
The Future of Leadership Development
(Harvard Business Review) -
Turning Potential into Success: The Missing Link in Leadership Development
(Harvard Business Review) -
What's missing in leadership development?
(McKinsey & Company) -
Your Enterprise's Flywheel to the Cloud
(site Web de Medium)