Store event data using the SendEvent API operation
You can use the SendEvent
API operation to store events in Amazon Fraud Detector without generating fraud predictions for those events. For example,
you can use the SendEvent
operation to upload a historical dataset, which you can later use to train a model.
Event Timestamp formats for SendEvent API
When storing event data using SendEvent
API, you must ensure that your event timestamp is in the required format. Amazon Fraud Detector supports
the following date/timestamp formats:
%yyyy-%mm-%ddT%hh:%mm:%ssZ (ISO 8601 standard in UTC only with no milliseconds)
Example: 2019-11-30T13:01:01Z
%yyyy/%mm/%dd %hh:%mm:%ss (AM/PM)
Examples: 2019/11/30 1:01:01 PM, or 2019/11/30 13:01:01
%mm/%dd/%yyyy %hh:%mm:%ss
Examples: 11/30/2019 1:01:01 PM, 11/30/2019 13:01:01
%mm/%dd/%yy %hh:%mm:%ss
Examples: 11/30/19 1:01:01 PM, 11/30/19 13:01:01
Amazon Fraud Detector makes the following assumptions when parsing date/timestamp formats for event timestamps:
If you are using the ISO 8601 standard, it must be an exact match of the preceding specification
If you are using one of the other formats, there is additional flexibility:
For months and days, you can provide single or double digits. For example, 1/12/2019 is a valid date.
You do not need to include hh:mm:ss if you do not have them (that is, you can simply provide a date). You can also provide a subset of just the hour and minutes (for example, hh:mm). Just providing hour is not supported. Milliseconds are also not supported.
If you provide AM/PM labels, a 12-hour clock is assumed. If there is no AM/PM information, a 24-hour clock is assumed.
You can use “/” or “-” as delimiters for the date elements. “:” is assumed for the timestamp elements.
The following is an example SendEvent
API call.
import boto3 fraudDetector = boto3.client('frauddetector') fraudDetector.send_event( eventId = '802454d3-f7d8-482d-97e8-c4b6db9a0428', eventTypeName = 'sample_registration', eventTimestamp = '2020-07-13T23:18:21Z', eventVariables = { 'email_address' : '', 'ip_address' : ''}, assignedLabel = ‘legit’, labelTimestamp = '2020-07-13T23:18:21Z', entities = [{'entityType':'sample_customer', 'entityId':'12345'}], )