Delete an event or event type - Amazon Fraud Detector

Delete an event or event type

When you delete an event, Amazon Fraud Detector permanently deletes that event and the data associated with the event is no longer stored in Amazon Fraud Detector.

To delete an event that Amazon Fraud Detector has evaluated through GetEventPrediction API
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Fraud Detector console at

  2. In the left navigation pane of the console, choose Search past predictions.

  3. Choose the event that you want to delete.

  4. Choose Actions, and then choose Delete event.

  5. Enter delete, and then choose Delete event.


This deletes all records that are associated to that Event ID, including any event data sent to the SendEvent operation and any prediction data generated through the GetEventPrediction operation.

To delete an event that is stored in Amazon Fraud Detector but has not been evaluated (that is, it was stored via the SendEvent operation), you must make a DeleteEvent request and specify the Event ID and Event Type ID. If you want to delete both the event and any prediction history associated with the event, set the value of the deleteAuditHistory parameter to “true”. With deleteAuditHistory parameter set to “true”, the event data is available through search for up to 30 seconds after the delete operation is completed.

To delete all events associated with an event type
  1. In the left navigation pane of the console, choose Event types

  2. Choose the event type for which you want all events deleted.

  3. Navigate to Stored events tab and choose Delete stored events

Depending on the number of stored events for the event type, it might take some time to delete all stored events. For example, a 1 GB dataset (approximately 1-2 million events for the average customer) takes around 2 hours to delete. During this time, new events that you send to Amazon Fraud Detector of this event type are not stored, but you can continue to generate fraud predictions via the GetEventPrediction operation.

To delete an event type

You cannot delete an event type that is used in a detector or a model, or has associated stored events. Before deleting an event type, you must delete all events that are associated with that event type.

When you delete an event type, Amazon Fraud Detector permanently deletes that event type and the data is no longer stored in Amazon Fraud Detector.

  1. In the left navigation pane of the Amazon Fraud Detector console, choose Resources, and then choose Events.

  2. Choose the event type that you want to delete.

  3. Choose Actions, and then choose Delete event type.

  4. Enter the event type name, and then choose Delete event type.