Run the test suite - FreeRTOS

Run the test suite

After you create your test suite, you want to make sure that it functions as expected. Complete the following steps to run the test suite with your existing device pool to do so.

  1. Copy your MyTestSuite_1.0.0 folder into <device-tester-extract-location>/tests.

  2. Run the following commands:

    cd <device-tester-extract-location>/bin ./devicetester_[linux | mac | win_x86-64] run-suite --suite-id MyTestSuite

IDT runs your test suite and streams the results to the console. When the test has finished running, you see the following information:

time="2020-10-19T09:24:47-07:00" level=info msg=Using pool: pool time="2020-10-19T09:24:47-07:00" level=info msg=Using test suite "MyTestSuite_1.0.0" for execution time="2020-10-19T09:24:47-07:00" level=info msg=b'hello world\n' suiteId=MyTestSuite groupId=myTestGroup testCaseId=myTestCase deviceId=my-device executionId=9a52f362-1227-11eb-86c9-8c8590419f30 time="2020-10-19T09:24:47-07:00" level=info msg=All tests finished. executionId=9a52f362-1227-11eb-86c9-8c8590419f30 time="2020-10-19T09:24:48-07:00" level=info msg= ========== Test Summary ========== Execution Time: 1s Tests Completed: 1 Tests Passed: 1 Tests Failed: 0 Tests Skipped: 0 ---------------------------------- Test Groups: myTestGroup: PASSED ---------------------------------- Path to AWS IoT Device Tester Report: /path/to/devicetester/results/9a52f362-1227-11eb-86c9-8c8590419f30/awsiotdevicetester_report.xml Path to Test Execution Logs: /path/to/devicetester/results/9a52f362-1227-11eb-86c9-8c8590419f30/logs Path to Aggregated JUnit Report: /path/to/devicetester/results/9a52f362-1227-11eb-86c9-8c8590419f30/MyTestSuite_Report.xml