RegisterUser - Amazon QuickSight


Use the RegisterUser operation to create an Amazon QuickSight user whose identity is associated with the IAM identity or role specified in the request.

Following is an example AWS CLI command for this operation.

aws quicksight register-user --identity-type QUICKSIGHT --email EMAIL --user-role AUTHOR --iam-arn 222233334444 --session-name SESSION --aws-account-id AWSACCOUNTID --namespace default --user-name USERNAME --external-login-federation-provider-type CUSTOM_OIDC --custom-federation-provider-url --external-login-id EXTERNALLOGINID

You can also make this command using a CLI skeleton file with the following command. For more information about CLI skeleton files, see Use CLI skeleton files.

aws quicksight register-user --cli-input-json file://registeruser.json

After using this operation, you get a response that includes a link labeled Invitation URL. Click the Invitation URL to set up a password and activate the new account. The new user then appear in the QuickSight UI. You can use the ListUsers operation to list all users and their corresponding user IDs.

For more information about RegisterUser operation, see RegisterUserin the Amazon QuickSight API Reference.