Disable event orchestration in Amazon Fraud Detector - Amazon Fraud Detector

Disable event orchestration in Amazon Fraud Detector

You can disable event orchestration for an event anytime in the Amazon Fraud Detector console, using the put-event-type command, using the PutEventType API, or using the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3).

Disable event orchestration in the Amazon Fraud Detector console

To disable event orchestration
  1. Open the AWS Management Console and sign in to your account. Navigate to Amazon Fraud Detector.

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Events.

  3. In the Events type page, choose your event type.

  4. Turn off Enable event orchestration with Amazon EventBridge.

Disable event orchestration using the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3)

The following example shows a sample request for updating an event type sample_registration to disable event orchestration using the PutEventType API.

import boto3 fraudDetector = boto3.client('frauddetector') fraud_detector.put_event_type( name = 'sample_registration', eventVariables = ['ip_address', 'email_address'], eventOrchestration = {'eventBridgeEnabled': False}, entityTypes = ['sample_customer'])