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Get CreateOTAUpdate failure details using the AWS CLI - FreeRTOS

Get CreateOTAUpdate failure details using the AWS CLI

If the process of creating an OTA update job fails, there may be actions you can take to remedy the problem. When you create an OTA update job, the OTA manager service creates an IoT job and schedules it for the target devices, and this process also creates or uses other types of AWS resources in your account (a code-signing job, an AWS IoT stream, an Amazon S3 object). Any error encountered may cause the process to fail without creating an AWS IoT job. In this troubleshooting section we give instructions on how to retrieve the details of the failure.

  1. Install and configure the AWS CLI.

  2. Run aws configure and enter the following information.

    $ aws configure AWS Access Key ID [None]: AccessID AWS Secret Access Key [None]: AccessKey Default region name [None]: Region Default output format [None]: json

    For more information, see Quick configuration with aws configure.

  3. Run:

    aws iot get-ota-update --ota-update-id ota_update_job_001

    Where ota_update_job_001 is the ID you gave the OTA update when you created it.

  4. The output will look like this:

    { "otaUpdateInfo": { "otaUpdateId": "ota_update_job_001", "otaUpdateArn": "arn:aws:iot:region:account_id:otaupdate/ota_update_job_001", "creationDate": 1584646864.534, "lastModifiedDate": 1584646865.913, "targets": [ "arn:aws:iot:region:account_id:thing/thing_001" ], "protocols": [ "MQTT" ], "awsJobExecutionsRolloutConfig": {}, "awsJobPresignedUrlConfig": {}, "targetSelection": "SNAPSHOT", "otaUpdateFiles": [ { "fileName": "/12ds", "fileLocation": { "s3Location": { "bucket": "bucket_name", "key": "demo.bin", "version": "Z7X.TWSAS7JSi4rybc02nMdcE41W1tV3" } }, "codeSigning": { "startSigningJobParameter": { "signingProfileParameter": {}, "signingProfileName": "signing_profile_name", "destination": { "s3Destination": { "bucket": "bucket_name", "prefix": "SignedImages/" } } }, "customCodeSigning": {} } } ], "otaUpdateStatus": "CREATE_FAILED", "errorInfo": { "code": "AccessDeniedException", "message": "S3 object demo.bin not accessible. Please check your permissions (Service: AWSSigner; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: 01d8e7a1-8c7c-4d85-9fd7-dcde975fdd2d)" } } }

    If the create failed, the otaUpdateStatus field in the command output will contain CREATE_FAILED and the errorInfo field will contain the details of the failure.

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