Use IDT to run the sample test suite - FreeRTOS

Use IDT to run the sample test suite

To run the sample test suite, run the following commands on your host computer:

cd <device-tester-extract-location>/bin ./devicetester_[linux | mac | win_x86-64] run-suite --suite-id IDTSampleSuitePython

IDT runs the sample test suite and streams the results to the console. When the test has finished running, you see the following information:

========== Test Summary ========== Execution Time: 5s Tests Completed: 4 Tests Passed: 4 Tests Failed: 0 Tests Skipped: 0 ---------------------------------- Test Groups: sample_group: PASSED ---------------------------------- Path to AWS IoT Device Tester Report: /path/to/devicetester/results/87e673c6-1226-11eb-9269-8c8590419f30/awsiotdevicetester_report.xml Path to Test Execution Logs: /path/to/devicetester/results/87e673c6-1226-11eb-9269-8c8590419f30/logs Path to Aggregated JUnit Report: /path/to/devicetester/results/87e673c6-1226-11eb-9269-8c8590419f30/IDTSampleSuitePython_Report.xml