Choose a model type
The following model types are available in Amazon Fraud Detector. Choose a model type that works for your use case.
Online Fraud Insights
The Online Fraud Insights model type is optimized to detect fraud when little historical data is available about the entity being evaluated, for example, a new customer registering online for a new account.
Transaction Fraud Insights
The Transaction Fraud Insights model type is best suited for detecting fraud use cases where the entity that is being evaluated might have a history of interactions that the model can analyze to improve prediction accuracy (for example, an existing customer with history of past purchases).
Account Takeover Insights
The Account Takeover Insights model type detects if an account was compromised by phishing or another type of attack. The login data of a compromised account, such as the browser and device used at login, is different from the historical login data that’s associated with the account.