[DL.ADS.3] Use staggered deployment and release strategies - DevOps Guidance

[DL.ADS.3] Use staggered deployment and release strategies


Staggered deployments strategies make use of techniques like progressive wave-based deployments, one-box deployments, and rolling deployments. These techniques contribute to safer and more reliable software deployment and release processes. Staggered deployments are beneficial as they balance the safety of small-scoped deployments with the speed of delivering changes to customers.

Progressive deployments, for instance, involve deploying changes to deployment groups, or waves, of increasing size. This method helps to achieve a balance between deployment risk and speed, promoting changes from wave to wave. The initial waves build confidence in the change by starting with a low number of requests and then gradually increasing.

Each production wave of the staggered deployment starts with a limited deployment, one-box stage, where the new code is first deployed to a single unit called a box. A box could be a single server or container instance which is deployed to a specific environment, AWS Region, single AWS Availability Zone, or within a single cell in a cell-based architecture. This approach minimizes the potential impact of changes by initially limiting the requests served by the new code. The box should be served a fraction of canary tests while its performance is being closely monitored before a broader rollout.

Following the limited deployment stage, rolling deployments are typically used to deploy to the wave's main production fleet. This approach helps ensure that the service has enough capacity to serve the production load throughout the deployment. A typical rolling deployment to an environment replaces at most 33% of the system's fleet in that environment with the new code. By maintaining at least 66% of the overall capacity healthy and serving requests, the impact of changes is limited. If necessary, fast rollbacks can be implemented where the system replaces 33% of the system's fleet with the previous code to speed up the rollback process.

If you require more control over the release of the change, consider using blue/green deployments rather than one-box and rolling deployments. In a blue/green deployment, two identical production environments are maintained, and the inactive environment (either blue or green) is updated. Once fully tested and ready, traffic is switched from the active to the inactive environment, thus minimizing downtime and risk

These strategies reduce the risk of introducing issues into the system and allow for monitoring, swift rollback, and issue tracking. However, they require careful planning, thorough testing, and detailed monitoring. Their benefits to system reliability and resilience are substantial and are recommended for any organization.

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