[O.SI.3] Instrument all systems for comprehensive telemetry data collection
All systems should be fully-instrumented to collect the metrics, logs, events, and traces necessary for meeting key performance indicators (KPIs), service level objectives, and logging and monitoring strategies. Teams should integrate instrumentation libraries into the components of new systems and feature enhancements to capture relevant data points, while also ensuring that pipelines and associated tools used during build, testing, deployment, and release of the system are also instrumented to track development lifecycle metrics and best practices.
Chosen libraries and tools should support the efficient collection, normalization, and aggregation of telemetry data. Depending on the workload and existing instrumentation, this could involve structured log-based metric reporting, or it might rely on other established methods like using StatsD, Prometheus exporters, or other monitoring solutions. The chosen method should align with the workload's specific needs and the complexity involved in instrumenting the solution. Strike a balance between thorough monitoring and the amount of work required to implement and maintain the monitoring solution, to avoid falling into an anti-pattern of excessive instrumentation.
Teams might also consider the use of auto-instrumentation tools to simplify the process of collecting data across their systems with little to no manual intervention, reducing the risk of human error and inconsistencies. Examples of auto-instrumentation include embedding instrumentation tools in shared computer images like AMIs or containers being used, automatically gathering telemetry from the compute runtime, or embedding instrumentation tools into shared libraries and frameworks.
Regardless of how the team chooses to implement it, instrumentation should be designed to accommodate the needs of the specific workload and business requirements. This includes considering factors such as cost, security, data retention, access, compliance, and governance requirements. All collected data must always be protected using appropriate security measures, including encryption and least-privilege access controls.
Related information:
AWS Well-Architected Performance Pillar: PERF02-BP03 Collect compute-related metrics
AWS Well-Architected Cost Optimization Pillar: COST05-BP02 Analyze all components of the workload
Instrumenting distributed systems for operational visibility
Build an observability solution using managed AWS services and the OpenTelemetry standard