Supported AWS Regions - Instance Scheduler on AWS

Supported AWS Regions

You can deploy Instance Scheduler in any AWS Region, including AWS GovCloud (US) Regions and some opt-in Regions (Regions that are disabled by default). After you deploy the solution, you can configure it to apply the appropriate start or stop actions to tagged EC2 and RDS DB instances in any Region(s) of your account. If you use cross-account instance scheduling, the solution applies actions to instances in all configured Regions in all accounts.


Instance Scheduler on AWS actions affect appropriately tagged instances in all AWS Regions of your account, even though the Lambda function is running in a single Region.

You can use multiple deployments of the solution to schedule a large number of instances, or instances in many accounts and Regions. When you deploy multiple schedulers, use a different tag name for each stack, and configure a set of non-overlapping Regions for each deployment.

Each deployment checks every instance in every configured Region in an account for the tag key that identifies resources it should schedule. If the Regions for multiple deployments overlap, each instance will be checked by multiple deployments.


For opt-in Regions, Instance Scheduler on AWS can target instances within any opt-in Region for scheduling, but the CloudFormation stacks themselves are currently only available for deployment in the following opt-in Regions.