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AwsElasticBeanstalk ressources dans ASFF
Vous trouverez ci-dessous des exemples de syntaxe du format de recherche de AWS sécurité (ASFF) pour les AwsElasticBeanstalk
AWS Security Hub normalise les résultats provenant de diverses sources dans. ASFF Pour obtenir des informations générales surASFF, voirAWS Format de recherche de sécurité (ASFF).
objet contient des informations sur un AWS Elastic Beanstalk environnement.
L'exemple suivant montre le format AWS de recherche de sécurité (ASFF) pour l'AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironment
objet. Pour consulter les descriptions des AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironment
attributs, reportez-vous AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetailsà la section AWS Security Hub APIRéférence.
"AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironment": { "ApplicationName": "MyApplication", "Cname": "myexampleapp-env.devo-2.elasticbeanstalk-internal.com", "DateCreated": "2021-04-30T01:38:01.090Z", "DateUpdated": "2021-04-30T01:38:01.090Z", "Description": "Example description of my awesome application", "EndpointUrl": "eb-dv-e-p-AWSEBLoa-abcdef01234567890-021345abcdef6789.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com", "EnvironmentArn": "arn:aws:elasticbeanstalk:us-east-1:123456789012:environment/MyApplication/myapplication-env", "EnvironmentId": "e-abcd1234", "EnvironmentLinks": [ { "EnvironmentName": "myexampleapp-env", "LinkName": "myapplicationLink" } ], "EnvironmentName": "myapplication-env", "OptionSettings": [ { "Namespace": "aws:elasticbeanstalk:command", "OptionName": "BatchSize", "Value": "100" }, { "Namespace": "aws:elasticbeanstalk:command", "OptionName": "Timeout", "Value": "600" }, { "Namespace": "aws:elasticbeanstalk:command", "OptionName": "BatchSizeType", "Value": "Percentage" }, { "Namespace": "aws:elasticbeanstalk:command", "OptionName": "IgnoreHealthCheck", "Value": "false" }, { "Namespace": "aws:elasticbeanstalk:application", "OptionName": "Application Healthcheck URL", "Value": "TCP:80" } ], "PlatformArn": "arn:aws:elasticbeanstalk:us-east-1::platform/Tomcat 8 with Java 8 running on 64bit Amazon Linux/2.7.7", "SolutionStackName": "64bit Amazon Linux 2017.09 v2.7.7 running Tomcat 8 Java 8", "Status": "Ready", "Tier": { "Name": "WebServer" "Type": "Standard" "Version": "1.0" }, "VersionLabel": "Sample Application" }