Making API requests
In addition to using the console, you can use the AWS Transfer Family API to programmatically configure and manage your servers. This section describes the AWS Transfer Family operations, request signing for authentication and the error handling. For information about the regions and endpoints available for Transfer Family, see AWS Transfer Family endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference
You can also use the AWS SDKs when developing applications with Transfer Family;. The
AWS SDKs for Java, .NET, and PHP wrap the underlying Transfer Family API, simplifying
your programming tasks. For information about downloading the SDK libraries, see
Sample code libraries
Transfer Family required request headers
This section describes the required headers that you must send with every POST request to AWS Transfer Family. You include HTTP headers to identify key information about the request including the operation you want to invoke, the date of the request, and information that indicates the authorization of you as the sender of the request. Headers are case insensitive and the order of the headers is not important.
The following example shows headers that are used in the ListServers operation.
POST / HTTP/1.1 Host:
x-amz-target: TransferService.ListServers x-amz-date: 20220507T012034Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIDEXAMPLE/20220507/us-east-1/transfer/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-target, Signature=13550350a8681c84c861aac2e5b440161c2b33a3e4f302ac680ca5b686de48de Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1 Content-Length: 17 {"MaxResults":10}
The following are the headers that must include with your POST requests to Transfer Family. Headers shown below that begin with "x-amz" are specific for AWS. All other headers listed are common header used in HTTP transactions.
Transfer Family request inputs and signing
All request inputs must be sent as part of JSON payload in request body. For Actions in which all
request fields are optional, for example ListServers
, you still need to provide
an empty JSON object in the request body, such as {}
. The structure of Transfer Family
payload request/response is documented in existing the API reference, for example DescribeServer.
Transfer Family supports authentication using AWS Signature Version 4. For details, see Signing AWS API requests.
Error responses
When there is an error, the response header information contains:
An appropriate
HTTP status code
The body of an error response contains information about the error that occurred. The following sample error response shows the output syntax of response elements common to all error responses.
{ "__type": "String", "Message": "String", <!-- Message is lowercase in some instances --> "Resource": String, "ResourceType": String "RetryAfterSeconds": String }
The following table explains the JSON error response fields shown in the preceding syntax.
- __type
One of the exceptions from a Transfer Family API call.
Type: String
- Message or message
One of the operation error code messages.
Some exceptions use
, and others useMessage
. You can check the code for your interface to determine the proper case. Alternatively, you can test each option to see which works.Type: String
- Resource
The resource for which the error is invoked. For example, if you try to create a user that already exists, the
is the username for the existing user.Type: String
- ResourceType
The resource type for which the error is invoked. For example, if you try to create a user that already exists, the
.Type: String
- RetryAfterSeconds
The number of seconds to wait before retrying the command.
Type: String
Error response examples
The following JSON body is returned if you call the DescribeServer
API and specify a
server that does not exist.
{ "__type": "ResourceNotFoundException", "Message": "Unknown server", "Resource": "s-11112222333344444", "ResourceType": "Server" }
The following JSON body is returned if executing an API causes throttling to occur.
{ "__type":"ThrottlingException", "RetryAfterSeconds":"1" }
The following JSON body is returned if you use the CreateServer
and you do not have sufficient permissions to create a Transfer Family server.
{ "__type": "AccessDeniedException", "Message": "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action." }
The following JSON body is returned if you use the CreateUser
API and
specify a user that already exists.
{ "__type": "ResourceExistsException", "Message": "User already exists", "Resource": "Alejandro-Rosalez", "ResourceType": "User" }
Available libraries
AWS provides libraries, sample code, tutorials, and other resources for software
developers who prefer to build applications using language-specific APIs instead of the
command-line tools and Query API. These libraries provide basic functions (not included
in the APIs), such as request authentication, request retries, and error handling so
that it is easier to get started. See Tools to build on AWS
For libraries and sample code in all languages, see Sample code & libraries