Download, build, flash, and run the FreeRTOS OTA demo on the Microchip Curiosity PIC32MZEF
This reference integration is hosted on the Amazon-FreeRTOS repository which is deprecated. We recommend that you start here when you create a new project. If you already have an existing FreeRTOS project based on the now deprecated Amazon-FreeRTOS repository, see the Amazon-FreeRTOS Github Repository Migration Guide.
In agreement with Microchip, we are removing the Curiosity PIC32MZEF (DM320104) from the FreeRTOS Reference
Integration repository main branch and will no longer carry it in new releases. Microchip has issued an official notice
To download the FreeRTOS OTA demo code
You can download the source code on the GitHub site at
To build the OTA update demo application
Follow the instructions in Get Started with FreeRTOS to import the
project into the MPLAB X IDE, configure your AWS IoT endpoint, your Wi-Fi SSID and password, and a private key and certificate for your board. -
Open the
file, and enter your certificate.vendor
/aws_demos/config_files/ota_demo_config.h[] = "
"; -
Paste the contents of your code-signing certificate here:
#define otapalconfigCODE_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE [] = "
";Follow the same format as
-- each line must end with the new line character ('\n') and be enclosed in quotation marks.For example, your certificate should look similar to the following:
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" "MIIBXTCCAQOgAwIBAgIJAM4DeybZcTwKMAoGCCqGSM49BAMCMCExHzAdBgNVBAMM\n" "FnRlc3Rf62lnbmVyQGFtYXpvbi5jb20wHhcNMTcxMTAzMTkxODM1WhcNMTgxMTAz\n" "MTkxODM2WjAhMR8wHQYDVQBBZZZ0ZXN0X3NpZ25lckBhbWF6b24uY29tMFkwEwYH\n" "KoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAERavZfvwL1X+E4dIF7dbkVMUn4IrJ1CAsFkc8\n" "gZxPzn683H40XMKltDZPEwr9ng78w9+QYQg7ygnr2stz8yhh06MkMCIwCwYDVR0P\n" "BAQDAgeAMBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMDMAoGCCqGSM49BAMCA0gAMEUCIF0R\n" "r5cb7rEUNtWOvGd05MacrgOABfSoVYvBOK9fP63WAqt5h3BaS123coKSGg84twlq\n" "TkO/pV/xEmyZmZdV+HxV/OM=\n" "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
Install Python 3
or later. -
by runningpip install pyopenssl
. -
Copy your code-signing certificate in .pem format in the path
. Rename the certificate fileaws_ota_codesigner_certificate.pem
. -
, comment outfreertos
/aws_demos/config_files/aws_demo_config.h#define CONFIG_CORE_MQTT_MUTUAL_AUTH_DEMO_ENABLED
. -
Build the solution and make sure it builds without errors.
Start a terminal emulator and use the following settings to connect to your board:
Baud rate: 115200
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Unplug the debugger from your board and run the project on your board to confirm it can connect to Wi-Fi and the AWS IoT MQTT message broker.
When you run the project, the MPLAB X IDE should open an output window. Make sure the ICD4 tab is selected. You should see the following output.
Bootloader version 00.09.00 [prvBOOT_Init] Watchdog timer initialized. [prvBOOT_Init] Crypto initialized. [prvValidateImage] Validating image at Bank : 0 [prvValidateImage] No application image or magic code present at: 0xbd000000 [prvBOOT_ValidateImages] Validation failed for image at 0xbd000000 [prvValidateImage] Validating image at Bank : 1 [prvValidateImage] No application image or magic code present at: 0xbd100000 [prvBOOT_ValidateImages] Validation failed for image at 0xbd100000 [prvBOOT_ValidateImages] Booting default image. >0 36246 [IP-task] vDHCPProcess: offer ac140a0eip 1 36297 [IP-task] vDHCPProcess: offer ac140a0eip 2 36297 [IP-task] IP Address: 3 36297 [IP-task] Subnet Mask: 4 36297 [IP-task] Gateway Address: 5 36297 [IP-task] DNS Server Address: 6 36299 [OTA] OTA demo version 0.9.2 7 36299 [OTA] Creating MQTT Client... 8 36299 [OTA] Connecting to broker... 9 38673 [OTA] Connected to broker. 10 38793 [OTA Task] [prvSubscribeToJobNotificationTopics] OK: $aws/things/devthingota/jobs/$next/get/accepted 11 38863 [OTA Task] [prvSubscribeToJobNotificationTopics] OK: $aws/things/devthingota/jobs/notify-next 12 38863 [OTA Task] [OTA_CheckForUpdate] Request #0 13 38964 [OTA] [OTA_AgentInit] Ready. 14 38973 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] Extracted parameter [ clientToken: 0:devthingota ] 15 38973 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: execution 16 38973 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: jobId 17 38973 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: jobDocument 18 38973 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: streamname 19 38973 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: files 20 38975 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: filepath 21 38975 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: filesize 22 38975 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: fileid 23 38975 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: certfile 24 38975 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: sig-sha256-ecdsa 25 38975 [OTA Task] [prvParseJobDoc] Ignoring job without ID. 26 38975 [OTA Task] [prvOTA_Close] Context->0x8003b620 27 38975 [OTA Task] [prvPAL_Abort] Abort - OK 28 39964 [OTA] State: Ready Received: 1 Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0 29 40964 [OTA] State: Ready Received: 1 Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0 30 41964 [OTA] State: Ready Received: 1 Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0 31 42964 [OTA] State: Ready Received: 1 Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0 32 43964 [OTA] State: Ready Received: 1 Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0 33 44964 [OTA] State: Ready Received: 1 Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0 34 45964 [OTA] State: Ready Received: 1 Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0 35 46964 [OTA] State: Ready Received: 1 Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0 36 47964 [OTA] State: Ready Received: 1 Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0
The terminal emulator should display text like the following:
AWS Validate: no valid signature in descr: 0xbd000000 AWS Validate: no valid signature in descr: 0xbd100000 >AWS Launch: No Map performed. Running directly from address: 0x9d000020? AWS Launch: wait for app at: 0x9d000020 WILC1000: Initializing... 0 0 >[None] Seed for randomizer: 1172751941 1 0 [None] Random numbers: 00004272 00003B34 00000602 00002DE3 Chip ID 1503a0 [spi_cmd_rsp][356][nmi spi]: Failed cmd response read, bus error... [spi_read_reg][1086][nmi spi]: Failed cmd response, read reg (0000108c)... [spi_read_reg][1116]Reset and retry 10 108c Firmware ver. : 4.2.1 Min driver ver : 4.2.1 Curr driver ver: 4.2.1 WILC1000: Initialization successful! Start Wi-Fi Connection... Wi-Fi Connected 2 7219 [IP-task] vDHCPProcess: offer c0a804beip 3 7230 [IP-task] vDHCPProcess: offer c0a804beip 4 7230 [IP-task] IP Address: 5 7230 [IP-task] Subnet Mask: 6 7230 [IP-task] Gateway Address: 7 7230 [IP-task] DNS Server Address: 8 7232 [OTA] OTA demo version 0.9.0 9 7232 [OTA] Creating MQTT Client... 10 7232 [OTA] Connecting to broker... 11 7232 [OTA] Sending command to MQTT task. 12 7232 [MQTT] Received message 10000 from queue. 13 8501 [IP-task] Socket sending wakeup to MQTT task. 14 10207 [MQTT] Received message 0 from queue. 15 10256 [IP-task] Socket sending wakeup to MQTT task. 16 10256 [MQTT] Received message 0 from queue. 17 10256 [MQTT] MQTT Connect was accepted. Connection established. 18 10256 [MQTT] Notifying task. 19 10257 [OTA] Command sent to MQTT task passed. 20 10257 [OTA] Connected to broker. 21 10258 [OTA Task] Sending command to MQTT task. 22 10258 [MQTT] Received message 20000 from queue. 23 10306 [IP-task] Socket sending wakeup to MQTT task. 24 10306 [MQTT] Received message 0 from queue. 25 10306 [MQTT] MQTT Subscribe was accepted. Subscribed. 26 10306 [MQTT] Notifying task. 27 10307 [OTA Task] Command sent to MQTT task passed. 28 10307 [OTA Task] [OTA] Subscribed to topic: $aws/things/Microchip/jobs/$next/get/accepted 29 10307 [OTA Task] Sending command to MQTT task. 30 10307 [MQTT] Received message 30000 from queue. 31 10336 [IP-task] Socket sending wakeup to MQTT task. 32 10336 [MQTT] Received message 0 from queue. 33 10336 [MQTT] MQTT Subscribe was accepted. Subscribed. 34 10336 [MQTT] Notifying task. 35 10336 [OTA Task] Command sent to MQTT task passed. 36 10336 [OTA Task] [OTA] Subscribed to topic: $aws/things/Microchip/jobs/notify-next 37 10336 [OTA Task] [OTA] Check For Update #0 38 10336 [OTA Task] Sending command to MQTT task. 39 10336 [MQTT] Received message 40000 from queue. 40 10366 [IP-task] Socket sending wakeup to MQTT task. 41 10366 [MQTT] Received message 0 from queue. 42 10366 [MQTT] MQTT Publish was successful. 43 10366 [MQTT] Notifying task. 44 10366 [OTA Task] Command sent to MQTT task passed. 45 10376 [IP-task] Socket sending wakeup to MQTT task. 46 10376 [MQTT] Received message 0 from queue. 47 10376 [OTA Task] [OTA] Set job doc parameter [ clientToken: 0:Microchip ] 48 10376 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: execution 49 10376 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: jobId 50 10376 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: jobDocument 51 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: ts_ota 52 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: files 53 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: streamname 54 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: certfile 55 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: filepath 56 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: filesize 57 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: sig-sha256-ecdsa 58 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: fileid 59 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: attr 60 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Returned buffer to MQTT Client. 61 11367 [OTA] [OTA] Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0 62 12367 [OTA] [OTA] Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0 63 13367 [OTA] [OTA] Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0 64 14367 [OTA] [OTA] Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0 65 15367 [OTA] [OTA] Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0 66 16367 [OTA] [OTA] Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0
This output shows the Microchip Curiosity PIC32MZEF can connect to AWS IoT and subscribe
to the MQTT topics required for OTA updates. The Missing job parameter
messages are expected because there are no OTA update jobs pending.