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FindingProviderSeverity - AWS Security Hub
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The severity assigned to a finding by the finding provider. This object may include one or more of the following attributes:

  • Label

  • Normalized

  • Original

  • Product

If a BatchImportFindings request for a new finding only provides Label or only provides Normalized, AWS Security Hub automatically populates the value of the other field.

The Normalized and Product attributes are included in the FindingProviderSeverity structure to preserve the historical information associated with the finding, even if the top-level Severity object is later modified using the BatchUpdateFindings operation.

If the top-level Finding.Severity object is present, but Finding.FindingProviderFields isn't present, Security Hub creates the FindingProviderFields.Severity object and copies the entire Finding.Severity object into it. This ensures that the original, provider-supplied details are retained within the FindingProviderFields.Severity object, even if the top-level Severity object is overwritten.



The severity label assigned to the finding by the finding provider.

Type: String


Required: No


The finding provider's original value for the severity.

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 64.

Type: String

Pattern: .*\S.*

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:

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