Exemples d'Amazon Pinpoint utilisant le SDK pour JavaScript (v3) - AWS SDK for JavaScript

Le guide de référence de l'API AWS SDK for JavaScript V3 décrit en détail toutes les opérations de l'API pour la AWS SDK for JavaScript version 3 (V3).

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Exemples d'Amazon Pinpoint utilisant le SDK pour JavaScript (v3)

Les exemples de code suivants vous montrent comment effectuer des actions et implémenter des scénarios courants à l'aide de la version AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) avec Amazon Pinpoint.

Les actions sont des extraits de code de programmes plus larges et doivent être exécutées dans leur contexte. Alors que les actions vous indiquent comment appeler des fonctions de service individuelles, vous pouvez les voir en contexte dans leurs scénarios associés.

Chaque exemple inclut un lien vers le code source complet, où vous trouverez des instructions sur la façon de configurer et d'exécuter le code en contexte.



L'exemple de code suivant montre comment utiliserSendMessages.

SDK pour JavaScript (v3)

Il y en a plus à ce sujet GitHub. Trouvez l’exemple complet et découvrez comment le configurer et l’exécuter dans le référentiel d’exemples de code AWS.

Créez le client dans un module séparé et exportez-le.

import { PinpointClient } from "@aws-sdk/client-pinpoint"; // Set the AWS Region. const REGION = "us-east-1"; export const pinClient = new PinpointClient({ region: REGION });

Envoyer un e-mail.

// Import required AWS SDK clients and commands for Node.js import { SendMessagesCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-pinpoint"; import { pinClient } from "./libs/pinClient.js"; // The FromAddress must be verified in SES. const fromAddress = "FROM_ADDRESS"; const toAddress = "TO_ADDRESS"; const projectId = "PINPOINT_PROJECT_ID"; // The subject line of the email. const subject = "Amazon Pinpoint Test (AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js)"; // The email body for recipients with non-HTML email clients. const body_text = `Amazon Pinpoint Test (SDK for JavaScript in Node.js) ---------------------------------------------------- This email was sent with Amazon Pinpoint using the AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js. For more information, see https://aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-node-js/`; // The body of the email for recipients whose email clients support HTML content. const body_html = `<html> <head></head> <body> <h1>Amazon Pinpoint Test (SDK for JavaScript in Node.js)</h1> <p>This email was sent with <a href='https://aws.amazon.com/pinpoint/'>the Amazon Pinpoint Email API</a> using the <a href='https://aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-node-js/'> AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js</a>.</p> </body> </html>`; // The character encoding for the subject line and message body of the email. const charset = "UTF-8"; const params = { ApplicationId: projectId, MessageRequest: { Addresses: { [toAddress]: { ChannelType: "EMAIL", }, }, MessageConfiguration: { EmailMessage: { FromAddress: fromAddress, SimpleEmail: { Subject: { Charset: charset, Data: subject, }, HtmlPart: { Charset: charset, Data: body_html, }, TextPart: { Charset: charset, Data: body_text, }, }, }, }, }, }; const run = async () => { try { const { MessageResponse } = await pinClient.send( new SendMessagesCommand(params), ); if (!MessageResponse) { throw new Error("No message response."); } if (!MessageResponse.Result) { throw new Error("No message result."); } const recipientResult = MessageResponse.Result[toAddress]; if (recipientResult.StatusCode !== 200) { throw new Error(recipientResult.StatusMessage); } console.log(recipientResult.MessageId); } catch (err) { console.log(err.message); } }; run();

Envoyer un SMS.

// Import required AWS SDK clients and commands for Node.js import { SendMessagesCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-pinpoint"; import { pinClient } from "./libs/pinClient.js"; /* The phone number or short code to send the message from. The phone number or short code that you specify has to be associated with your Amazon Pinpoint account. For best results, specify long codes in E.164 format. */ const originationNumber = "SENDER_NUMBER"; //e.g., +1XXXXXXXXXX // The recipient's phone number. For best results, you should specify the phone number in E.164 format. const destinationNumber = "RECEIVER_NUMBER"; //e.g., +1XXXXXXXXXX // The content of the SMS message. const message = "This message was sent through Amazon Pinpoint " + "using the AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js. Reply STOP to " + "opt out."; /*The Amazon Pinpoint project/application ID to use when you send this message. Make sure that the SMS channel is enabled for the project or application that you choose.*/ const projectId = "PINPOINT_PROJECT_ID"; //e.g., XXXXXXXX66e4e9986478cXXXXXXXXX /* The type of SMS message that you want to send. If you plan to send time-sensitive content, specify TRANSACTIONAL. If you plan to send marketing-related content, specify PROMOTIONAL.*/ const messageType = "TRANSACTIONAL"; // The registered keyword associated with the originating short code. const registeredKeyword = "myKeyword"; /* The sender ID to use when sending the message. Support for sender ID // varies by country or region. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/pinpoint/latest/userguide/channels-sms-countries.html.*/ const senderId = "MySenderID"; // Specify the parameters to pass to the API. const params = { ApplicationId: projectId, MessageRequest: { Addresses: { [destinationNumber]: { ChannelType: "SMS", }, }, MessageConfiguration: { SMSMessage: { Body: message, Keyword: registeredKeyword, MessageType: messageType, OriginationNumber: originationNumber, SenderId: senderId, }, }, }, }; const run = async () => { try { const data = await pinClient.send(new SendMessagesCommand(params)); console.log( `Message sent! ${data.MessageResponse.Result[destinationNumber].StatusMessage}`, ); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } }; run();
  • Pour plus de détails sur l'API, reportez-vous SendMessagesà la section Référence des AWS SDK for JavaScript API.