Exemples de code Amazon Ion dans QLDB - Base de données Amazon Quantum Ledger (AmazonQLDB)

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Exemples de code Amazon Ion dans QLDB


Avis de fin de support : les clients existants pourront utiliser Amazon QLDB jusqu'à la fin du support le 31 juillet 2025. Pour plus de détails, consultez Migrer un Amazon QLDB Ledger vers Amazon Aurora SQL Postgre.

Cette section fournit des exemples de code qui traitent les données Amazon Ion en lisant et en écrivant les valeurs des documents dans un QLDB registre Amazon. Les exemples de code utilisent le QLDB pilote pour exécuter des instructions partiQL sur le registre. Ces exemples font partie de l'exemple d'application et sont open source sur le GitHub site AWS Samples. Commencer à QLDB utiliser Amazon à l'aide d'un exemple de didacticiel d'application

Pour des exemples de code généraux illustrant les cas d'utilisation courants du traitement des données ioniques, consultez le livre de recettes Amazon Ion sur GitHub.

Exécution du code

Le code du didacticiel pour chaque langage de programmation effectue les étapes suivantes :

  1. Connectez-vous au registre vehicle-registration d'échantillons.

  2. Créez une table nomméeIonTypes.

  3. Insérez un document dans le tableau avec un seul Name champ.

  4. Pour chaque type de données Ion pris en charge :

    1. Mettez à jour le Name champ du document avec une valeur littérale du type de données.

    2. Interrogez le tableau pour obtenir la dernière révision du document.

    3. Vérifiez que la valeur de Name a conservé ses propriétés de type de données d'origine en vérifiant qu'elle correspond au type attendu.

  5. Déposez la IonTypes table.


Avant d'exécuter ce code didacticiel, vous devez créer un registre nommévehicle-registration.

/* * Copyright 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this * software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, * merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package software.amazon.qldb.tutorial; import com.amazon.ion.IonBlob; import com.amazon.ion.IonBool; import com.amazon.ion.IonClob; import com.amazon.ion.IonDecimal; import com.amazon.ion.IonFloat; import com.amazon.ion.IonInt; import com.amazon.ion.IonList; import com.amazon.ion.IonNull; import com.amazon.ion.IonSexp; import com.amazon.ion.IonString; import com.amazon.ion.IonStruct; import com.amazon.ion.IonSymbol; import com.amazon.ion.IonTimestamp; import com.amazon.ion.IonValue; import com.amazon.ion.Timestamp; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import software.amazon.qldb.Result; import software.amazon.qldb.TransactionExecutor; /** * Insert all the supported Ion types into a ledger and verify that they are stored and can be retrieved properly, retaining * their original properties. * * This code expects that you have AWS credentials setup per: * http://docs.aws.amazon.com/java-sdk/latest/developer-guide/setup-credentials.html */ public class InsertIonTypes { public static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InsertIonTypes.class); public static final String TABLE_NAME = "IonTypes"; private InsertIonTypes() {} /** * Update a document's Name value in the database. Then, query the value of the Name key and verify the expected Ion type was * saved. * * @param txn * The {@link TransactionExecutor} for statement execution. * @param ionValue * The {@link IonValue} to set the document's Name value to. * * @throws AssertionError when no value is returned for the Name key or if the value does not match the expected type. */ public static void updateRecordAndVerifyType(final TransactionExecutor txn, final IonValue ionValue) { final String updateStatement = String.format("UPDATE %s SET Name = ?", TABLE_NAME); final List<IonValue> parameters = Collections.singletonList(ionValue); txn.execute(updateStatement, parameters); log.info("Updated document."); final String searchQuery = String.format("SELECT VALUE Name FROM %s", TABLE_NAME); final Result result = txn.execute(searchQuery); if (result.isEmpty()) { throw new AssertionError("Did not find any values for the Name key."); } for (IonValue value : result) { if (!ionValue.getClass().isInstance(value)) { throw new AssertionError(String.format("The queried value, %s, is not an instance of %s.", value.getClass().toString(), ionValue.getClass().toString())); } if (!value.getType().equals(ionValue.getType())) { throw new AssertionError(String.format("The queried value type, %s, does not match %s.", value.getType().toString(), ionValue.getType().toString())); } } log.info("Successfully verified value is instance of {} with type {}.", ionValue.getClass().toString(), ionValue.getType().toString()); } /** * Delete a table. * * @param txn * The {@link TransactionExecutor} for lambda execute. * @param tableName * The name of the table to delete. */ public static void deleteTable(final TransactionExecutor txn, final String tableName) { log.info("Deleting {} table...", tableName); final String statement = String.format("DROP TABLE %s", tableName); txn.execute(statement); log.info("{} table successfully deleted.", tableName); } public static void main(final String... args) { final IonBlob ionBlob = Constants.SYSTEM.newBlob("hello".getBytes()); final IonBool ionBool = Constants.SYSTEM.newBool(true); final IonClob ionClob = Constants.SYSTEM.newClob("{{'This is a CLOB of text.'}}".getBytes()); final IonDecimal ionDecimal = Constants.SYSTEM.newDecimal(0.1); final IonFloat ionFloat = Constants.SYSTEM.newFloat(0.2); final IonInt ionInt = Constants.SYSTEM.newInt(1); final IonList ionList = Constants.SYSTEM.newList(new int[]{1, 2}); final IonNull ionNull = Constants.SYSTEM.newNull(); final IonSexp ionSexp = Constants.SYSTEM.newSexp(new int[]{2, 3}); final IonString ionString = Constants.SYSTEM.newString("string"); final IonStruct ionStruct = Constants.SYSTEM.newEmptyStruct(); ionStruct.put("brand", Constants.SYSTEM.newString("ford")); final IonSymbol ionSymbol = Constants.SYSTEM.newSymbol("abc"); final IonTimestamp ionTimestamp = Constants.SYSTEM.newTimestamp(Timestamp.now()); final IonBlob ionNullBlob = Constants.SYSTEM.newNullBlob(); final IonBool ionNullBool = Constants.SYSTEM.newNullBool(); final IonClob ionNullClob = Constants.SYSTEM.newNullClob(); final IonDecimal ionNullDecimal = Constants.SYSTEM.newNullDecimal(); final IonFloat ionNullFloat = Constants.SYSTEM.newNullFloat(); final IonInt ionNullInt = Constants.SYSTEM.newNullInt(); final IonList ionNullList = Constants.SYSTEM.newNullList(); final IonSexp ionNullSexp = Constants.SYSTEM.newNullSexp(); final IonString ionNullString = Constants.SYSTEM.newNullString(); final IonStruct ionNullStruct = Constants.SYSTEM.newNullStruct(); final IonSymbol ionNullSymbol = Constants.SYSTEM.newNullSymbol(); final IonTimestamp ionNullTimestamp = Constants.SYSTEM.newNullTimestamp(); ConnectToLedger.getDriver().execute(txn -> { CreateTable.createTable(txn, TABLE_NAME); final Document document = new Document(Constants.SYSTEM.newString("val")); InsertDocument.insertDocuments(txn, TABLE_NAME, Collections.singletonList(document)); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionBlob); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionBool); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionClob); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionDecimal); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionFloat); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionInt); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionList); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionNull); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionSexp); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionString); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionStruct); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionSymbol); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionTimestamp); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionNullBlob); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionNullBool); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionNullClob); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionNullDecimal); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionNullFloat); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionNullInt); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionNullList); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionNullSexp); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionNullString); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionNullStruct); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionNullSymbol); updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, ionNullTimestamp); deleteTable(txn, TABLE_NAME); }); } /** * This class represents a simple document with a single key, Name, to use for the IonTypes table. */ private static class Document { private final IonValue name; @JsonCreator private Document(@JsonProperty("Name") final IonValue name) { this.name = name; } @JsonProperty("Name") private IonValue getName() { return name; } } }
/* * Copyright 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this * software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, * merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ import { QldbDriver, Result, TransactionExecutor } from "amazon-qldb-driver-nodejs"; import { AssertionError } from "assert"; import { dom, IonType, IonTypes } from "ion-js"; import { insertDocument } from "./InsertDocument"; import { getQldbDriver } from "./ConnectToLedger"; import { createTable } from "./CreateTable"; import { error, log } from "./qldb/LogUtil"; const TABLE_NAME: string = "IonTypes"; /** * Delete a table. * @param txn The {@linkcode TransactionExecutor} for lambda execute. * @param tableName Name of the table to delete. * @returns Promise which fulfills with void. */ export async function deleteTable(txn: TransactionExecutor, tableName: string): Promise<void> { log(`Deleting ${tableName} table...`); const statement: string = `DROP TABLE ${tableName}`; await txn.execute(statement); log(`${tableName} table successfully deleted.`); } /** * Update a document's Name value in QLDB. Then, query the value of the Name key and verify the expected Ion type was * saved. * @param txn The {@linkcode TransactionExecutor} for lambda execute. * @param parameter The IonValue to set the document's Name value to. * @param ionType The Ion type that the Name value should be. * @returns Promise which fulfills with void. */ async function updateRecordAndVerifyType( txn: TransactionExecutor, parameter: any, ionType: IonType ): Promise<void> { const updateStatement: string = `UPDATE ${TABLE_NAME} SET Name = ?`; await txn.execute(updateStatement, parameter); log("Updated record."); const searchStatement: string = `SELECT VALUE Name FROM ${TABLE_NAME}`; const result: Result = await txn.execute(searchStatement); const results: dom.Value[] = result.getResultList(); if (0 === results.length) { throw new AssertionError({ message: "Did not find any values for the Name key." }); } results.forEach((value: dom.Value) => { if (value.getType().binaryTypeId !== ionType.binaryTypeId) { throw new AssertionError({ message: `The queried value type, ${value.getType().name}, does not match expected type, ${ionType.name}.` }); } }); log(`Successfully verified value is of type ${ionType.name}.`); } /** * Insert all the supported Ion types into a table and verify that they are stored and can be retrieved properly, * retaining their original properties. * @returns Promise which fulfills with void. */ const main = async function(): Promise<void> { try { const qldbDriver: QldbDriver = getQldbDriver(); await qldbDriver.executeLambda(async (txn: TransactionExecutor) => { await createTable(txn, TABLE_NAME); await insertDocument(txn, TABLE_NAME, [{ "Name": "val" }]); await updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, dom.load("null"), IonTypes.NULL); await updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, true, IonTypes.BOOL); await updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, 1, IonTypes.INT); await updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, 3.2, IonTypes.FLOAT); await updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, dom.load("5.5"), IonTypes.DECIMAL); await updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, dom.load("2020-02-02"), IonTypes.TIMESTAMP); await updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, dom.load("abc123"), IonTypes.SYMBOL); await updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, dom.load("\"string\""), IonTypes.STRING); await updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, dom.load("{{ \"clob\" }}"), IonTypes.CLOB); await updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, dom.load("{{ blob }}"), IonTypes.BLOB); await updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, dom.load("(1 2 3)"), IonTypes.SEXP); await updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, dom.load("[1, 2, 3]"), IonTypes.LIST); await updateRecordAndVerifyType(txn, dom.load("{brand: ford}"), IonTypes.STRUCT); await deleteTable(txn, TABLE_NAME); }); } catch (e) { error(`Error updating and validating Ion types: ${e}`); } } if (require.main === module) { main(); }
# Copyright 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this # software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software # without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, # merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # This code expects that you have AWS credentials setup per: # https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/guide/quickstart.html from datetime import datetime from decimal import Decimal from logging import basicConfig, getLogger, INFO from amazon.ion.simple_types import IonPyBool, IonPyBytes, IonPyDecimal, IonPyDict, IonPyFloat, IonPyInt, IonPyList, \ IonPyNull, IonPySymbol, IonPyText, IonPyTimestamp from amazon.ion.simpleion import loads from amazon.ion.symbols import SymbolToken from amazon.ion.core import IonType from pyqldbsamples.create_table import create_table from pyqldbsamples.constants import Constants from pyqldbsamples.insert_document import insert_documents from pyqldbsamples.model.sample_data import convert_object_to_ion from pyqldbsamples.connect_to_ledger import create_qldb_driver logger = getLogger(__name__) basicConfig(level=INFO) TABLE_NAME = 'IonTypes' def update_record_and_verify_type(driver, parameter, ion_object, ion_type): """ Update a record in the database table. Then query the value of the record and verify correct ion type saved. :type driver: :py:class:`pyqldb.driver.qldb_driver.QldbDriver` :param driver: An instance of the QldbDriver class. :type parameter: :py:class:`amazon.ion.simple_types.IonPyValue` :param parameter: The Ion value or Python native type that is convertible to Ion for filling in parameters of the statement. :type ion_object: :py:obj:`IonPyBool`/:py:obj:`IonPyBytes`/:py:obj:`IonPyDecimal`/:py:obj:`IonPyDict` /:py:obj:`IonPyFloat`/:py:obj:`IonPyInt`/:py:obj:`IonPyList`/:py:obj:`IonPyNull` /:py:obj:`IonPySymbol`/:py:obj:`IonPyText`/:py:obj:`IonPyTimestamp` :param ion_object: The Ion object to verify against. :type ion_type: :py:class:`amazon.ion.core.IonType` :param ion_type: The Ion type to verify against. :raises TypeError: When queried value is not an instance of Ion type. """ update_query = 'UPDATE {} SET Name = ?'.format(TABLE_NAME) driver.execute_lambda(lambda executor: executor.execute_statement(update_query, parameter)) logger.info('Updated record.') search_query = 'SELECT VALUE Name FROM {}'.format(TABLE_NAME) cursor = driver.execute_lambda(lambda executor: executor.execute_statement(search_query)) for c in cursor: if not isinstance(c, ion_object): raise TypeError('The queried value is not an instance of {}'.format(ion_object.__name__)) if c.ion_type is not ion_type: raise TypeError('The queried value type does not match {}'.format(ion_type)) logger.info("Successfully verified value is instance of '{}' with type '{}'.".format(ion_object.__name__, ion_type)) return cursor def delete_table(driver, table_name): """ Delete a table. :type driver: :py:class:`pyqldb.driver.qldb_driver.QldbDriver` :param driver: An instance of the QldbDriver class. :type table_name: str :param table_name: Name of the table to delete. :rtype: int :return: The number of changes to the database. """ logger.info("Deleting '{}' table...".format(table_name)) cursor = driver.execute_lambda(lambda executor: executor.execute_statement('DROP TABLE {}'.format(table_name))) logger.info("'{}' table successfully deleted.".format(table_name)) return len(list(cursor)) def insert_and_verify_ion_types(driver): """ Insert all the supported Ion types and Python values that are convertible to Ion into a ledger and verify that they are stored and can be retrieved properly, retaining their original properties. :type driver: :py:class:`pyqldb.driver.qldb_driver.QldbDriver` :param driver: A QLDB Driver object. """ python_bytes = str.encode('hello') python_bool = True python_float = float('0.2') python_decimal = Decimal('0.1') python_string = "string" python_int = 1 python_null = None python_datetime = datetime(2016, 12, 20, 5, 23, 43) python_list = [1, 2] python_dict = {"brand": "Ford"} ion_clob = convert_object_to_ion(loads('{{"This is a CLOB of text."}}')) ion_blob = convert_object_to_ion(python_bytes) ion_bool = convert_object_to_ion(python_bool) ion_decimal = convert_object_to_ion(python_decimal) ion_float = convert_object_to_ion(python_float) ion_int = convert_object_to_ion(python_int) ion_list = convert_object_to_ion(python_list) ion_null = convert_object_to_ion(python_null) ion_sexp = convert_object_to_ion(loads('(cons 1 2)')) ion_string = convert_object_to_ion(python_string) ion_struct = convert_object_to_ion(python_dict) ion_symbol = convert_object_to_ion(SymbolToken(text='abc', sid=123)) ion_timestamp = convert_object_to_ion(python_datetime) ion_null_clob = convert_object_to_ion(loads('null.clob')) ion_null_blob = convert_object_to_ion(loads('null.blob')) ion_null_bool = convert_object_to_ion(loads('null.bool')) ion_null_decimal = convert_object_to_ion(loads('null.decimal')) ion_null_float = convert_object_to_ion(loads('null.float')) ion_null_int = convert_object_to_ion(loads('null.int')) ion_null_list = convert_object_to_ion(loads('null.list')) ion_null_sexp = convert_object_to_ion(loads('null.sexp')) ion_null_string = convert_object_to_ion(loads('null.string')) ion_null_struct = convert_object_to_ion(loads('null.struct')) ion_null_symbol = convert_object_to_ion(loads('null.symbol')) ion_null_timestamp = convert_object_to_ion(loads('null.timestamp')) create_table(driver, TABLE_NAME) insert_documents(driver, TABLE_NAME, [{'Name': 'val'}]) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, python_bytes, IonPyBytes, IonType.BLOB) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, python_bool, IonPyBool, IonType.BOOL) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, python_float, IonPyFloat, IonType.FLOAT) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, python_decimal, IonPyDecimal, IonType.DECIMAL) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, python_string, IonPyText, IonType.STRING) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, python_int, IonPyInt, IonType.INT) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, python_null, IonPyNull, IonType.NULL) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, python_datetime, IonPyTimestamp, IonType.TIMESTAMP) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, python_list, IonPyList, IonType.LIST) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, python_dict, IonPyDict, IonType.STRUCT) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_clob, IonPyBytes, IonType.CLOB) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_blob, IonPyBytes, IonType.BLOB) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_bool, IonPyBool, IonType.BOOL) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_decimal, IonPyDecimal, IonType.DECIMAL) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_float, IonPyFloat, IonType.FLOAT) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_int, IonPyInt, IonType.INT) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_list, IonPyList, IonType.LIST) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_null, IonPyNull, IonType.NULL) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_sexp, IonPyList, IonType.SEXP) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_string, IonPyText, IonType.STRING) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_struct, IonPyDict, IonType.STRUCT) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_symbol, IonPySymbol, IonType.SYMBOL) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_timestamp, IonPyTimestamp, IonType.TIMESTAMP) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_null_clob, IonPyNull, IonType.CLOB) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_null_blob, IonPyNull, IonType.BLOB) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_null_bool, IonPyNull, IonType.BOOL) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_null_decimal, IonPyNull, IonType.DECIMAL) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_null_float, IonPyNull, IonType.FLOAT) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_null_int, IonPyNull, IonType.INT) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_null_list, IonPyNull, IonType.LIST) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_null_sexp, IonPyNull, IonType.SEXP) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_null_string, IonPyNull, IonType.STRING) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_null_struct, IonPyNull, IonType.STRUCT) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_null_symbol, IonPyNull, IonType.SYMBOL) update_record_and_verify_type(driver, ion_null_timestamp, IonPyNull, IonType.TIMESTAMP) delete_table(driver, TABLE_NAME) def main(ledger_name=Constants.LEDGER_NAME): """ Insert all the supported Ion types and Python values that are convertible to Ion into a ledger and verify that they are stored and can be retrieved properly, retaining their original properties. """ try: with create_qldb_driver(ledger_name) as driver: insert_and_verify_ion_types(driver) except Exception as e: logger.exception('Error updating and validating Ion types.') raise e if __name__ == '__main__': main()